All Chapters of THE CEO'S NOT-SO-OBEDIENT WIFE: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
130 Chapters
Chaptee 121Olivia's POVI opened my eyes to see nothing but darkness all around me. The only light appearing to come from me and the stark white bed I was lying on. The glow was soft, but confusing as I gazed at my white dress. I sat up, my heart pounding in my chest. Where was I?Slightly afraid, I hugged my legs as I called out for help or at least assistance from anyone that could be lurking in this darkness."Hello?" I called out, hoping for a response. "Alexander? Emma? James? Can anyone hear me?"My words echoed back at me, bouncing off the unseen walls of this strange place. It was as if I was in an empty auditorium, my voice being the only sound that could be heard. The silence was so thick I could almost touch it. I waited, but there was no answer. I was alone.I took in a deep reassuring breath to calm myself down and strengthen my resolve. I pushed myself off the bed and began to walk. My steps were cautious, my hands reaching out, feeling the chilly air around me. "James
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Chapter 122Olivia's POV After the examination, the doctor looked satisfied. "Everything looks good, Olivia. You've come a long way, and it's great to see you awake and well. We'll keep you for a little longer for observation, but if all goes well, you should be able to go home soon."I frleanedt so relieved to hear that. Home sounded like the best place to be right now, I didn't like the hospital smell or the food here.As the doctor left the room, I turned to James, gratitude shining in my eyes. "Thank you for being here, James. And thank you all for never giving up on me."James held my hand tightly, his voice filled with emotion. "Olivia, you scared me so much. I couldn't bear the thought of losing you."Tears welled up in my eyes as I realized the impact my absence had on him. "I'm so sorry, James. I didn't mean to worry you."He shook his head, his voice filled with a mixture of relief and sadness. "It's not your fault, Olivia. Just promise me you'll take care of yourself from
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Finally awake
Chapter 123Olivia's POV Just as I was lost in my thoughts, the door suddenly swung open, and Alexander walked in, cradling a precious bundle in his arms. It was Asher, Emma and Alexander's baby. I watched as surprise flashed across his face when he noticed me sitting there. He looked overwhelmed, but there was something else in his eyes, something I couldn't quite place."Olivia?" Alexander's voice quivered with astonishment. " You're finally awake? Since when? What are you doing here?""Alexander" I called, standing up and taking a few steps toward him. "I... I wanted to see Emma. I've missed her so much."His gaze shifted from me to Emma, and that's when he saw the tear stains on her face. His eyes widened, and he hurriedly made his way to her side, gently passing Asher into my waiting arms."Emma, my love," Alexander whispered, his voice filled with longing and concern. "I've missed you more than words can express. Please, come back to me. I've made everything okay. I fixed it a
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The Secret
CHAPTER 1243rd person POVA week before...After Olivia had gotten shot and passed out to the ground, James kept trying his best to wake her up, he was slapping lightly at her face as tears streamed down his cheeks. He had never looked or felt so vulnerable in his entire life.Meanwhile Lance was raging in anger as the policies had caught up to him and Alexander followed. He glared at Alexander like he wanted to chop him into pieces at that exact moment."Alexander! You fool! What do you think will happen to your company? Your fucking life work? Do you think just because you turned yourself in means you won't get punished? I will reveal it all! I will!." She yelled non stop but Alexander had his cool emotionless face on the whole time. Slowly he leaned into Lance."Do you really think I had no idea about these consequences? And don't forget, I also know the most darkest of your secrets. Do you remember that Andrew?" He said and pulled away.There was a
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CHAPTER 1253rd person POV Dr. Johnson offered a faint smile, touched by his devotion. "That's the spirit. Remember, miracles do happen, and we're going to fight with everything we have to give Olivia the best chance at recovery."As the doctor turned to leave, he paused and looked back at Alexander and James. "Take care of yourselves too. It's important to stay strong for her. I'll be back to update you as soon as there are any changes."With that, Dr. Johnson disappeared down the corridor, leaving Alexander and James alone with their thoughts and worries. "She'll be fine, am sure of it," Alexander whispered, his voice filled with determination. "She has to be. She's not leaving me this way."James squeezed his hand, his voice filled with hope. "She won't. This is the most cowardly way to die giving Olivia's personality."And so, with heavy hearts and unwavering love, Alexander and James prepared themselves for the long and uncertain hours ahead. Wit
