All Chapters of Torn Between the Alpha and the Vampire: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
89 Chapters
Chapter 21: History
I woke up extra drowsy, for some reason. I didn’t know what the time was but I guessed that it was around ten. A quick glance around the room actually confirmed this. There was a clock in the room that I didn’t notice last night. It was twenty minutes past ten. The apartment was silent. I didn’t see a reason to leave the room because I wasn’t hungry and anyway, I was still tired. I felt like I could sleep for longer. I hated what my life had been reduced to but in all honesty, I was to blame for where my life was at. I made all the decisions and so, I’d have to face the consequences. By the way, I didn’t think it was all that bad. I missed the stability most of all. I missed my routine. Waking up in the morning, having whatever I wished to eat because food was never an issue, and then I’d have the day to myself because Garrett worked. He told me he worked at a firm. Was he lying? I had no idea. I didn’t have a reason to doubt him before because he had money. Where would it come fr
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Chapter 22: Tag Along
It was around six PM when I heard them wake up. By then, I was wide awake. I felt like I had slept the entire day and would surely stay up at night. I had slept all the exhaustion away and the sense of not knowing what to do haunted me now. It was easier when I was always tired. Now that I was wide awake, I realized that things would be more boring for me. What was I supposed to do all night while they were busy drinking blood in the living room?I didn’t want to know but I was tired of staying in the room. Would it always be like this for me now that I was with them? It wasn’t that I was complaining because I knew I didn’t have another choice, but I didn’t have to be entirely satisfied with it either. I was now almost always surrounded by strangers and I didn’t get along with the one I was better acquainted with. Speaking of Felix, I wouldn’t even go there. I wouldn’t say that we had reached an agreement. My guess was that he was messing with my mind, mostly because he could hear
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Chapter 23: Vampire Party
Nothing else was said about me by the time we reached the car, which was surprisingly a minivan. If there was one thing that shocked me, it was how ‘normal’ their lives were. They lived in an ordinary apartment in the worst possible neighborhood and they drove a minivan. The SUV Felix drove the other day made more sense—I didn’t question it. I guessed I associated vampires with wealth. It wasn’t the case although Felix’s apartment could be considered luxurious. I sat beside the tall vampire. Jay was in the passenger’s seat and Vanessa was driving. They weren’t saying much. What Jay said about me being ‘precious’ to Felix darkened the mood. I noticed the subtle change instantly, which only made me more curious as to why they were acting this way. What was there to be so upset about?I was embarrassed by what he had said but I didn’t think it warranted this sudden silence and tension. It always made me feel like I was two steps behind them, and that there was something going on that
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Chapter 24: Attention
Sven was the first to speak. “Don’t even start. She’s with Felix.”“Russell?” He arched a brow. “Was that supposed to intimidate me?”“You haven’t changed at all, Eriksson,” Vanessa remarked. She actually sounded disappointed. “I thought you’d be changed. You insist on being an asshole for almost a millennium?”This made him smirk. “Why not? What else is there to be?”She rolled her eyes and sighed. Leon shifted his eyes to me briefly before directing his gaze to Sven. I didn’t know what to make of this. I didn’t want to take what they said seriously so I played it cool. There was no reason to worry. Everything would be alright. “My little brother,” he said before kissing Sven’s cheeks. I hid my shock well. Brothers? It was almost impossible to believe. They looked nothing alike, and one was blonde and the other brunette. Their personalities were also miles apart. “I haven’t seen you in a hundred years. I felt your absence deeply.”Sven was stiff about it. He handed him the box and
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Chapter 25: Territorial Beast
My mind was relatively empty as I went arm-in-arm with Leon through the house. We took the left staircase to the first floor, which wasn't as packed with people, so it was easy to walk. My emotions were building inside of me and influencing all my decisions. Somewhere far away, I knew this was a terrible decision I was making but I ignored all the alarms blaring in my mind. All that mattered was my curiosity. When we reached the second floor, I was surprised to see that it was empty. I could still hear the music, though. We kept walking until he opened a door to my left and gestured for me to walk inside. My eyes widened when I saw two women naked on his bed. They were lying close to each other and they were beautiful. They had these magnetic eyes that pulled me in, and I found myself taking a step toward the bed. Leon was behind me, closing the door. He then placed his hands on my shoulders and said, "I want you to meet my friends."They went on staring at me with disinterest bu
