All Chapters of The Wicked Werewolf Prince: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
52 Chapters
20. Love and Poison
[ELARA] Pain shoots up my arm and reaches my skull the moment Alec’s fangs pierce the flesh there. It’s excruciating and I’m thrown back by the impact, knocked off my feet as a reaction to it. I bite on my teeth so I don’t scream. I don’t want to alert the guards. They could hurt him. They could kill him when they see the bite mark on my arm. Even though his arms sear as they try to reach me through the silver bars, he doesn’t stop. Alec wants me dead; I can see the murderous look in his eyes. Just a moment ago, I was hoping there was nothing holding us apart, but now I can’t be more grateful for those silver bars. He tricked me into thinking he was harmless… until I extended my arm inside the cell to touch his cheek. And then he came at me, like he had done inside the tent. Furious like a beast. My arm begins to throb, the flesh starting to turn a shade of reddish-black as blood trickles down to the muddy ground at an alarming rate. Lila’s panic is mingled with mine. But he
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21. Echoes of Mistral Hollow
[ELARA] According to Morgana, if I stay awake during the extraction procedure, I will likely lose my mind from the pain. So she suggests I be put into a dreamy sleep, induced by the sap of some wildflower. Lila requests me to listen to her this one time, but I refuse the suggestion and let Morgana begin. But the moment she cuts the blade through my arm, I let out a scream so loud, my ears deafen momentarily. I see Magnus shut his eyes, a groan leaving his lips. “Put her to sleep,” he commands her. Despite the fury I feel, I don’t object. The sap is thick—pricking bits of my tongue as I gulp it down. A moment passes before my mouth begins numbing. Morgana comes closer once again, blade in her hand. As the procedure begins, I feel myself slipping into the familiar realm of dreams. It's as though my consciousness is divided, stuck between the reality of Morgana's lair and the vivid dreamscape that unfolds before me. In the dream
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22. The Dead Prince
[MAGNUS] Tonight is a night for nightmares. Everytime I close my eyes, the faces of all those I’ve lost come to me. Nyra with her dark skin and a smile for which men would give up their kingdoms. My father, his eyes filled with shock and betrayal as the guillotine separates his head from his body. My mother, with my name on her lips, as her golden eyes close and she abandons me forever. During nights such as these, I remember just how utterly alone and miserable I am. How, for a long time, I haven’t known happiness or peace. How I’ve been struggling, and how long I will struggle for until I’ve avenged it all. And after I’ve pitied myself and thought of it all, the one question that rises in my mind and always breaks me. Will it be worth anything? Given I’ve lost everything, and the only thing I hope to win at the end of it all is a kingdom. Something I’ve never desired. And of course, revenge against my uncle, Eldric Blackwell. That’s the only thing that keeps me going. Even
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23. The Restless Wolf
[MAGNUS] As I make my way to the council chamber, my footsteps become heavier. It hasn’t really struck me yet that Kian is gone. That he’s dead. I should be relieved that my contender for the throne is put down. But I feel a sense of loss. After all, he was my kin. But now Eldric has no choice but to announce me as heir. Unless he thinks of doing something absolutely crazy. Could he get rid of Queen Seraphina and marry a younger woman? Seraphina had trouble bearing children; when Kian finally came out of her, he was frail and sick. No one believed he would make it. But he grew up to be a strong alpha werewolf, proving that the blood of the Luna coursed through him. A part of me can’t help but think of the love Eldric feels for his wife. Despite all the cruelty he put me through, he was always kind to her and to his kid—spoiling them with affection. A life that he took away from me by being responsible for the death of my own father and mother. And there returns my anger. Alist
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24. Don't Need Your Love
[ELARA]‘I can’t sense his wolf,’ Lila tells me the moment I open my eyes. My chest feels empty and burdened at the same time as I get on my feet—realizing only a moment later that I’m in Magnus’ room. The memories of the previous night come flooding into my mind. “Alec,” I whisper his name as tears roll down my cheeks. He doesn’t remember me. He has lost his memory. “You slept well,” Magnus’ cool voice strikes my ears. I didn’t notice that he was in the same room. He walks to me leisurely from a dark corner of the chamber, his golden eyes appearing dark in the scant light of the morning. He looks more formally dressed than usual; even a dull gray tunic makes him look regal. I notice the wolves embroidered into the sleeves of his tunic with black thread. Lila says again, ‘I can’t sense Alec’s wolf.’“Where are you going?” Magnus asks as I put one step in front of the other and head to the exit of the chamber. Wiping the tears from my cheeks, I straighten my dress. I’m starting t
