All Chapters of Emily, Mr. Billionaire.: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
100 Chapters
Chapter 11
It was just another date. Another formal, professional and boring date Emily had no interest in. But that didn’t stop her from pairing her black leather skirt with a bright purple blouse as her outfit for day. Paired with purple earrings that stood out well with her hair tied up in a bun, she was more than ready to pass time on another date with Giovanni. By her request, he didn’t send his personal assistant or anyone else to drive her to the location. All she needed was the address and she told him she was going to get there herself. It was another restaurant and Emily could only think about how boring he was. Were dinner at restaurants the only date ideas he could think of? Were they going to have to eat just dinner for as long as the date thingy lasted? Not like she cared anyways, she quickly brushed the thought away. It was up to him to have them sit awkwardly for an hour or even more. All that mattered to her was the fact that she was appearing at the table and fulfilling h
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Chapter 12
“I made a playlist of our favorite indie songs! Should I send it you?” Under normal circumstances, overheard conversations like that would never bother Emily. She was not the type to poke her nose into things like that especially since she generally wasn’t a fan of indie songs. But the moment she heard the keyword indie, she found herself immediately at alert, her mind immediately taking her back to her last date with Giovanni. Indie songs. Those were apparently the genre he listened to but for some reason unknown to her, he had stopped for a while. A reason she was able to quickly figure out herself. It must have been work. She had seen how much of a workaholic he could be so that must have been the reason. He allowed himself get caught up with so much work he was unable to get new music and in the process, fell out with the latest indie songs. But that was finally going to change. Excitedly, she rose to her feet and rushed towards the bunch of girls having the conversation s
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Chapter 13
Emily woke up to the loud sound of her alarm ringing, couple with the sun peeping through the open curtains hung around her windows. Rubbing her bleary eyes, she struggled to get up, her phone by her side ringing loudly making the entire process much easier. With a groaned, she turned off her alarm and checked the time, her eyes immediately widening in horror. It was past 8am already. Meaning she was undoubtedly going to be late for her morning class. “Shit,” she jumped out of her bed, pulling the sheets she barely used throughout the night away from her. Realizing she was still dressed in her outfit from the previous day and didn’t even cover herself the entire night, she stopped for a second to try to recollect what had happened, her memory quickly rushing back. “Right, the text.” Hurriedly, she reached her phone and swiped it unlock. Immediately, she hit the message icon and much to her disappointment, still had no new messages from Giovanni. But even more disappointingly, h
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Chapter 14
Giovanni listened to Emily hang up the call, a wave of guilt immediately washing towards him. He sighed and tossed his phone away, returning his undivided attention to the laptop in front of him. He couldn’t remain as focused as he wanted to be though, Emily suddenly interrupting his thoughts over and over again. With a groan, he reached for his phone again and opened the message he had read from her hours ago. He stared the link for an unusual amount of time contemplating clicking on it and finally listening to the playlist. Almost immediately, he shook his head to himself and dropped his phone again. It was all her fault for putting herself in such a position. He had only talked about the music he once used to listen to so why did she have to go as far as creating a playlist for him? Suddenly able to neither work nor clink on the link in front of him, he folded his arms and remained silent for a while. Until he heard the door to his office open, August walking in. “It’s past w
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Chapter 15
Giovanni was never one to wake up late. His average day started as 6am with him hitting the gym first before anything else. Then he returned home to drink a cup of coffee, watch the news, check his schedule for the day and ensure even a single minute didn’t go into waste and when he was finally done, get freshened up and leave the house by 7:30am. That morning was no different but alongside the news he watched at 7am, he found himself glancing at his phone, wondering if just maybe, Emily had dropped a message for him. He knew it was comical to expect her to send him a message especially after he was so cold in telling her to keep her distance but for some reason, he couldn’t help but dare to dream. Realizing receiving a text from her was going to be nothing but an illusion, he gave up and continued his activities for the morning- focusing on his news and then getting freshened up to leave the house and head to work. At exactly, 8:15 am, he got to work. He was surprisingly fifteen
