All Chapters of Love Within The Shine: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
53 Chapters
During the one week that Estella and Lucius stayed on the island where they were hiding, there was not a day or hour that they were sad. Every day that they spent together was full of happiness and love. But the fear in her heart won't go away, especially when she lied to her family that she had a new job and it was a stay-in, so that she couldn't go home. Estella was worried about the future but determined to stay strong for Lucius's sake. She thought of her family and how much she missed them, but she knew that she had to make this decision for her and Lucius's relationship. Estella was determined not to let fear and doubt bring them down, and she would do whatever it took to keep them together. She knew that if they kept believing in each other, they would eventually find a way to go home without complication. Estella doesn't want her happy relationship with the young man to end, but she knows they can't hide from people who will forever hinder their love, especially in the young
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She wanted to burst into anger, but tears filled her eyes because she feared Lucius's situation. His side was full of blood, and he was weak. Estella tried to remain composed, but inside, she was raging. She took a deep breath and looked Yuan straight in the eye. "You're a horrible person!" she said, her voice filled with venom. Yuan was about to approach her when Lucius insisted on standing up, and she immediately helped the young man. "Fuck you, Yuan! Don't touch her or else I'll kill all of you!" Lucius shouted angrily, his eyes burning with rage. Lucius protectively pulled her behind him as Yuan's men closed in, shielding her with his body. Lucius held his side to support the wound on his stomach as one of Lucius's arms blocked her protectively. Lucius still protected me even though he was wounded. Now I will fight more for what we have. She looked worriedly at Lucius. He was already pale, and the blood flow was steady on his side. Estella didn't know what to do; what if
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His Father nodded and agreed to his request, "Okay, son. I will help you." It was as if a thorn had been pulled out of him because of what he heard. Now he felt his Father's presence; only now did he feel his Father call him the son he had waited for so long. He only asks for his Father's presence and support. "Thank you, Dad." After he said that, he saw the spark of joy in his Father's eyes that made him smile. "I have to go. I just need some of your men and guns to help me." "Take care." His Father willed and then patted his shoulder twice to support his walk. "You will fulfill our Deal." "You think Lucius is going to come here to save you, huh?" That voice that came from the door. "You're hallucinating!" Estella heard a familiar woman's voice. She tried to reflect on her face because it was quite dark where she was, and only the sun was shining on the bahay-kubo. The woman laughed and turned to the light to see who that woman was. Estella was surprised to see it was Delia.
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"Yuan, can you for the love of god stop your madness! Please, I'm begging you, stop this crazy nonsense!" "Fuck you! I don't have a god! I'm the god of my own!" Yuan shouted. "Now, proceed to the second question. Are you happy she's gone? Are you happy she didn't choose me? Are you happy that she died because of you?!" Yuan asked him one question after another, causing more anger, sadness, and hatred in his emotions. "What? Why are you silent? Answer me, Lucius!" "I'm suffering every night because of what happened, Yuan. I kept blaming myself for her death. I know it's not my fault and I'm trying to get through this. Every time I close my eyes, I see her face and I can't help but feel guilty for not being able to save her. You're not the only one who's lost and hurt. I know you understand how I feel because you loved her too. No matter how much time passes, we will never forget her and the joy she brought to our lives. I'm also hurt because Nicole is the woman we both value. We tr
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"Mom.. It's okay with me, even though dad has another family. I just want to feel that somehow I have a father.." She pleaded with her mother. "It's okay if you have other families, dad. Thank you, because you came to me in this situation that I did not expect." "Estella, my daughter." Her Father came to where she was and hugged her. Estella's mother could no longer stop her Father from entering the room. "I'm so sorry.. I don't know, I don't know where to find you.. I'm really sorry, my daughter.." "Just admit that you didn't look for me and didn't find out if you had a child. Her mother was angry, and she didn't hide it. "Don't act like you did everything, Arthuro. You could have at least tried to find me." Her Mother was crying, and her eyes looked at her Father with mixed emotions. It was OK with her if her Father had another family. She would accept it with all her heart, and it was open to her heart. She didn't expect them to be whole, especially if he had another family. But
