Semua Bab Alpha Rejected Slave Omega: Bab 41 - Bab 50
75 Bab
Meeting in Cafe - Chapter 40
Belle – POV"We stand with Flora," Mom stated firmly."What have you found in the files about Flora's parents, and his Dad— is he…" My voice trailed off, unable to finish the thought."I don't believe Wilson is dead, and I have a feeling Nia and Ethan aren't either," Mom replied, her voice edged with defiance."Nia and Ethan… they're Flora's parents, right?" I asked, and Mom nodded, confirming my suspicion. "But why do you think—" I began, but Mom interrupted me with a weary sigh."Don't believe everything you hear. I told Venica why I think Wilson is still alive. The Mate bond thread between Wilson and me is still active. If he had died, I would have known about it," Mom asserted. "So, I believe if Wilson is alive, there's a possibility that Nia and Ethan could be as well.""According to the files, they were assigned to a Dead Pack mission meant to eliminate a threat to the White Wood Pack. The mission conditions were strict; if Wilson, Nia, and Ethan didn't return within the designa
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Mating - Chapter 41
Flora – POV"No, wait. I don't think they're with Elton," I said, my voice catching slightly."Are you kidding me?" Nathan retorted, his voice stern and laced with disbelief. "She helped them escape from Elton! Belle is her daughter; she's following in her mother's footsteps." He grasped my hand firmly and started walking, urgency marking his features."No! Stop, Nathan, let me speak!" I protested, struggling to free myself from his grip. Before I knew it, Nathan collapsed on the ground. It was Shirley who had used magic."I'm sorry for putting your friend to sleep. Belle, help him into a chair; I don't want to alarm the attendant." Shirley's voice was steady, but her eyes were hard, and I gulped as she instructed me to take a seat. Belle effortlessly positioned Nathan in a seat, where he remained, appearing peacefully asleep."So, it was you texting me. I hope this isn't some kind of game," I said, my voice laced with uncertainty. Nathan was still sleeping, knocked out by Shirley's m
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Traitors - chapter 42
Flora – POVI woke up with a sore feeling in my abdomen. Turning my head, I saw Ryker still lying beside me. He slept peacefully, and as my fingers brushed through his soft hair, his sleepy eyes opened to meet mine. A smile crept across his face."Flora," he murmured, his voice rough from sleep but still sounding undeniably attractive. "You look so beautiful."His fingers gently grazed my cheek. As I leaned into his touch, a wave of desire washed over me. Ryker's expression shifted, and he quickly pinned me down, his intense gaze mirroring my own emotions."Ryker," I whispered, my voice quivering.He let out a soft moan. "Flora, you know what you're doing when you say my name like that," he said, hunger evident in his eyes. I could sense his growing desire, but before things could escalate, a persistent knock at the door interrupted us.Ryker's face contorted in annoyance. The knocking grew louder and more insistent."Ryker!" It was Nathan's voice.Ryker hissed, "I'm coming, just wait
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Clash - Chapter 43
Elton -POV "Belle isn't answering my call," I said, the worry about Eden gnawing at me. Venica tried to calm me. "Maybe she's just resting," she suggested. But waiting wasn't my style. I needed action. "Teleport to her place and bring her here," I urged. Venica vanished, and I turned to Chief Fen. "Prepare for battle. We need to be ready." Anxiety surged through me, causing my fingers to thread through my hair. Changing our plan of attack from the Full Moon day was not what I'd anticipated. Venica returned, her expression grave. "Belle wasn't home, but she left this letter," she said, handing it to me, anger evident in her eyes. The note from Belle read, "I've found a way to break free from the Magic Contract with Venica. I can't support your methods any longer. You've gone too far in harming the Pack." Anger bubbled up, and I shouted, "Traitor!" The paper in my hand ignited, turning to ash. "We need to act now, Elton," Venica said determinedly. "I can help break the barrier." I
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Hidden secrets - chapter 44
Flora – POVMy body felt heavy, even after I had soaked in a warm shower for an hour. Once dressed, a voice echoed in my mind. "Hello, Flora," it greeted sweetly, making me gasp."I am Nyla, your wolf," the voice continued.I responded aloud, "Nice to meet you, Nyla," rather than replying with my thoughts. A chuckle resonated in my head."You'll get used to speaking through our mind link soon," Nyla assured. Suddenly, my senses heightened. Voices around me became crystal clear—some discussing chores, others talking about the Pack's efforts in rebuilding, and a few giving instructions about finding construction workers to complete tasks."Why did you come so late? Why didn't you appear when I turned eighteen? Why couldn't I meet you earlier," I questioned Nyla, seeking understanding for our belated union."The seal placed upon you had a condition: only if you find a mate who truly loves you from the depths of his heart would I be able to emerge, and you'd gain your powers," Nyla explai