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Chapter 16
“Sorry I’m late,” August suddenly rushed in, standing in between the two men who had now gotten into an impromptu staring contest. “Giovanni, oh, you found her.” “I did,” Giovanni nodded, his eyes refusing to leave Tyler who was also staring at him. “And I would be taking her home.” “No you would not,” Tyler repeated his words. “She’s with me. We came to this party together.” “Oh, did you two?” Giovanni arched an eyebrow at him. “Did I see you around her? Or was she dancing with you? You left her alone and you’re still confident enough to say she’s with you.” “I only left her alone for a while to-“ “Save the explaination for someone who is actually interested in listening,” Giovanni cut him off. “And that someone isn’t me. So move and back to my partying.” “Let her go,” Tyler said through gritted teeth. “You don’t deserve to even touch her so let her go.” “I don’t think you have the right to tell me what to do or what not to do,” Giovanni replied. “And in case you’ve forgotten
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Chapter 17
“And its all because of youuuuu!” For the millionth time that night, Giovanni cursed under his breath.Like it wasn’t enough hard work to not only drag Emily out of the party and get her in his car, she refused to keep her mouth shut the entire time. From the most random lyric to the most unreasonable words, her mouth had no filter as she kept on ranting on, making Giovanni wish he had just left her with her best friend that was so enthusiastic to take her home. At least, that way he wouldn’t be stuck in the middle of the night wondering what to do with a drunk girl that just wouldn’t keep her mouth shut. Her couldn’t take her to parents place for a very obvious reason. They were going to try to demand what happened, why she got drunk and a dozen other questions in that- questions he had absolutely no answer for. He also couldn’t take her to his place for his own personal reasons. His house was off limits to everybody but him. And that included August. Despite being his only fr
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Chapter 18
Emily woke up to a terrible headache, serving as a dreadful reminder of how she had spent the previous night. Her memory came flooding back. From how Tyler had noticed how down she look to him inviting her to a party. How she had thoughtlessly said yes and went to the party, not hesitating to drink every drink offered to her by every Dick, Tom and Harry. And how her head slowly began to ache. And how she then knew she was getting drunk. And instead of stopping the Alcohol consumption like a normal person, only proceeded to get even more drunk. She could remember herself roaming around the party barely sane. And the next thing that happened was her bumping into a man. A familiar man. Giovanni. “Oh My God!” She literally yelled as she jumped up from the bed. Her eyes widened in horror as her memory got clearer, the urge to suddenly disappear into thin air growing. “No, no no,” she could have screamed. “Please no. There’s no way in hell I did all of that and-“*flashback* “Miss S
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Chapter 19
Breakfast was quiet for a while, with both Giovanni and Emily doing nothing but chewing and swallowing.There was obvious tension in the air. Tension Emily in particular was choosing to ignore. After all, what could she say when she had gone from never wanting to speak to him again to waking up in his shirt in a hotel room?Occasionally, she spared him glances, taking note of how focused he was. Compared to her, he seemed unbothered. Almost like the whole situation wasn't strange to him."Miss Stark," y spoke up after what seemed like ages. He was finally done with his breakfast, dropping his cutlery to signify that. "About yesterday-""I'm not always like that," she quickly interrupted him to say. "I promise I'm not always like that. I don't get drunk easily and become a-""If you say so, l'll believe you then.""What?" she said. "That didn't sound very convincing. And by the way, how did you find out where I was? was with Tyler so why did you even have to show up?"Trying to ignore
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Chapter 20
“Emily! God, it feels like it’s been forever since I last saw you.” “I know right,” Emily groaned as she walked over to her best friend. “Where have you been?” The weekend had gone by rather quickly with Emily and Tyler barely speaking to each other. After her drunk incident with Giovanni she remained in her room and was barely on her phone to reply dozens of calls and texts of worry from Tyler as he wondered where she was and what could have happened to her. “How are you?” He immediately put his arms around her shoulder, staring at her with a worried look in his eyes. “About the party- Emily I’m so sorry I let you out of my sight for a second. I shouldn’t have allowed that jerk take you with him but he insisted. He didn’t hurt you or do anything crazy to you, did he?” “Giovanni?” She asked the obvious question, taking a quick trip down memory lane. “Oh, no. He didn’t. I’m fine.” “Are you sure?” Tyler didn’t seem convinced. “Of course,” Emily nodded and smiled. “Yes, he is a j
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