All Chapters of Sold To The Tyrant Alpha King: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
100 Chapters
Chapter 31
LUCIANO’S POV“It looks like a ball of junk” Arianna was saying as we crouched down beside the object the witches were working on. “It smells like a ball of monkshood though. We need to get it off the road before Collin and his wolves get here” I take off my shirt and wrap it around my hand. I needed to get this shit off the road. “Wait, it’s not just monkshood. Those witches did something to it. I can feel it” I smile at that “You can feel it? Are you a spell whisperer now? Collin is barely two minutes away.” “They are in a car. They can drive right over it with zero contact.” She had a point. I needed to think fast. I could hear the wolf and the witches waking. I looked back to see the wolf dragging his two accomplices along. They were heading for the woods. I couldn’t deal with this right now. They were not getting far.“They put it on the road knowing a car would drive over it. I need it off the road.” I reached down for it with my wrapped hand and got thrown ten feet aw
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Chapter 32
LUCIANO’S POVI had finally seen the last park off. Thank Luna for that. I finally had the space to face this problem head on. Fenrir, in his way of looking out for me, had reminded me of my duty to check on my neighbors and make sure they were fine. Damn the mystic moon I did not have the time to babysit anyone right now. Carter needed to get his house in order.The search party had been out for more than three hours and couldn’t find anything. Whoever was out there would be long gone by now. “Dave, call everyone back in. Make sure everybody is accounted for.” “Sure thing.” He said as he walked out of the office. I look up at Arianna who had been standing silently at the door. “Anything from Becky?” “Yes, they figured out some of the herbs in the mix but the major issue is what the witches did to it.” “What did they do to it?” I needed quick answers, not dramatic pauses. “They were trying to turn it into a bomb. We stopped them before they could finish the spell so it was no
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Chapter 33
ARIANNA’S POV We had been following the pin Andrew sent Luciano for over twenty minutes now. The compound was big, but the amount of forest around us was becoming annoying. “Try and keep up, we are almost there”. That was good news. I was getting 7 for that. I needed to get my head on straight. I couldn’t let him have that much control over me. A little sympathy hug and minutes later I was locking my legs around him. I looked ahead and I could see an abandoned house. It looked like something hunters used as rest houses when they couldn’t get home. Back when people hunted for a living. I rolled my eyes at that description. We walked into the house. The door had been left open. The outside may have looked shabby but inside had clearly been used recently. It was still shabby but a little clean. “They must have been here a while if they cleaned it out”. Luciano said. Voicing my exact thoughts. “What are we looking for exactly?” I ask him. “And how is it that no one ever noticed the
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Chapter 34
ARIANNA’S POVI looked closer at where my hand had brushed the wall and noticed cracks in the blue hue. I could match the shape of the cracks to some parts of my knuckles. I got up immediately and ran to the window. I needed to be sure. Luciano was watching me like I had lost my mind. I looked closely at the part of the window I was punching and I could see cracks in the blue hue with blood stains in them. I looked arounf trying to find something sharp. It was madness. I did not let myself think it through becuase deep down I knew it was insane. When I couldn’t find anything to cut myself with, I stoped in the middle of the room trying to think.“What are you doing, Arianna?” We needed to have a talk about the way he said my name. “I need something sharp to… of course, you!” The look on his face told me he was almost sure I had lost it.“You can turn right? You don’t even have to. I just need your fangs.” “Women usually take me to dinner before demanding for body parts”. He ans
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Chapter 35
LUCIANO’S POVThis was good. It meant we had a way to contact these lunatics. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and pulled it out to check. It was Dave saying they were five minutes away. “Dave is almost here.” I say to Arianna. “When did you call him?” “The minute we got out of that bloody house, I sent him out location and told him to come get us.” “What do we do with them?” She asked a question I had been battling with for a while. As far as Collin was concerned he left two of his wolves here and I was to find and return them. He wouldn’t take kindly to me locking them up or inflicting any more damage on them. “Ill put them on a plane. Their Alpha should deal with them by himself.” I could see the fear in their eyes when I said that. Collin may bite my ear off for breaking their knees but that would just be to save face. He would nearly kill them for what they had gotten involved in. They would definitely not be running under any full moons for at least ten years. Wanti
