All Chapters of THE MAFIA'S HEIR : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
76 Chapters
BIANCA'S POV It had been a smoothly going day for me. To be very honest, I was extremely scared to step out of home but then, I didn't want to get Manuel more worried. I knew he was putting a lot of efforts to ensure I was safe. I could only show support in my little way. I looked at Nonno who was giving a closing remark for the meeting, and flashed him a grin. I was so happy and proud to be Nonno's little pet. It gave me the opportunity to really come across wealthy and affluent people in the country. When we had arrived for the board meeting today, I had expected to be left outside the board room, but was suprised when Nonno took me in with him. The members of the board didn't even look suprised to see me, like they had already predicted he was gonna bring me along. Nonno made an official introduction between I and the members who already knew who I was. It was a sweeter feeling when they introduced themselves in return, and made it known that they were at my service to help
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BIANCA'S POV "I killed my Nonna. I killed his wife." My eyeballs literally fell to the bed. "That's not true." I rushed out, shaking my head in disbelief. I wouldn't believe what he had just said. "You would never do something like that." "But I did." He nodded, sitting up on the bed and resting his back on the head rest. "What happened?" I asked, strongly believing there was a reasonable explanation to what he said. "What happened?" He chuckled bitterly. "I was a rebellious teen. That's what happened." How else was I going to convince this man to speak to me. There was clearly a whole lot of other things he wasn't saying. "I'm all ears." I sat up as well, facing him directly. He looked at me and my heart fell at seeing his eyes already red. "I had been weirdly addicted to illegal car racing at the later part of my teenage years." He started, and I curled up my legs, adeptly listening to what he had to say. "It was prohibited in the family. Prohibited for me esp
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THIRD PERSON'S POV She rushed out of the dinning area and made her way towards the entrance of the mansion. It had finally happened. What she had dreaded for a very long time had somehow happened. The mistake she had made was to tell a lie. A lie that she had to go on covering up for years. Ever since she got married to Alexander, they had made this promise of never keeping the truth away from each other. But this very lie was something she had told even before they made that pact of truthfulness. Now, she had literally been exposed and she more scared, than shocked. Quite alright, suddenly seeing her little sister that she hadn't seen in over 7 years was such a shock, but what she dreaded more was Alexander leaving her. How was he going to react when he found out that all along, she had a family but lied that she didn't? All the while, she had cut contact with, and abandoned her poor mother and sister. The decisions she had made in life were not solely based on her personal deci
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BIANCA'S POV I walked into the bedroom after my bath, and put on my night wear. After that, I walked towards Manuel who was very much awake on the bed. "Heyyy." He called out to me the moment I sat on the bed. He held my shoulder and turned me to face him. "You seem sad." "I should be the one telling you that. You look much more worried than I am." I sighed. "I'm so worried for Bella." "Same here. I am so worried about Alex. I haven't been able to reach him ever since he left home this morning. He must be so heartbroken." "I know right?" I nodded in agreement. "Totally." He sighed. "I have never seen Alexander as in love as he had been with Bella, with another woman. He cherished her. I feel sad that things are taking such an unexpected and scary turn for them. Never in my wildest imaginations would I have thought Bella and Patawan had a sort of thing." "But I could totally relate to Bella though. You know, we never know how the shoes of another hurts, until we wear
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MANUEL'S POV I left home without seeing Bianca because I had a very important meeting to attend. When I got to the office, Julia was already there, and she let me know that Francesca had already been here earlier. It sounded really weird to me because I thought she'd never show face around me anymore, considering the way things had ended the last time she was here. Couldn't she just get the point that we could no longer be together? I had been so worried when Bianca had walked in on us the other day. I didn't know why, but I just wanted to thoroughly assure her that nothing went on between Francesca and I. I was so relieved when she had accepted my explanation and further went on to give me great pleasure. It was at that moment I realized I wasn't ready to ever let go of her. She was mine. "The note left by miss Francesca is on your work desk sir." Julia supplied, to which I nodded. Indeed, I saw the note on my desk when I walked in, but I really wasn't in the mood to open it ye
