All Chapters of Getting away with the Alpha's Pup: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
126 Chapters
Chapter 51
As I turned to Kendra, I blinked her in equally fondly. She was the mother earth type. She had a natural, wholesome beauty about her. She didn’t wear makeup, and her long brown hair flowed to her waist. “You’re going to make the best mom ever. I want pictures as soon as that little one’s here.”She blinked, nodding fiercely as she choked up.I left my employees, ex-employees behind. They watched me from the doorway of the store while Maisy waited for the movers to arrive and ensure that all our stock got picked up and taken to the airport.As I walked past the modern buildings, some brutal in style, their cold designs seemed to reflect my sorrow. Soon, I’d no longer be a part of this city. This place which had been my home for seven years would never be so again.When I reached my road, everything had become blurry as my eyes misted with emotion. Dylan must have spied me from the window. He hurried down the steps of his townhouse. Enveloping me in his arms, he said, “Whenever we have
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Chapter 52
I love your son, and I always have. I want to be his Luna and for Fern to be his heir.”Chris and Heather looked years younger with excitement in their expressions as they started to discuss plans.“You’ll have your bonding ceremony then in a month,” Heather said decisively. “That’ll give us enough time to plan but not enough for anything else to get in the way,” she joked.I left Dylan with his parents, knowing he had a good deal of pack business to take care of too.I drove to my dad’s house in Lake Horizon. We got out of the car, and I told Fern happily. “This is where I grew up, Sweetie.”My daughter took in the street and the view of the park with interest.Then her attention was fastened onto the large man, wandering down the garden path towards us. “And that is your other pops, my dad,” I explained, beaming at him as he came to meet us.When my dad stopped before us, Fer
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Chapter 53
Bert chuckled, and even Jason couldn't hide his knowing smile.“You’re totally lovesick,” Bert ribbed, throwing an eye roll at Jason.Jason chortled. “I heard a rumor that you bought a whole store for your mate in Central Seattle.” He looked at me with wonder as if to say that was something huge to do for my Luna. It had been an outlay of hundreds of thousands for the commercial space, but I had complete faith in my mate’s ability to make it a success. I’d bank everything I had on Cherry without a moment’s hesitation.My eyes darkened with fierceness. “I’m totally in love,” I said proudly. “There's nothing more important in my entire life than being with Cherry and my daughter.”I excused myself from their light-hearted ribbing and strode out into the cool fall evening, eager to get to my mate.After a half-hour drive, I parked in Seattle and found Cherry alone at the store. Maisy
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Chapter 54
Alarm for Dylan, for my dad, and Bert, and all the other males of my pack swept through me. Sweat beaded along my forehead, even in the crisp coolness of fall. I was pleased that Fern was being looked after by Maisy at my dad’s house. The other children were gathered in the main reception room. Their quiet chatter was the only noise punctuating the stillness.Worry bit at me as I thought of Fern. What if, after finally being given her dad back and after meeting her grandfathers, she lost them now? I clenched my hands, refusing to let fear swallow me. I remembered Dylan’s promise to me: “Your Alpha, will lead our pack into battle, and we will be victorious.” The pack was strong and powerful. The lines of male wolves gathered on the plain declared that. The full force numbered two hundred.The full might of Starsmoon would defend our lands. Dylan and our pack would win. Belief filled me up, not just in Nuu-Chah, but in my mate. After all, he had so mu
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Chapter 55
One enormous wolf stood apart from the pack in the center of the field. He raised his muzzle skyward and howled out our victory into the night. As he did so, the last of the enemy still within the field bolted across the plain, making for the shelter of the trees in defeat.My wolfish eyes admired my mate in his hunter’s form, and I married my howl with his. As our tones paired, he came to me, transforming into his human form and throwing his arms around me as I shifted too. I ran my hands over his handsome face, marveling at his strong jaw and lean body around me. There was no shame in our nakedness as the rest of the pack shifted into their human forms too. Yet, I smiled knowingly as Dylan draped his arm around me, shielding as much of my bare form possessively from the rest of the pack. I could tell from his scowl he didn’t like the idea of me being naked around anyone but him. I thought about the other naked shifters, our pack, around us and hoped they didn&rsqu
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Chapter 56