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Identity - Chapter 45
Flora – POV "Ryker, stop!" I pleaded, tears blurring my vision. Ryker and Bryan were locked in fierce combat, trading blow after powerful blow. My heart ached, torn in two. My wolf side didn't want to see either of them injured. Summoning a surge of power from deep within, I forcefully pushed them apart, ending their fight. "I'm so sorry," I whispered, first assessing Ryker's condition—he seemed unhurt. My gaze then shifted to Bryan, relieved to find he, too, appeared unscathed. " Bryan—" I began. He raised a hand, cutting me off. "After all, I am to your mate." Ryker's eyes narrowed, a storm of anger flashing within them. "She belongs to me," Ryker declared possessively, his hand on my waist pulling me close against him. "Didn't you reject her for being wolfless? Now you want her only because you sense her true wolf and her power," Ryker snapped. His words rang true. Bryan had once coldly turned me away, leaving me in a pit of agony and despair. "I stand by Ryker. I am only
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Family Conflicts - Chapter 46
Bryan – POVI trudged back to my Pack, each step weighed down by the remorse I felt. Flora's words echoed in my mind, a stinging reminder of the pain I had once inflicted on her. Being on the receiving end of rejection was far more painful than I'd ever imagined. How had Flora managed to bear it all by herself?"Son, where have you been?" Mom's voice broke through my reverie as soon as I entered our manor."What's it matter?" I retorted, avoiding her gaze. My once steadfast obedience to my parents had cost me my mate, and now, the weight of that reality pressed down on me. I loathed the wall of animosity I felt growing between Flora and me, all because I hadn't thought things through.Mom, sensing my despondency, changed the topic, "How did your meeting with Melina go?""Fine," I responded tersely. Mom's face lit up with hope."So, you'll see her again?" she probed, trying to gauge my feelings."Perhaps," I answered vaguely, attempting to keep my emotions in check. Sensing my reluctan
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Christmas Fest Prep - Chapter 47
Flora - POVThe pack members were hard at work, decorating their house, while the maid at the mansion was adorning the Manor. Ivan and I busied ourselves with the Christmas tree, and I could feel a warm happiness spread in my heart from the festive spirit all around.Once the decorations were in place, Ivan left for Chelsa Manor. She had requested his help with her Christmas tree. Meanwhile, I noticed Ryker, deep in thought, seated behind his desk."Ryker!" I called out. He glanced up and managed a smile."Something on your mind?" I inquired."Not much," he replied. But before I could question him further, Nathan entered the room."We've got troubling news," Nathan began. "Venica has revived Elton with the assistance of a demon monster. Our spy relayed this information, but we lost contact soon after. I fear he might be dead." Ryker's expression darkened, and I felt a knot of dread in my stomach upon hearing the news."Should we even continue with the Christmas Festival celebration in
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Festivities - Chapter 48
Venica – POVI sighed in relief, seeing my son breathe. "Thank you, Ryu, for saving Elton," I said gratefully. He nodded, his green eyes meeting mine."How did you manage to save him?" I inquired."I utilized every bit of my magic to stabilize his heart rate," Ryu began. "It's because of Eden that Elton is alive. Since she's carrying Elton's child, her presence helps stabilize the demonic power. Eden holds half of Elton's strength, allowing me to draw upon that strength and combine it with my own to keep him alive."I realized then, "So, Eden was working for you? All this time, I thought you were indifferent, but you've been watching over Elton."Ryu responded, "I've always been aware of Elton's plans." He paused and added, "I've done my best to help him, but you know the limitations of our powers. We demons sustain ourselves by drawing energy from others." There was a hint of frustration in his voice."That scoundrel Edwin made certain to annihilate my powers. Only the Nyx bloodline
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Ryker – POVI gazed at Melina, who was engrossed in a conversation with Ivan. I watched her closely, particularly because Flora had stepped away to change out of her stained clothes. Every time Melina's eyes met mine, and she smiled, a pang of hurt coursed through me. Her face was a constant reminder of the betrayal and anguish I'd been through. In those moments, I wished Flora was by my side. Her presence always had a calming effect on me."Ryker, this is a Christmas gift for you," Melina said, extending a beautifully wrapped package towards me. I had half a mind to toss it away right there and then just to show her my disdain. But the watchful eyes of the Pack members around us kept me in check. I begrudgingly set the gift aside. Melina's eyes dimmed, clearly hurt by my unenthusiastic response.With a shaky voice, she implored, "Ryker, I'm truly sorry for the pain I caused you. Please understand that my feelings for you haven't changed. Even if you despise me now, my love for you re
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