All Chapters of The Billionaire For A Rebound: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
117 Chapters
First meeting
Mrs. Wright wasted no time and got straight to the point. "Camila, could you please call Ethan and ask him when he'll be arriving?" she requested, her eyes focused on her daughter.Camila nodded, reaching for her phone on the nightstand. She dialed Ethan's number, her heart fluttering with excitement. Ethan, still groggy from sleep, answered the call, his voice filled with surprise."Hey, babe," Camila greeted, her voice filled with eagerness. "When will you be coming?"Ethan, now fully awake thanks to the call, glanced at the clock by his bedside. "By 10 am," he responded. "I can't wait to see you."Camila's smile widened, her heart skipping a beat at Ethan's words. "I can't wait either," she confessed before bidding him farewell, ending the call with a sense of excitement tingling in the air.As Camila hung up, Milly, passed by her room. Curiosity piqued, Milly couldn't help but inquire about the conversation. "Who was that, Camila?" she asked, stepping into the room.Camila turned
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Lovey-dovey Actions
Breaking the stillness, Ethan greeted Mrs. Wright with a warm smile. "Good day, Mrs. Wright," he said, his voice carrying a touch of charm. "These are for you." With style, he extended the flower and fruit towards her, a symbol of his appreciation.Mrs. Wright's eyes widened with delight as she accepted the gifts. "Thank you, Ethan," she replied, her voice filled with gratitude. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you." She paused, a playful glimmer in her eyes. "And thank you for the lovely gifts."Ethan returned her smile, his gaze shifting to Milly. "Hi, Milly," he greeted warmly, acknowledging her presence. "You look absolutely stunning today, even more beautiful than Camila." He couldn't resist adding a teasing note, hoping to evoke a response from Camila.Milly chuckled at Ethan's remark, delighted by the compliment. She knew full well his playful intentions, her eyes darting towards Camila as she savored the moment. The subtle rivalry between the sisters added an intriguing air to
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Lawrence Wright
Mrs. Wright smiled at her husband, expressing her happiness. "That was nice," she said softly, her eyes shining with affection.Camila, filled with excitement, stepped forward and embraced her dad, her voice brimming with joy. "Welcome back, Dad," she exclaimed warmly, her love for him shown in her embrace. After the hug, Camila took a step back, standing proudly by Ethan's side.Mr. Wright's gaze shifted from Camila to Ethan, curiosity flickering in his eyes. He couldn't help but ask, "Who is he?" His tone was gentle but filled with intrigue.Camila, aware of her dad's inquisitiveness, looked at him briefly before turning her attention to Ethan. Determination and affection intertwined in her gaze as she moved closer to Ethan, intertwining her arm with his. "Dad," she began, her voice steady, "this is my boyfriend, Ethan Whitlock."Mr. Wright's eyes widened in shock as he processed the information. "Ethan Whitlock?" he repeated, disbelief lacing his words. "The son of Mrs. Whitlock? Y
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Lucas getting the job
As the interviewer called for the next batch, Lucas eagerly followed them into the interview room. He found a seat among the other candidates, the tension building in his chest. The room was filled with nervous energy and hopeful determination.Suddenly, a soft beep broke the silence, drawing everyone's attention to Jeffrey, one of the interviewers. He discreetly retrieved his phone from his pocket and glanced at the message. His brows furrowed as he read it, and a conflicted expression crossed his face. The message was from Charles, and it read, "The guy Lawrence Wright is my cousin brother. Make sure he gets the job, please."Jeffrey carefully pocketed his phone, his gaze lingering on the message for a moment longer. The other interviewers noticed the exchange but remained silent, wary of questioning their colleague. The atmosphere in the room became tense as candidates exchanged puzzled glances, unaware of the unfolding before them.The interview began, and as each candidate was pu
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Feet on Fire: Meeting his Ex girlfriend
Their playful exchange continued as they moved through the aisles, handpicking items from their mental grocery list. Ethan's keen eye for quality and practicality guided their choices, ensuring they made the best selections."Ethan, do we really need three different types of hot sauce?" Camila asked, raising an eyebrow at his enthusiasm for spice. "I don't want our kitchen to become a fire-breathing dragon's den."Ethan chuckled, a grin spreading across his face. "Oh, come on, Camila. A little heat adds excitement to our dishes. Trust me, you'll love it," he replied, his voice filled with playful confidence.Nathalie discreetly entered the bustling supermarket, her face concealed beneath a scarf and oversized glasses. Determined to avoid recognition from her fans or anyone else, she walks the aisles with caution. It had been a while since she had landed an acting role or gig, and she longed for the comfort of a home-cooked meal. However, her usual staff was sick, leaving Nathalie with