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But now, it's not just about you! It's about my life! It's about Estella.." His voice softened when he said the young woman's name. "I thought the only person I should hate was dad. But Mom, you too... You lied to me. I hate you." He felt like he was about to give up while thinking about Estella, as if half of his personality had died. His mommy still held him, while his daddy was still shocked, especially when he mentioned Estella's name. "What do you mean?" His daddy asked in surprise. He turned a darker look at his Father. "Estella, she is the daughter of Selia Velazquez, she is your daughter!" He shouted angrily. "And, fuck! She's the woman I love!" His Father's jaw dropped, and his mother's eyes were filled with tears. It was like cold water poured over them while his heart was broken and broken, and his mind was running through so much. He had always been a bit of a rebel, and he knew his parents would not be happy with his revelation. But he could not deny his feelings an
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"Lu-Lucius!" Estella called the young man's name while trying to hold his hand. Now has she seen the young man again, because the young man did nothing but avoid and hide from her. She was going crazy, wondering why the young man acted this way. She wants to know why; she feels he loves her, but she can't figure out why the young man treats her like this. Estella became desperate and started to shout his name more and more. She wanted to know what had happened. Why was he pushing her away? She was willing to do anything to find out why he behaved this way, even if it meant she had to do something extreme. She couldn't bear the thought of losing him, but she was starting to realize she wouldn't get the answers she sought. He's been avoiding her for almost a week, and it hurts. She wants to talk to him and find out what's wrong, but every time she calls, he doesn't answer. She can't help but feel like he's pushing her away, and she doesn't understand why. She's been trying to be under
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"I'm very sorry, Estella.." That was all her father said. "Your love for my son is forbidden. Because you are related by blood." Lucius' mom said for the third time, her voice filled with sadness. "Now, go away. I don't want my son is carrying a heavy feelings because of you, Estella. Now that you know the truth, maybe you've wondered why I kept you away all this time." "Let's go, Estella." "You are all disgusting liars! Why did you hide this from me for all this time? I'm hurting so much. You hurt me, mom and I hate all of you!" Estella yelled, and her eyes filled with tears. "I thought I could trust you, but now I realize that I was wrong. I am so angry and disappointed in all of you. How could you do this to me? This betrayal cuts deep, and it's something that I will never forget." Tears flowed down both her cheeks, one after the other. She could feel nothing but pain in her heart. Her hands and feet trembled. It was like she was not herself. She wanted to convince herself tha
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Estella laughed bitterly. "What are you doing here?" She asked. "I don't care about you, I don't care about all of you, so can you please leave!" She turned her back on Lucius and walked away, but she hadn't even taken a single step away when Lucius carried her like a sack of rice. No matter how much she struggled to escape his arms, she still couldn't because the young man was too strong for her. "Put me down! What the hell, Lucius!" "For goodness' sake, Estella, will you just keep quiet and stop worrying everyone! You're putting everyone in danger by being so impulsive! Just think how worried your family will be if something bad happens to you!" Estella smiled, not happy but hurt, looking evilly at the young man. "Stay away from me, and I don't need your worry. You tricked me, and it's like you killed me, Lucius. In the secret you kept, we are blood-related. I'm your sister. Destiny really plays a different game." Her words were full of resentment and bitterness, laced with
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"LUCIUS! Where are you taking me?! I can't see!" Estella frowned when she asked her boyfriend. They had just gotten out of the car, and he supported her because her eyes were still closed. "It's a secret for now." That was the only response from the young man. Curiosity deepened in Estella's mind when she felt the waving water on her feet, bringing coldness throughout her body. She felt the water with one foot and knew they were in the sea. "Lucius? Where are we?" She suddenly felt scared because the young man beside her disappeared. She groped for air and thought it was somewhere nearby. But no, the young man was gone. "Lucius?" She called the young man's name in a nervous voice. "Lucius? It's not a good joke!" She wanted to remove the blindfold, but it was tight. But she insisted, and when she succeeded in removing it, her eyes widened when she saw a large tarpaulin floating in the air, and going along with the gust of wind, there was a written note attached to it. 'I lov
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