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Chapter 26: Fear and Anxiety
Felix and I got into his car and left the party venue. I felt somewhat weak, like I caught something back there. Having my thoughts and emotions and invaded wasn't a pleasant thing to experience. At the moment, I didn't even realize it but now that his influence was gone, I felt it more than ever. If Felix hadn't come for me, I would have done something really stupid. He drove away from the mansion. I didn't know where we were headed and now that I knew that he never had a concrete plan, I was starting to understand him more. I didn't have a clue either, so why should someone else know? It was comforting to know that I wasn't alone in feeling this sense of being completely lost and surrounded by dangers I didn't quite understand. We were driving through the city now. The familiar places only made me feel worse. I was a stranger driving through a forgotten time. I didn't belong in this place anymore. I was assaulted by such thoughts and feelings. From the corner of my eye, I saw
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Chapter 27: In the Dark
For some reason, the tea made me feel sleepy. I literally collapsed on the bed as soon as I reached the room. I hadn’t said a word to Felix as he watched me drink it all up, I just turned on my heel and stalked out of the kitchen. I couldn’t keep my eyes open but I couldn’t fall asleep either. My mind was racing and no matter how hard I tried to shut these thoughts out, I couldn’t. Was this a side-effect from the medication? Was it something else? I didn’t like it. I felt like my body wasn’t quite touching the bed; like I was floating atop it. It was then that the nightmares and the sleep paralysis started. I hadn’t had sleep paralysis since I was a little girl and so this was a strange experience for me. My body felt heavy and not being to move plunged me into a pool of panic. A figure materialized by the door. I was sure that I had closed it, so seeing it there unsettled me. It took several steps toward me. My movements became even more frantic and then I felt my throat working
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Chapter 28: Bad Joke
It was Sven who came to check up on me later that night. He said there was food waiting for me in the kitchen, which was frankly the only incentive I needed to get out of bed. I was surprised to see Felix sitting amongst the others. We made eye contact and I looked away quickly, my heart’s pace picking up for no apparent reason. I go into the kitchen and open the only takeout bag on the counter. They ordered Chinese, which makes my mouth water. They went on talking in soft voices. I didn’t try to pick up any part of the conversation. I was tired of hearing things that didn’t concern me. Maybe they did, but I didn’t want to know what they were all about. I’d rather just be in the dark about everything. I ate the stir fried noodles in under five minutes. It was incredibly delicious and salty, which was exactly what I needed. There were also dumplings and egg rolls inside, which was more than enough to satiate me. I ate standing at the counter and with my back facing them. I focused
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Chapter 29: Familiar Voice
As predicted, I watched the sunrise through the window in Maggie’s sitting room. That was when I knew that I’d have to spend the rest of the day with her. There was no way that they were going to come for me when the sun was up. I often wondered what happened up there. Jay’s joke was a tasteless one. I didn’t like hearing that, especially from one of them. I had hopes that I’d survive this and so hearing someone say I’d die deflated my hopes. He was a jackass, I knew that. They all probably knew that. However, I didn’t think that Felix’s reaction was warranted at all. Why did he react so aggressively to that? There was a lot I didn’t know yet. I felt like a clueless child around them. Maggie went to sleep just as the sun began to rise. Before she disappeared inside her room, she told me, once again, to feel right at home. I found it odd but didn’t question it, and then I checked her refrigerator just out of curiosity and was surprised to find it fully stocked. She had everything i
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Chapter 30: Abduction
“I don’t think that’s such a good idea,” I whispered to her as she walked toward the door. She ignored me and kept going. “Maggie!” I said through my teeth but she wasn’t stopping. She wasn’t going to listen to me. I had no way of stopping her from opening the door. This was her apartment. I could only hope for the best. “Who is it?” she asked sweetly. “There’s someone in there I’d like to have a word with,” the man I spoke to earlier said. My heart dropped at the sound of his voice, which I still hadn’t recognized. “Would you be kind enough to open the door?”Maggie exchanged a glance with me. I shook my head wildly. She said, “I’m afraid you’re mistaken. I’m the only one here.”There was silence on the other side of the door. Waiting for him to say something was unnerving. The problem was that he had seen me come inside. He knew I was here. If he had been watching the door this whole time, he would know that I never left the apartment. After about thirty seconds of silence, I wa
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