All Chapters of Moonlit Rivalry: Raya's Heart: Chapter 81 - Chapter 87
87 Chapters
Ch. 81
Dane’s POVThe fight that felt like it had taken days to finish, was finally over. Raya was safe and in my arms once more as we stared out onto the bloody field. I knew we had a lot to clean up, but for just a minute I was able to hold Raya close. The effects of the necklace that Blake had gifted me before the fight were starting to wear off, causing me to feel the insane need to be wrapped around my mate. She stared out at all the deceased, feeling their deaths deep in her soul. I knew it was affecting her greatly, especially Barrett’s. “Elliot is dead,” she whispered to me, revealing she wasn’t just hurting for Barrett. “We need to find Cruz, he’s hurt.”With just those words the need to consume her vanished, replaced by worry for the man I call my brother. We
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Ch. 82
Raya’s POVI awoke to the sound of a light humming. It called to me like a siren in the night, leading me in a trance down the hall and away from my sleeping mate. Standing in front of a room with a black door speckled in white, I slowly opened the door, unsure of what I would find. There stood three large figures in gold, each one with their own intimidating presence. Their eerie eyes scanned over me as if I were nothing more than an ant in their wake. In front of them stood my mother alongside my father. I knew not who these large figures were, but I knew they were important. “Come inside, daughter of Selene. Your presence is required for us to proceed,” the man in the middle spoke. He was taller than the other two by a few inches. His gold skin shone as if he were painted in golden glitter. His hair was no different, spar
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Ch. 83
 Hunter’s POV I tried to find Amaya last night, to tell her who I was to her. I knew witches didn’t have mates, at least not normally. Most chose a wizard to be with so that their children could still have magic. In rare instances a wolf would be mated to a witch, but in most of those cases, the witch would reject them, not wanting to lose the magic they could pass down to their children. I could understand that, but this would be different. I am not only a werewolf but a wizard, and as such, Amaya and I could have children that would still be able to have magic. She wouldn’t have to give anything up to be with me, at least nothing except the Lunaris Pack.  My heart clenched at the thought of her rejecting me. I knew she hated the Eclipse Moon Pack with a passion. Without her feeling the mate bon
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Ch. 84
Raya’s POVI watched as Amaya tried to process everything that had just been told to her. She took a step back as she does when she needs a second longer to think. Her eyes scanned over Hunter cautiously, taking in every little feature. She was studying him, studying her mate. Finally, after about 5 minutes, she walked towards Hunter. I watched as my poor new friend stood against my oldest friend. He was scared. I could feel it from where I stood. “You’re a wizard?” Her tone was laced with deep disbelief, even though I had confirmed his story. Amaya wasn’t quick to trust, especially not someone she previously disliked. “I am.” Hunter nodded, his posture slouching slightly under her gaze. She was tearing this poor new Alpha down in a matter of seconds as she circled him, almost as if she were appraising me. “Show me,” she demanded, holding her chin as she continued to analyze him. “I don’t really know how without hurting something.” “Come with me.” Amaya grabbed his hand, causing
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Ch. 85
Raya’s POV I found Grandpa with Blake, messing with things in his room. It was almost as if we had two official wizard’s instead of just one. I realized with the curse gone, and Elliot dead, would Blake want to return to his old pack. That would be something I would leave up to him. Of course, I would miss him if he chose to leave, but I would also understand. Especially with Dad coming back, we would have 3 wizards in this pack, and somehow that feels against the rules. If there even are any for that. “I need to talk to you,” I told him as I approached him, giving him a hug before I continued. With everything going on, I had yet to tell him the news about Dad. I was giddy with excitement, ready to just blurt it out. “You’ve got my attention, pumpkin.” “I had a meeting this morning with a group of gods called the Gilded Enforcers.” “The Gilded Enforcers?!” Grandpa’s eyes shot wide, seeming to know exactly who I was talking about. “Are you okay? Are you being punished? What hap
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Ch. 86
Raya’s POV Holding Dane’s hand, I dragged him out of the orgy that had apparently started and gave chase to Nessa. I wanted to know who it was that was mated to a woman like her. Who would be strong enough to handle her? She was fast as she ran through the field and into the castle. She paused at the center first floor with her nose in the air as she scented out her mate. When she caught the strong smell once more, she headed up the stairs. I began to realize where we were headed as she turned right at the corridor and then another left. When we reached his room, it suddenly made sense. I had seen that faint white line when they had first met, after all. I just didn’t realize what it was, and neither had they. She busted that door open without a care, entering without asking. Blake’s eyes bulged out of his head as he stared at a crazy looking Nessa. Her eyes were fiercely on him, like a cat in heat ready to pounce. She was not going to be taking no as an answer, so I really hope Bla
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Raya’s POV A heavy gush of hair left my lungs as my sweet child kicked me under the ribs once more. There was barely any room for him inside me now, and I still had another two weeks to go. Training has become increasingly hard, as being pregnant has somehow tripled my powers. I guess my body wants to protect our child just as much as my heart. “What have I told you about kicking your mother?” Dane jokingly scolded our child as he pointed to my stomach, as if he could understand. I laughed, loving every moment of seeing him be a dad. Dane has spoiled me rotten, never leaving my side, carrying me everywhere, bringing me everything. I couldn’t ask for a better king– for a better mate. In this world he is more than just a husband. He is part of my soul– my literal other half. “I’m ready for him to come out, but also not. I really feel like I have no idea what I am doing. What if I mess it all up? What if I can’t control my goddess magic while in labor?” These worries have been eatin
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