All Chapters of Romancing The Waitress : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
57 Chapters
Chapter Ten
They agreed to get takeouts and return to Drew's home — their home; she was still trying to get used to the fact that she was married. Crazy didn't even begin to define it.Aiden suggested Chinese, but she was in the mood for something greasy so she asked for burgers. Drew got chicken salad. She couldn't stop the snort that slipped through her nose when he made his order.His eyebrow winged up. "Have a problem with my food, Madeline?""Didn't take you for a salad guy. Last I remember, you like them" — her smile widened to a grin — "hot."He grinned back. "I do, but," he let out a faux long-suffering sigh, "this do usually happen once in a while."Another snort slipped out, ending in a smile. Aiden turned into Drew's compound, nodding at the black security guard as he drove past. He killed the engine and they moseyed into the house."Can you show me my room, please?" She asked Drew quietly."No, no, Madeline." Aiden stepped between her and Drew."Maddie." She corrected.The annoying gu
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Chapter Eleven
Drew woke up to missed calls and messages. All from his uncle. Guessed Aiden's editor friend had published the press release Aiden sent her last night.After the "wedding breakfast", they had all gathered in his office and crafted the perfect press release that sold the story they wanted everyone to believe. Well, it had been Aiden that had done most of the crafting while he and Madeline laughed, cringed and told him outright nos.Let the games begin.Ignoring the notifications on his phone, he rolled off the bed and walked into the bathroom. When he was done with his ablutions, he headed out and found Madeline in the kitchen, nursing a cup of coffee and looking absolutely too pretty for seven am in the morning.She smiled at him and he had to fight the urge to walk over to her and see what her breath tasted like in the morning."Hey, good morning."He smiled back. "Good morning. Slept well?""Like a baby." She let out a soft sigh. "The bed is heavenly."He poured himself a cup of cof
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Chapter Twelve
Drew's call came in a few minutes after her second class ended.She answered it. "Hey, wassup?"Aiden joined the call. "What's going on Drew?""Uncle Rich wants to have dinner with us." Drew said."Who's Uncle Rich?" She asked, just as Aiden asked, "what did you say?""Uncle Rich is my Dad's brother, babe." Drew answered them consecutively. "And I said yes, Aiden. What else was I supposed to say? He would get suspicious."The endearment distracted her for some seconds before what Drew said dawned on her. "So I'm meeting the family." She murmured."Yes, you are. Think you can handle it?"She gave a decisive nod. It was not like Drew was not going to be with her. She'll be fine."Wait, Maxwell is coming too?" Aiden look horrified."Of course he is. Do you think he'll miss something like this?""Who's Maxwell?" And could someone please explain to her what was going on? She really hated not knowing what exactly it was that was causing panic.Drew's gaze swiveled to her. "Maxwell is Uncle
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Chapter Thirteen
Maddie stood back as Drew opened the door to admit his uncle and cousin in. Left to her, she would be in the kitchen, but Drew had insisted on her being by his side when he welcomed Rich and Maxwell.She understood the need to present a happy-to-have-you front, but she would have preferred that Drew and only Drew handled them.Rich was dressed so impeccably in a navy blue suit — and who wore suit to an informal dinner with family? — his salt and pepper hair neatly combed back, not a strand out of place. His icy blue eyes swept her form from head to toe and without a word looked away from her in dismissal. "Drew."Rich reminded her of an ambush predator's. Patient and calculative. She couldn't place her finger on why, but she disliked him already.The sound of a catcall jerked her attention away from the sterile greeting between uncle and nephew to where a younger man stood just outside the door."How were you able to snag such a sexy lady, cuz?" The younger man's eyes swept her form b
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Chapter Fourteen
The stew was gone, the cornbread following in its wake. Even the apple pie Madeline had baked for dessert was all gone. Now they were nursing glasses of wine and listening to Maxwell ramble and make a fool of himself.Drew wondered when they would take their leave and if there was a polite way to ask them to leave. Excusing himself for a minute, he walked upstairs to his bathroom to relieve himself. When he stepped out of his room, he found Maxwell by the hallway, waiting for him. Now, father and son were lying in wait for him? Things had definitely gotten interesting."Maxwell." He said, the tone of his voice curious."Drew." His cousin stepped closer. "I cannot let tonight go without saying this. If you married because of the caveat your parents place on their shares, I don't think it is worth it, cuz."Hold up, Maxwell was acting nice?"Marriage is for a lifetime and that is a long time to be miserable. Look, the company is in good hands. It's still in the family, if that's what y
