All Chapters of Reincarnated As An Omega: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
34 Chapters
Piper is dead
I walked up to the bed and sat down beside her, patiently waiting for her to gather herself together and speak up.When Amber was done talking, my chest felt too tight for me to breathe and my palms were cold and clammy with sweat. While I was here enjoying my nice room, the good food and also thinking about my revenge and new-found second chance mate, Amber for suffering because of me.“Hey Angela” she nudged me with her elbow," don't think too much about it. I'm fine. I'm still alive, see?” She spread her arms wide and tried to smile but winced instead and clutched her ribs with a pained expression.“Are you okay? No, scratch that, you aren't” before she could know what I was going to do, I was grabbing her to her feet and pulling off her gown.“Hey, what are you doing?” She spluttered in shock as she tried to grab her gown and cover herself.I was faster. I had her maid gown off her in record time. My mouth dropped open and my eyes nearly popped open in shock at the dark, pale and
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relieved of her duty
I kept amber with me. No way was I going to allow her to return back to being a maid or even allow her to spend another second living with the other maids, not to talk of working in the kitchen. All I had to do after the doctor I sent the guard to find me, came to treat her was to go in search of Azalea.She has been super busy with different Luna duties I had no idea about and some I knew of. I have not seen her nor has she come to visit me since that day she told me about Lothar's first mate, his uncle, and his childhood.And right now, she was exchanging blows with the pack's Gemma while I was standing by the side and waiting for her to be done, so I could discuss taking Amber under my wings. I might be Lothar's mate, but I didn't have any power to stop Amber from going back to working in the kitchen. I needed Azalea's help with it.“Hey Angela, how have you been?” Azalea asked me with a smile as she bounded over to my side once she was done with her fight. She'd fought with Gemma
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familiar looking man
“I’m tired,” Amber groaned as she suddenly stopped walking. She was breathing fast and she placed her hands on her waist. She was sweating and she felt sticky. Angela, who was one step ahead of her, stopped and turned to look at her, “Stop being so dramatic. You are just lazy” “Lazy?” Amber snapped exasperatedly., “We've been walking for almost two hours and the sun is scorching hot today. I feel so sweaty and my clothes are sticking to my body. I’m hot and thirsty, I would do anything to leave the sun. You think I'm dramatic?” Amber could not believe Angela right now. She used to be the one who couldn't walk under the sun for fear of burning because of her light and transparent skin. This Angela was different. She had been different since she woke up after being knocked on the head. Amber liked this new Angela but the old one won't allow her to walk under the sun. Angela sighed. “You are the one who said you wanted to take a walk” Amber had recovered quickly but she soon began to i
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Galloping horse
The man looked more like Lothar, like an older version. He could easily pass for Lothar’s father. She would have thought him to be Lothar’s father if she did not know that he was already dead. Why so much resemblance?The man was also staring directly at her. Having been caught looking, Angela thought the man would take his eyes away immediately but instead, he picked his cup that held wine and raised it to her. A wide smile grazed his full lips when her eyes widened a tiny fraction."Are you okay, Angela?" Amber asked when she saw that Angela was lost staring in a certain direction.Angela took her eyes off the man who looked so much like Lothar to give amber a forced smile. She nodded, "Yes, I'm fine. I just…" Angela trailed off in shock when she returned her eyes back to where the man was seated and the chair was empty. The cup the man held up to her was not there either. Angela blinked once, then twice but still, the chair and table was empty. Where had the man gone or had she j
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Rose flower
“Oh my God, were you trying to get us killed?” Amber had her hands to her chest and she was gasping in shock at their near-death experience. If Angela had not been quick to drag her out of the way, the horse would have trampled them and if the rider was not good enough at controlling his horse, he and the horse would be on the ground in splatters and dead by now.The man on the horse chuckled in amusement before he threw himself off the horse. He had a red rose in his hand. He gave a mocking bow as he stretched the rose flower to Angela, “For you, my lady” Angela, who was angry because of what the man did, scaring them and acting like it was not a big deal by laughing it off and giving her a rose flower, refused to accept it.“I don't need your flower, thank you. You should be apologizing to us” Angela snapped.From the man's attire and the horse he was riding, coupled with his wolf's scent, Angela knew that he was rich, he was an alpha, but she did not care. She did not know where t