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25. Purple Irises
Alec never leaves my mind. His words keep coming back, his horrified face haunting me. While Beatrice helps me get into my mourning clothes, I don’t stop crying. Tears fall silently from my eyes until they're half shut from the swelling. I don’t hold them back, fearing the pain will suffocate me. This is the worst day of my life. I thought nothing would hurt more than losing my mother. But back then, I still had my father with me, friends in my pack. Now, I don’t have anyone. Even Lila has gone silent. She has lost her hope too. Beatrice doesn’t ask me anything. I wonder if she took care of me during the time I was unconscious. I doubt Magnus would've let her in. But then I found Alec in the same room as me. Beatrice trusted me with her tears, so I trust her with mine. She continues to rub my back in a soothing way occasionally. She's young but mature for her age. When I see myself in the mirror, I realize I’m wearing a gown with a pattern similar to the tunic Magnus wore. The g
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26. Lost Love
[ELARA] Contrary to my assumption, Alec is not imprisoned in the dungeons. Neither is he in Morgana’s lair. He’s in a chamber on the highest floor of the palace. A room really, with a proper bed, a wide window, and wardrobes. When Magnus and I get there, he’s standing by the open window with his back to us. His hands are clasped together and he seems to be looking over at the Cursed Gulf. Seeing Alec with nothing holding him tied—seeing him free, sends a strange shiver down my spine. I feel an entirely different kind of fear at this moment. The fear of everything coming to an end. Lila’s tensed voice resonates within me, ‘My mate is lost. I don’t sense him. He’s a stranger.’ Wolfless and with a forgotten memory. That’s the fate written by the Moon Goddess for Alec Tawr of the Lunar Crest pack. Everything he was, everything he had made himself is gone. Just like that. Losing a person in this way—where you can see them, but know that they don't recognise you—is a pain I pr
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27. Aren't you afraid?
[MAGNUS]The eerie silence of the Cursed Gulf hangs heavy today, just like it has been for a while now. The storms that once roared through these waters, swallowing ships whole, seem to have taken a hiatus. But it's the calm before the storm, I believe, the kind of chaos that'll break loose once my uncle Eldric sails back into Caelondor.I can't shake the thought that maybe one of those storms will take him down, sparing me the trouble of facing him, blood against blood. It hasn’t even been a full day since we got word of Kian's death, yet I can feel the shift in the air, like everyone's holding their breath, waiting for the dust to settle.They're all eyeing me up, sizing me for the crown they think is mine now that Kian's gone. But I can't bring myself to accept it, not yet at least. My mind keeps drifting to that chamber where Elara's talking with Alec. I want to know what's going on in there, but eavesdropping isn’t right, even if the temptation's there.Still, I'm keeping a close
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28. A Gift Wrapped in Blood
[ELARA] Even though her face is shrouded with a gray veil, I can still feel her watching me with scrutiny. I know she’s weighing my decision on her scales—because it was certainly not guided by her. I don’t know how I got here. After telling the prince to send Alec away, I kept walking with no destination in mind. Merely straying from one floor to the one beneath, until I found myself here. Face to face with Goddess Luna’s idol. I can’t help but notice that it is oddly placed—not centered, not in a sophisticated corner, just planted along a side like some obstruction just after a turn. Anyone would be startled to come across it. I believe the placement has a good reason behind it—it is easier to not ignore her this way. Knowing she’s always there, keeping a close account of your decisions. It’s scary in a way. I’m certain it’s scarier when you can actually see her eyes, usually sapphire-eyed, staring right into the depth of your soul. I assume that this is not how they usual
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29. The Unwelcome Promotion
[ELARA] “It’ll never stop bleeding,” Morgana repeats slowly, enunciating every word with a movement of her lips that seems to be casting a charm in itself. She gets to her feet and walks to me, swaying her hips as she tucks her black hair behind her ear. She appears cunningly beautiful for the first time. All this time I believed her to be mature—a woman who knew how to hide her intelligence. But now, in this moment, she shows a side of her that’s terrifyingly mesmerizing. When she stops, she’s just a few inches away, towering over me. I sense the unspoken challenge she presents. ‘How dare you try to stop me?’ she seems to scream silently at me. ‘How dare you keep me from getting what I want?’ “You feel powerful only because Magnus lets you use your power,” I tell her, holding my chin high and refusing to cower. “Soon he will realize he doesn’t need you. That you’re just a servant.”Her eyes narrow at my words and the corner of her lip twitches, but she shakes her head. “I don’t
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