All Chapters of Broken Bonds: I want her back: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
53 Chapters
Noah’s POVHow dare she? I had tried all I could to woo her back but she was proving difficult. Why then had she told me that she had forgiven me when she still holds a grudge bigger than the mountain? Two men! First it was Drake and now Lucas. Did she love Drake? Was that why she was refusing to quit her job even after my generous offer? Why would she juggle between two men? Did they not know of the existence of each other? I had lots of questions that needed answers. Who was going to answer them though?Hazel had hurt me and was continuing to hurt me by her actions. The friendly kids, going by their scents, were Hazel’s children. Being near Hazel for more than five minutes had enabled to take in her scent, it was familiar, warm and inviting. I wanted her, my wolf wanted her. We yearned for her. But she was adamant and also had other men eating on her hands. I could bet my whole pack that they were enamored with her. She was a beauty. I had to find a means to heal my heart. Being rej
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Sandra’s POVThis was the nth time he was rejecting me. I had tried today, even wore my best lingerie but he still rejected me. I had done something different: caught him when he was most vulnerable but still the results were negative. I had to find another strategy to make him worship my feet and want to drink from my well. I was a woman and women had to have other tricks up their sleeves. I needed several plans so that if one backfired then I would resort to the other plans. I also needed to give my informant a raise. He had served me well and was continuing to do so, hence making me proud and giving me the upper hand when it came to Noah.Talking of upper hands, I loathed Hazel. Even after all these years, why did she still have a hold on him? What was it that she was doing that I could not do? She had even escaped and became a rogue werewolf but Noah still followed her ass. I hated her with everything I had and I was going to make sure that she failed in winning Noah’s heart. I di
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Hazel’s POVI loved the weekends. It was my time to recharge and get to bond with my kids. It was fulfilling, especially on Saturdays, to just chill and watch my kids be. Ever since we moved in with Lucas, they seemed happy. Kaiser was opening up like a beautiful flower. Kyla’s laughter was loud and joyful. She was always in a good mood. Their physical appearance had changed too. They were almost outgrowing all their clothes. I needed to start budgeting for new and fitting clothes for them. Now that I could afford to save because of Lucas, I was going to get them a few pricey clothes and some pairs of shoes. Maybe I could get something for myself too.Today was a good day. I had enjoyed spending time with Kaiser and Kyla. We had started the day with breakfast and then read some books before going to the park for two hours. I loved going to the pack: the fresh air allowed me to think and strategize about the new week. It was in the park that I mulled over and made my decisions. I would
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Hazel’s POVI woke up before my alarm rung. I had had a difficult time sleeping; I kept tossing and turning in bed. The conversation I had had with Lucas the previous night kept replaying itself in my mind. Was that how he saw me? Did he think that I did not want to move because I liked Drake? How wrong! I did not like Drake. In fact I did not want to entangle myself with any man. Men did nothing but break your heart, they rejected you and left you to care for two kids on your own. You did not know where you stood with men like Drake. They were always alternating between being cold and hot. I did not want that for myself.Lucas was just jealous and I understood him. He felt like he was losing me to Drake which was not the case. Seeing Noah follow me around was also making his heart ache. And I was sorry for all of that. It was not my intentions to hurt anyone, well except Noah. I wanted Noah to feel the pain he had caused me several years ago. I just hoped that I would not lose myself
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Hazel’s POVI went straight to the washroom. I opened one stall at a time to confirm whether they were occupied or not. I did not want to answer questions from anyone while in the washroom. After making sure that nobody was any of the stalls, I entered the one in the middle. I needed to think and it was not going to happen in the busy office. I had to try and find another way to stop Drake from sending me flowers, offering to drop me at home or pick me up, buying me lunch and insinuating that we might be together. His actions made it difficult for me to exist in the office. I did not want to quit because, for the first time in a long time, I was working a job with a decent pay.I don’t know how long I had stayed in the toilet thinking but I was brought back to the present when someone entered the toilet beside me. I stood from the toilet seat, opened the door and got out. I did not even wash my hands for fear of being found at the sink. I hurriedly walked back to my desk and started f