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MANUEL'S POV I woke up to an empty bed, yet dark room. That was weird. Whenever Bianca woke up before me, she always put the lights on. I sighed in mental exhaustion as I thought about the possibility of speaking with her this morning. A lot of things had influenced me, not being able to speak with her and let her know the truth about what she saw yesterday. Irregardless of the fact that I was drugged, I did sleep with Francesca and I guess that was were most of my guilt came from. Also, after hearing Bianca talk about her feelings for me, it felt like I couldn't breathe anymore. For the life of me, I never thought possible that the man Bianca had spoken about on the island was me. It was me! Oh, how she would have felt when I suggested that Francesca and I raised our unborn child together, after she bore it. I was such a pathetic and unfeeling fool. I don't know why the new information that Bianca loved me, made me feel extremely lucky and special. So it wasn't even Anthonio? Ne
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MANUEL'S POV We both locked eyes for a couple of seconds, before he pulled his eyes away and made his way towards me. "Oh no! Tesoro!" His wife called out to him, but he seemed to have exceeded his limit on patience. He closed the space between us with a huge blow to my face. The only thing that resounded in my ears was a question Bianca had asked me on the island five months ago. 'Have you met my papa?' I have met him now, and he is tougher than I expected. "Owww!!!" I yelled out in pain, very much shocked that the man had indeed lifted his hands on me. What the fuck! The entire left side of my face was burning hot. "That is for breaking my daughter's heart!" He yelled out, before landing yet another punch on the other side of my face. Goodness gracious. "And that is for making her disappear for a second time." "Christ! Tesoro!" Bianca's mom ran towards him and pulled his larger arms. "Stop it already! You're hurting the poor boy." She sighed. Me? A boy?! I was a full g
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BIANCA'S POV "Hello my darling." I heard Nonno's voice behind me, making me tear my eyes away from the beautiful scenery. This garden had been my place of solitude for days now. I came here everyday, praying to God that this pain and burden in the form of anger, got lifted from my heart. I felt so miserable and hurt. It had already been 6 days since I left home, and had still not gotten over the pain of his betrayal. I knew he didn't love me, but didn't we agree to remain faithful in our marriage? Or did he say all of that to me, just so I would open my legs to him? "Good afternoon Nonno." I forced a smile on my face as I turned to look at him. The moment he looked at me, his face fell. "Bianca, when you're hurting, I'm hurting as well." "I really want to get it off my chest, but it's just not working." I sighed. "I don't expect you to so easily forget the fact that your husband cheated on you, my dear. But then, you have not spoken to anyone in days. Your friend and par
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BIANCA'S POV I was still asleep, but the sweet feeling I kept getting down there slowly pulled me out of my slumber. God, why was it feeling sooo good when I wasn't doing anything? Was I horny in my drean or what? I was already awake, right? My hand immediately reached down there, but instead of touching my pussy, I was touching hairs, then... a head? I needed no one to tell me what was going on at the moment. My eyes fluttered open, and I looked down to see Manuel literally eating my pussy. "Oh God!" I released a moan as his tongue continued to flicker against my clit. His lips were actually french kissing my vulva, and that action made me want to faint from excess pleasure. How was it possible that it could feel this good? Was this how good he felt when I sucked him the other time? He looked up at me, our eyes locking, while his tongue continued to give me sweet pleasure. I couldn't even hold his eyes long enough, before placing my head back on the pillow and closing my eye
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MANUEL'S POV "What?" She whispered in disbelief. "Yeah. That was the reason I had always hated him. Anthonio had let his jealousy make him do something as wrong as that." "That's truly sad." "It was. Not just for me, but for the entire family. It took days for Nonno to get resuscitated. When he finally came around, I hadn't been around the hospital premises. So you can imagine my shock, when I returned to find everyone looking brighter, and telling me that Nonno requested to see me." I sighed. This was the part of my story that I always dreaded. Whenever I thought about it, I felt cold shivers all over my body. "My father patted me on the shoulder and encouraged me to go in. He muttered into my ear to remain quiet and not breakdown, no matter what Nonno said to me. When I got into the room, the first thing that happened shocked me to no end." "What happened?" She was very curious to know what. "He threw a glass vase at me." I muttered, blinking my eyes a couple of time
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