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In Tears
Camila stood there, her emotions swirling full of uncertainty. She felt left behind, as though she no longer held the same significance in Ethan's life. The sight of Nathalie's intimate gesture and Ethan's silence wounded Camila deeply, seeping into the cracks of their relationship and widening them.Overwhelmed by the sight of Ethan and Nathalie engrossed in conversation, Camila's grip on the grocery bags weakened. Slowly, she released her fingers, allowing the items to tumble back onto the shelf. Her eyes fixated on Ethan, who seemed oblivious to her presence as if she were merely a ghost lingering in the background. The pain became unbearable, and with a heavy heart, Camila turned on her heels and walked away from the supermarket.Outside, the bustling city greeted her with its sounds and flashes of vibrant colors. Camila's teary eyes scanned the street until she spotted a passing taxi. She waved it down and slipped inside, her voice trembling as she uttered her home address to the
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Nathalie in Action
Caught off guard and still reeling from the previous events, Ethan nodded absentmindedly, his thoughts consumed by Camila's unexplained tears. Reluctantly, he shared his contact information with Nathalie, unaware of the ulterior motives lurking beneath her facade.As Nathalie received his number, she offered a brief explanation, keeping up the pretense of needing to finish her shopping. Without missing a beat, she turned on her heels and retreated back into the bustling aisles of the supermarket, leaving Ethan standing there, his mind in turmoil, unsure of the twists and turns his life had taken in such a short span of time.Ethan wrestled with his thoughts, contemplating whether to pursue Camila or respect her need for space. He reasoned that rushing after her might alert her family, potentially complicating matters further. "Should I give her time or just go for it?" he mused, his internal struggle obvious in his furrowed brow. Eventually, he settled on the decision to grant her the
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"Do you really think that? That I would choose her over you?"
As Camila raced through the city streets, her determination manifested in her focused grip on the steering wheel. The world outside her car window seemed to blur, a mere backdrop to her unwavering drive. The company loomed ahead, its towering presence a testament to the legacy her family had built.Upon arrival, Camila wasted no time, gathering the necessary materials for the impending meeting with the directors and her father. Her steps echoed along the polished corridors, each stride a testament to her unwavering dedication. With a firm resolve etched upon her face, she entered the conference hall, ready to face the challenges that lay in wait.As Camila confidently took her seat at the grand mahogany table, surrounded by the members of the board, her name was called, signaling the commencement of the meeting. The room fell into a hushed silence as all eyes turned towards her, awaiting her opening remarks.The previous night had been a whirlwind of worry and confusion for Ethan. He
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I'm not letting go
Camila met his gaze, her eyes searching for sincerity. "I don't know what to think anymore, Ethan. It hurt to see you so easily swayed by her presence. Did you know Nathalie before? like from what you guys were talking about…"Ethan's voice softened, his gaze filled with remorse. "She is my Ex girlfriend I didn't know she was your best friend. We just crossed paths briefly after years of not hearing from each other, but I had no idea about your history with her."Camila sighed, her shoulders slumping slightly. "It's complicated, Ethan. I've been hurt before, and seeing you with her triggered those insecurities. I need to know where we stand."Ethan took a step closer, his voice filled with conviction. "Camila, I care about you. It was never my intention to hurt you. Nathalie is nothing but my past".Camila interrupted Ethan, her voice laced with vulnerability and determination. "I want to believe you, Ethan, but trust is fragile. I need time to process everything, to figure out if we
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Compelled Kiss
A subtle nod escaped Camila's lips, confirming her agreement with Ethan's sentiment. Eager to make amends for the events of the previous day, Ethan turned to her, his gaze filled with sincerity. "Camila, tell me, what can I do to make it up to you? How can I show you how deeply sorry I am?"A soft smile graced Camila's face as she met Ethan's eyes. "Let's do what we had planned yesterday before everything happened," she suggested, her voice carrying a hint of excitement.Ethan's expression brightened, relief and excitement washing over him. Nodding in agreement, he took Camila's hand in his, their fingers interlacing effortlessly. Together, they strode out of Camila's office, their connection on a new level and unyielding. The envious gazes of the employees followed their departure, whispers of admiration and gossip trailing in their wake.As they made their way towards Ethan's car, their steps in sync, Camila and Ethan remained unfazed by the prying eyes and hushed conversations aro
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