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Chapter 36
LUCIANO’S POV“I followed their tracks as far as I could. It was very tricky. I have no idea who they are but they are very careful. I kept losing their scent and tracks. I can’t even say for sure that I was on their trail. Never been so confused before.”Andrew was the best tracker we had. Looking at him sitting across my table now, I could see how embarrassed he felt. He tried his best not to let it show but I could see through him. “Fuck it, Andrew. I knew these people were slippery but … if we can’t see them coming or going then we are sitting ducks” “I get it, Alpha Luciano. I planned to keep looking around but you said to come back.” With all our personal issues Andrew always stepped up when it was park matters. “Yes, tracking is no good. We will contact them some other way. I need you to go to the mystic moon park. I can’t seem to get a hold of any one there. I have a feeling something is very wrong.” “Mystic moon, that’s Arianna’s home right? Would you mind if I take her
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Chapter 37
ARIANNA’S POV What did he mean he already knew. I hoped this was all just some trick. I could not fathom being more different than I already was. Although it did explain the feeling in my chest whenever I tried to better. If I didn’t know who I was then how could I access whatever power I had. “It’s fine. I dont want to know.” I said back to Lucianno. He and Dave looked confused at my answer but neither of them pushed it. There was a full moon coming in a week. I couldn’t run from whatever this was forever. But by Luna I planned to be as delusional as possible until the full moon. “Was there anything else?” I ask both of them. “I mean other than Andrew going to mystic moon, did you need me for something else?” “I don’t think so. I have some business later on but Dave will accompany me.”“Umm… I actually can’t go with you today. Sorry about that. I promised Becky I would help her with something. Look at the time…” he feigned staring at his watch…”I should get going. You kids have
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Chapter 38
ARIANA’S POVI spent most part of the afternoon roaming the halls of the mayor's office and gisting with Jose the janitor. He was a delightful older gentleman that had worked there for years. We had lunch together in the cafeteria but I kept wondering what was taking Luciano so long. They were locked in that office for hours. I was walking around the grounds and admiring the fountain when my phone buzzed in my pocket. They were done and I was to meet him at the car park. About time. The sun was already sinking into the horizon and we had a long drive back to the compound. I get into the car and we drive off. The awkward silence lingered. Something else was eating him up. That much was clear. Maybe he did noy get what he needed from the Mayor. I take a deep breath, preparing myself for the usual angry growl “How did your meeting go?” There is silence for a few seconds then he speaks, but not to me.“Take the next right turn, there’s a place down the road from there”. He was telli
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Chapter 39
LUCIANO’S POVDave had reserved three rooms for us. Two on the fifth floor and one on the third. According to him, it was all they had. I had a feeling that was a lie. He just wanted Ray out of the way. Either way, it was too late to argue. We checked in two hours ago but i couldn’t sleep. I had not heard back from Andrew. Collins wolves were on their way back to him but we still had no idea who else was involved. Could members of my park be involved? I couldn’t rule out anything. And the witches, I would have to drop by a witch’s place before heading back to the compound. After hours of tossing and turning, I decded to hunt down a drink. The hotel had a bar in ita restaurant. A few glasses of scotch would quiet my mind. The restaurant was deserted when I walked in. The bar on the other hand had a few people hanging around. I noticed Arianna sitting alone in the corner of the bar. What was she doing here? How was she even allowed in? The thought of her being carded made me smile.
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Chapter 40
LUCIANO’S POVWatching her walk to the door defeated made me feel like I should have handled the situation a little better. We had a good time. Too bad it turned out like this. She shut the door and I went back to bed. All the rest had gone out of me and I kept tossing and turning . This was going to be a long night. Morning came and I got out of bed, and headed for the bathroom. A cold shower would help hide my tired eyes. I had barely gotten any sleep. Becky would have to give me something stronger than tea or I would find a doctor who would. I get out of the shower and text ray to be ready to leave in thirty minutes. I put on my clothes and head to the next room where Arianna was sleeping. I knocked on the door continuously until a sleepy eyed Arianna with messed up hair and nothing but her T shirt on opened the door.I raised an eyebrow at her appearance but she did not seem to notice. “Breakfast time, hurry up, we leave in thirty minutes.”That got her attention because she fi
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