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Drake’s POVI was going to make sure that Hazel fell for me. It was not like I really wanted her, no. I wanted to make Noah jealous. I wanted him to die with envy. I was going to use Hazel as bait and make sure that he fell for it. The end goal was to make him surrender, on his knees, his pack. When done with him, he will bow and Hazel will beg for mercy. I was just bidding my time and putting all my ducks in a row. She was going to pay for making me beg her so much. She was going to pay for being difficult and wasting my time. She was really going to pay. I was busy thinking of ways to achieve my mission when my assistant rushed to me. “Boss, you have to see this. Roxie is creating trouble in the office.” He said.“What? What are you talking about?” I was already standing from my seat.“Roxie came in and started beating Hazel.” He relayed.“Let us go. Where are they?” I asked as I rushed out of the office.Why was Roxie here? I had to put a stop to his nonsense. She was now crossin
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Drake’s POVHow dare Hazel walk out on me again? This was the second time today. Was I that appalling? Did I repel her that much? I slammed the door shut and sat on my table trying to understand why Hazel did not want me. I had tried all I could, I had even tried to console her but she had pushed me away. Was it because of Noah? Or was it that dimwit that she was living with? Who was he really? I had everything. I was an alpha with his pack. Isn’t that what women wanted? Roxie was ready to kill for the position of a Luna. She wanted so bad to be by my side that she was willing to burn Hazel. Why then did Hazel not want the same thing?My beta, also my personal assistant entered the office without knocking. He had a strange smile which made me madder.“What is funny?” I asked grumpily.“Are you falling in love with Hazel?” He asked before sitting down on my chair.I turned to face him. “What are you talking about?” I asked incredulously. He was spewing nonsense. I was not in love with
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Roxie’s POVI was going to pay back. I had too. It was Hazel’s fault. She was the one who had bewitched Drake. Drake had never treated me that way. He had never shouted at me, at least in front of other werewolves. She had made Drake humiliate me and send me out of the company, she was going to pay. I was going to teach her a lesson she would never forget in her life. How dare she? I had planned on how to get Roxie back and she had come and spoiled everything. I was not going to live down the humiliation and embarrassment of being dragged out of the company by the guards. I wish the soup had landed on her face. That would have taught her a lesson and made her stay away from my man. He was mine and I was ready to punish anyone that dared to snatch him away from me. I had to find out what she had done to him to make him ignore me and give her all his attention. She was a nobody, the daughter of a pack whore who had had children out of the mating bond. What did she have that I did not?
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Hazel's POVI wish I could quit. The job paid well but the environment was draining. I was tired of being treated like some whore who did nothing but entertain her boss. I did not understand why Drake could not just leave me alone. I mean there was nothing special about me, why was she so hell-bent on dating me? Was there something I did not know? I knew he and Noah did not see eye to eye. What I did not understand was why he was insisting on pursuing me even after I had told him that Noah did not care about my love life. I did not want to be among the reasons as to why they were fighting. I wanted to keep a low profile and just do my work. Why was it that hard for the two men to leave me alone?I was grateful that the bus was not yet there. I had spent more than ten minutes in the washrooms trying to avoid Drake. I wanted him to leave first and he did so ten minutes after the clocking time. This cat and mouse game was exhausting. Problem was there were no other jobs nearby. It had ta
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Noah’s POVI watched as Hazel walked away, for the hundredth time. Lucas was holding her hand and it made me envious. Oh, how I could give up everything just to hold her hand. I had begged for forgiveness but Hazel had been rigid. Resorting to violence and insults was just me projecting my hurt. I did not know how to deal with the constant rejection and heartbreak I was being given. First it was Drake and now it was Lucas. She had even gone ahead and gotten pregnant and had his kids. Why did she hate me? Had the years not erased the hurt I had caused her?I was remorseful for what I had done. I had been stupid and was being led by my manhood at the time. I did not know that rejecting her would cause me so much heartbreak in future.
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