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Yes, Amber's mother was slowly recovering and could even sit up now. Amber and Angela lost track of time that Angela's guard had to come after them. He had changed out of his guard uniform and was now putting on clothes reserved for peasants and omegas, he blended in well. He also did away with his sword but Angela knew that he must have daggers and little knives hidden away somewhere in his body. When he knocked, Amber was the one that went to open the door for him and welcomed him inside. "Hey, what are you doing here? I thought I asked you to wait for us outside?" Angela asked and a snicker left her mouth as she eyed his clothes with a."Of course you did but have you been outside yet?" The guard snapped at her.Angela sneered at his disrespectful tone, " what's outside?""Maybe you should see for yourself. It's late already and we have to return back to the palace"Angela raised her brow at him before walking past him to the door. She sighed in understanding when she saw that it
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I need light
No one came for her. Angela did not know for how long she sat in the dark room and cried until she had no more tears left in her eyes. She had to drag herself up from the bed when she felt like she was about to die of hunger to find her way to the room’s door. She had a hard time locating it; she kicked her foot against a hard wooden table nearly tumbling down on her face in the process.This place reminded her of when she was locked in the dungeon because of Paul and Anna. The same cold chill and feeling of fear because she did not know if anyone would come to her rescue or what was going to happen to her. She just prayed that history won't repeat itself and she won't die a second time because she would never want to come back again no matter what. Revenge be damned. When she finally located the door, she knocked hard against it, “Hello, anyone out there?” she kept quiet, silently uttering a prayer that someone would hear her and respond but all she got was silence. She knocked agai
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You'll be the lady here
Angela could not sit still after the man left, she stood by the door hoping to hear him coming back. When after a few minutes which felt like an eternity to her, she did not hear the man coming back, she became anxious and begs to pace to and fro. The man might have said that he would get her food and light but how sure was she that he would bring it?This time around, she did not hear the man coming back. Her mind must have been occupied with different thoughts. She almost let out a scream when the door was suddenly thrown open and light filled the room, almost blinding her. “Here is your food and light”She did not even have the opportunity to thank the man, as soon as she collected the tray of food and lamp from him, he slammed the door shut, causing her to jump and nearly burn herself.Angela turned away from the door and raised the lamp so that she could see the room she was in. It was almost the same as her room in Lothar's palace. It was a room fit for a queen but with no wind
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Beautiful and blonde
What did he mean when he said ‘you will be the lady of this place and will live here’?Oh yes, she really did become the lady of the place because as soon as he was done saying it, over forty young girls and ten older women filtered into the room in an orderly manner and bowed to her in greetings before lifting their head to stare at her as if waiting for her orders. She turned to look at the man whose name she did not yet know in confusion, “Who are they?" She asked. “They are the women that will serve you during your time here" he answered her with a nonchalant expression.The only thing she latched onto was the fact that he said ‘during your time here’ “How long do you think I will remain here for?" Her expression betrayed her anxiousness as she held her breath waiting for his answer which delayed in coming.“Until the alpha wants you to come out. Now, address your ladies in waiting” he walked away after that.Angela kept her eyes on his broad back as he walked out of the place
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Learn how to fight
“I want to learn how to fight," Angela said when she was finally able to corner the guard whose name she now knew to be Camelot. She held his cold gaze as he looked at her from head to toe but she couldn't fathom the emotion in his eyes. He turned to move away and she was quick to understand that he was not taking what she just said seriously. Angela rushed to stand in front of him to block his path; she stretched out her hands when he tried to sidestep her, and because the corridor where she cornered him was not spacious, she was able to stop him from leaving.“I'm really serious. I want to learn how to fight." She held his gaze just to show how serious she truly was. Seeing that he was not trying to walk around her to leave but now had a contemplative look in his eyes, she dropped her outstretched hands. Camelot took a step back from her, "Why do you want to leave how to fight all of a sudden?” He wanted to know because what woman in her right senses would want to learn how to fi
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