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CHAPTER 126Emma's POV "This is for you, Emma. We thought it would be perfect for those late-night feedings and soothing moments."I sat down in the rocking chair, feeling its smooth wood against my back. "Thank you, Alexander. It's just what I need to cuddle and bond with Asher."He smiled warmly. "And see that shelf over there? It's filled with all the books Olivia and I loved reading when we were kids. We want Asher to grow up surrounded by stories and imagination. Who knows, he could be an artist like the both of us or be a writer like Olivia had always dreamed of being."I walked over to the shelf, tracing my fingers along the spines of the books. "Oh, I can't wait to read to him every night."The room was complete with a changing table, adorned with soft, fluffy towels and neatly organized diapers and baby products. There was also a small dresser for Asher's tiny clothes, each item carefully folded and arranged."Everything is ready for our little p
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She's Back
CHAPTER 127Emma's POV A years later....A full year had flown by, and our little Asher had grown into a lively and mischievous toddler. On this particular day, Maria, Olivia, and I found ourselves engaged in a playful chase, trying to catch Asher and get him to put on his clothes. But he giggled and ran about, refusing to cooperate."Come on, Asher! It's time to get dressed," I called out, feeling a mix of exhaustion and amusement.But Asher just giggled even louder, darting away from us with his tiny legs carrying him swiftly. I could feel my energy draining, and I was close to giving up when I noticed him heading straight for the entrance of the mansion. Panic surged through me, and I hurried to catch up to him, not wanting him to hurt himself on the stairs of the pavement.Just as I reached the entrance, my heart skipped a beat as I came face to face with a pair of feet in ruby shiny slippers. I followed the gaze up, and shock washed over me like a ti
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A story
CHAPTER 128Emma's POV Mrs Collins nodded, her gaze filled with gratitude. "Thank you, Emma. Your words give me hope. I've made many mistakes, in my life but the greatest of all was neglecting them. Making them live their lives like my little puppets. I want them to know how much I love them."She sat back on the bench and let out a huge depressed sigh. I wondered how many mistakes she had made to make Alexander and Olivia be so mad at her.As we sat quietly on the bench Mrs Collins and I, a question burned within me. I mustered up the courage to ask, "Mrs Collins, may I ask why you were this way with your children. I do not want to seem intrusive but, we're your parents the same way with you?"Mrs Collins sighed, a mix of sorrow and regret on her face. She turned to me and said, "Emma, I wish to tell you a story. Do you wanna hear it?" She asked and I nodded gently." We weren't always so wealthy, you see, my parents weren't that poor, we were comfortab
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The plan
CHAPTER 129Emma's POV " Olivia was already in a coma. For three long years, she lay there, and I couldn't bring myself to come home. I felt so ashamed and guilty. I thought I had ruined my daughter's life. I did get the alimony and thought to redeem myself in both their eyes by the fact that Olivia at least got something off from the marriage."Tears welled up in my eyes as I listened to Mrs Collins' heartbreaking confession. The weight of her guilt was palpable. She had made grave mistakes, but deep down, I could sense her love for Olivia.Mrs Collins looked at me, her eyes filled with regret. "Emma, during those years, I couldn't face Olivia, but I couldn't bear being away from both my children any longer. That's why I returned for Alexander. I wanted him to get married to a girl of my choice, someone I had thoroughly investigated and thought would be good for him. I knew it would be hard convincing him after all that happened with Olivia but I had
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Asher's Day
CHAPTER 130Emma's POV Just like the wind, the days cane and flew by. Before I knew it, it was Asher's birthday. I've been trying my best to convince Alexander and Olivia to at least reach out to their mother but neither of them were willing to give me a listening ear. Turned out fyn Mrs Collins was actually so wrong about both of them. At first Olivia would walk away from me at the mention of her mother but then after I had told her the story Mrs Collins had told me, I noticed that she had warmed up a bit.I could easily tell that for Olivia, all it took was a face to face apology from her mother and all will be okay. She is most definitely going to forgive. But Alexander.....He was a case study, I once had to bind him for him to be able to hear me out. I spoke about all the things Mrs Collins had told me and even explained just how much I feel for her as a mother that I am too. But Alexander always had a reply that undermines mine.There was no
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