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Chapter Fifteen
Maddie opened her eyes and immediately shut them in a cringe. Today was the day she and Drew went on their honeymoon.All for the sake of presenting and maintaining a particular front to the public. This act of pretending apparently cost more than she bargainned for.Even though they would be sleeping in separate bedrooms, they still had to take pictures of them doing stuff — romantic stuff — together, all to be uploaded on their Instagram accounts. Because, yowza! they were public figures, which meant the public were curious about them. And yes, it had been Aiden who had given the lecture.Drew had jumped onboard immediately. This was just another step in achieving operation "save McBride Foods."For her, not so much.There was something about creating a make-believe. The more you created it, the further you entrenched yourself in it and no longer could you tell apart what was real and what wasn't.And she didn't want that.She didn't want to be caught up in how wonderful he could b
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Chapter Sixteen
Four days in Venice and she was in love.Not with Drew, but with the city. With the pizza and Burano laces. With the magical bridges and towers, and the stories that accompanied them. With roadside cafes and swanky restaurants. With the cheesy gondola rides and the precious visit to St Mark's Basilica.She remembered the first time Drew took her on a gondola ride. Drew asked the driver to take them through the popular spots. The man agreed and rattled off a price so high, her heart almost stopped beating. Drew didn't bat an eyelash.She tried bargaining the price but Drew stopped her with a touch on her wrist. "We can afford it, baby." He said. "Doesn't mean we should go spending the money unreasonably." She shot back."Define unreasonably.""This is unreasonably. The price is high, Drew. He are literally ripping us off.""I don't think he is, honey. He has to eat and if my money makes taking care of his welfare easier, then so be it."She couldn't find any perfect comeback, so she r
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Chapter Seventeen
Maddie didn't know what to do with Drew anymore.Every morning since they came back from their honeymoon, she woke up to a gift by her bedside table. She ought to be angry at the infringement of privacy, but she had to admit, it was quite sweet.Each gift was accompanied by a card containing a handwritten poem — who knew the rich boy had so many talents?The first gift had been a bracelet of different precious stones. It's poem had read:Eyes as green as the meadowHeart as vast as the oceanHard to learn, but once gottenRemains a loyal friend forever.This morning's had been a loose gown made with Burano lace and a simple but elegant gold necklace. It's poem had been about how she should be draped with the world's finest because she was the finest woman he had ever met.When she brought up the gifts in their conversations, his answers was always either, "friends give each other gifts" or "you are my woman and my father taught me to take care the woman I call mine." And he always thr
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Chapter Eighteen
Maxwell McBride was stalking her.There was no other explanation Maddie had. How could he keep showing up at every place she was.At the library.At the park.At the mall.At the museum.But not at the house. Never at the house.And every single time, he asked her to have a cup of coffee with him. Every time she declined. Until today. Today at the city's campus.Bored of her own company, she took a drive to the city's campus in an attempt to feast her eyes on something new. And if it surrounded her with students like her, even better. She wasn't quite used to this married life thingy.Exhausted after the trek around half the big campus, she stopped at the cafe for a cup of iced coffee and the next thing she knew he was right behind her on the queue, faking his surprise and coughing out how coincidental it was for them to keep running into each other.Coincidental her ass."Since we are in a cafe, we can finally have that…date we keep postponing."Date? Was he out of his mind?Ignoring
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Chapter Nineteen
Slowly, Maddie recounted the recent happenings; how Maxwell seemed to always appear wherever she went. She made sure she emphasized how she discouraged him every time he asked her to grab a cup of coffee with him.When she got to the part of that day, Drew walked to the window, looked out through it for some minutes and then walked back to her. His eyes were eerily calm. "Don't gloss over what he said, Madeline. Tell me word for word."She glanced at Aiden. Aiden nodded. Taking a quick breath in, she told them what Maxwell said. Word for word, just like he asked.When she was done the only sound that could be heard was the sound of Drew pacing wildly."I promise you, Drew, I did nothing to encourage him. I left immediately…""I'm not mad at you, Madeline. I'm mad at that Maxwell. God!" He growled. He dug his hands into his hair and pulled it from it's root. "The bastard insulted my wife, Aiden. My wife. He had the guts to…I going to kill him.""Calm down, Drew." Aiden said."Don't tell
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