Bert gritted his jaw, his eyes blazing with fury, and he nodded as he charged off to find my Gamma and the team of wolves.I paced the room, and my fists clenched as I strode up and down my bedroom. Who had dared do this to my mate? My gaze roved over Cherry’s damp face, and I smoothed away her blond hair from her burning skin.Cherry’s dad sat on the edge of the bed. He tugged at his beard as his worried gaze tracked over his daughter.My mom pulled me away from my mate and hugged me.My dad clapped a shoulder on my back. “She’s going to be okay, son.”Fear blared through me. I felt as if I couldn’t breathe as dread twisted my insides. Everything felt tight as my muscles refused to relax, screaming at not being able to do anything for my mate. I needed to do more.My gaze fell on Cherry’s dad. “Mike? Fern should be here, would you–”“I’m on it,” he said, jumping up and h
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Chapter 57
CherryThe blurry edges receded, and with fluttering lids, I blinked my eyes open. I took in Dylan's muscular form by the bed. He was sitting in a leather armchair, and I realized we were in his house in Starsmoon. He looked tired, and deep bags rested under his eyes.Groggily, I tried to remember how I got here, but I couldn't. Awareness prickled over me as I realized I was wearing one of Dylan’s t-shirts and PJ trousers. Where were my things? Why was I in Dylan’s house? We’d agreed to wait until our bonding ceremony for me to move in. Then a flash of the battle with Bloodmoon skittered through me, and Dylan hugging me to him in the field…My mate must have heard a change in my breathing because his dark stare moved to me. Dylan startled. Then the next moment, he was next to me, crushing me to him. “Cherry,” he murmured.I could barely breathe; he hugged me so tight.As he let me go, I took a breath and said, “Dylan...” I trailed off, realizing there were tears falli
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Chapter 58
CherryI admired the window display. “This is stunning work, Maisy.” The fall dresses in oranges and browns rested in the store window, and my assistant had made sweeping sculptures of leaves in red, orange, and yellow tones as if gusts of wind carried them around the clothes.She glowed with pride under my notice, her long red hair and rosy cheeks looking just perfect with the fall collection colors around. I knew on the opening day tomorrow, she’d appear to great advantage here and no doubt make loads of sales. I turned my attention to the perfectly laid out store with just the right amount of railings, space, and displays peppered throughout, and only then did I try on the shimmering silver dress in the large client dressing room.Maisy gawped at me as if I was one of our A-lister clients back in Berlin. “I don’t think I need to do anything to this, Cherry. You look stunning.”I had altered much in size since the last time I’d worn it. The only difference was that the line of my bre
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Chapter 59
(1)Cherry After a long day of celebration, Dylan carried me bridal style to our room at night. It was finally just the two of us now. I couldn't remember when I had started wishing for the celebration to end so that I could have him all to myself. And now we were here? I got off his arm and spent the next second staring at him, until he decided to break the silence between us. “Hey, I have something for you,” Dylan mumbled. “Hmm? What's that?” He walked to the bedside table. From the drawer, he took out our passports, together with two flight tickets. “With everything that had happened, this is the least I can do for my wife and my Luna,” he said in a monotonic and ever sweet voice, handing the passports and tickets to me. I jumped in his arms the minute my eyes saw the destination. “Oh my God! Are we really...?” I took a pause, allowing my brain to process what just had happened. “Are we really going to Maldives?” I shrieked. Dylan smiled and caged my waist. I tiptoed and t
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Chapter 60
CherryDylan's incident left me deeply troubled. I lay awake the whole night after tucking Fern into bed eventually. With my father, Bert, Chris and Heather being away from the community, I had to face all this alone. After dropping Fern at school and reassuring that her daddy would be back from his "business trip" soon, I rushed to hospital immediately.From the door of the ward, I saw Dylan lying in the bed, pale and still. “This is so unlike of you, mate. I'm not used to seeing you like this,” I muttered to myself while eyeing him.The doctor walked towards me, wearing an expression that made me anxious.“Luna, I have some bad news. We detected wolfsbane in Alpha's body. He is now reacting to it. I'm afraid that, from right here, his condition would get worse and he'll lose memory.”"Wolfsbane?! How's that possible? Aren't I the only one who got the poison during that war?" Not believing what I heard, I turned to stare at my husband with my mouth half-opened. "Alpha is awake now.
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