All Chapters of Mr Alpha, I Want You No More : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
134 Chapters
Chapter 11
HayleyThe murderer was still out at large. Even worse, the news of the truth that I was the actual person that was meant to be poisoned and not my dead maid had spread around the pack, despite Damon's decision to keep the news quiet while we hunted for the culprit. I had not agreed with him initially but seeing how people had reacted to the news immediately after it came out, made me realize just how little I was cherished by our pack members. Only a few of the high-ranking pack members were openly concerned and had reached out with their condolences, offering their support in catching the culprit. The others did not even act like they were bothered whether I lived or died and even one of them had made a joke about how I was saved thanks to my lack of gluttony. I really wanted to believe that even those who did not show their support for me openly after receiving the news were genuinely interested in helping us find the culprit but as the days went by, I grew even more skeptical,
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Chapter 12
Damon"You asked to see me, Alpha?" "Indeed," I said to my beta, raising my head from the files that were currently scattered on my table. "How was your night out?" He said, raising his eyebrows with a small smile on his face and I fought the urge to smile as well but I couldn't. Not after what had happened last night with Hayley. When Candice had come to me, informing me about the latest rumor that had to circulate the pack. According to her, they were already saying that I would crack under the pressure and replace Hayley with Annie.I had been enraged, but the moment my sister had told me that Hayley had heard that rumor, my anger had turned to sorrow. I had done this to her and I couldn't even rush to her side to console her, for fear that she would send me away. I couldn't lie that it was not eating away at me that I could not sleep in the same room with her anymore and it seemed like with each passing day, my chances of getting her back were dimming. The light in her eyes h
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Chapter 13
HayleyLingerie shopping. Yeah, scandalous I know. And That was why I didn't take Candice with me and just asked for a guard to escort me to go clothes shopping. I was feeling happier this particular morning because last night had been wonderful. Damon had slept over again and the sex was mind-blowing. It had to be some sort of way for us to try and get back the time that we had spent apart from each other that made us practically glued to the hip but I loved every moment of it. As a matter of fact, I looked forward to the evenings we spent together, having dinner with him and proceeding to take each other's clothes off at the speed of light. If anything, I was glad that I had accepted to go for that dinner with him that night. I loved him so much and even though the thought of Annie carrying his child still made me feel less than enough, I was counting on the fact that we loved each other to overcome this phase of our life. I couldn't stop thinking about the way Annie had looked
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Chapter 14
HayleyIt felt like the world was spinning around me. It felt like I was about to fall even though I was currently sitting on the ground in my bedroom. It felt like everything was crashing down on me. It felt to me like I was losing my mind. The events of the entire day kept replaying in my head and I wondered how it had gone so wrong. One minute, I could not even wait to show Damon the lingerie that I had bought and laugh with Candice about finally being brave enough to even purchase something so scandalous, and the next minute I was being stopped by guards and accused by my husband and his mistress that I was trying to commit murder. A murder that I was sure I was being framed for because even though I had felt many things, the one thing that I had never thought of regarding this issue was how to kill Annie or the child she was expecting with Damon. Now I was on house arrest, with guards stationed outside the door to keep me from leaving, not knowing what was going to become of
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Chapter 15
Hayley "Damon will take away your position as punishment for your crimes.As from today, you cease to be the Luna of the pack."My ears rang over and over again with those words as I was led away from the hall and when I locked eyes with Damon, I could see him looking at me, eyes filled with anguish. If I could laugh, I would have, considering that inside my head, I was screaming in pain. All of our good days flashed in my mind as they led me back to my room. From the first day we met to when he told me that I was his mate to our wedding and then our honeymoon and then to ruling the pack together like we had promised to do together, right to making sure that we looked out for each other like we had vowed to do at the altar to him going on that darned trip. Because it was that trip that had led me to this very moment right here. Somehow I had gone from being the woman that had been cheated on by her husband with another woman, to the woman that had attempted to kill her husband's m
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Chapter 16
DamonI had no idea how things had gone from bad to worse all in a few days. One moment, I was happy and sure that Hayley and I were going to find our way back to each other and that we were going to come out of this scandal stronger than ever, and now this? I had refused to believe it, I didn’t even want to think about the possibility that Hayley was capable of trying to murder Annie and my unborn child, but the evidence was too overwhelming. In fact, she was the only one that stood to gain the most from Annie’s demise because it would mean that she would no longer have a rival who would struggle for her position as Luna. No one would question for her to be replaced and it would be as if I had never even cheated because there would be no evidence of it. No Annie. No child. As much as everything sounded exactly like that and pointed to Hayley as the culprit, every night when I went to bed, I asked myself if there was even a one percent chance that all of this was just a big mistake.
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Chapter 17
HayleySlowly, I opened my eyes to familiar surroundings and the face of the pack doctor that personally treated me, Dr Flora staring down at me and she heaved a sigh of relief as I blinked slowly. “You scared us Luna.” She said and that was when I finally remembered what had happened before I passed out. I had gone to tell Damon that I wanted to reject him, putting on my best nonchalant act as I exited the room only to go and throw up and cry in the comfort of my bedroom because the last thing I wanted to do, was to break our bond. But there was no reason to be with someone who thought I was a murderer and had stopped even looking for who might be the actual culprit, choosing to believe strangers over me. Damon had said that he loved me but after everything that had happened, up to the rejection ritual that he had agreed to set immediately instead of even trying to hold on to me and reassure me that he didn’t think I was a killer, showed that perhaps he didn’t love me like he said
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Chapter 18
DamonStanding at the head of the table, with the heavy atmosphere causing my shoulders to fall, as it came on me like an impending storm, I shook my head. It was strange and it still felt untrue to me, knowing that the place I had loved more than anything in the entire world, and the one place I always ran to when the problems of the world felt like it was collapsing on me, my home, had become a place of eternal torment. Waking up every day, it was there like a dark cloud over my head, the realization that I had somehow lost everything that mattered to me. The elders had assured me that stripping Hayley of her title as Luna was the best thing we could do for her in the face of an accusation as terrible as an attempted murder of my unborn child, an accusation that I was still trying to wrap my head around especially with all the evidence pointing to her. When she had walked into that dining room to announce that she was in fact very ready to sever the bond we had so quickly, it mad
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Chapter 19
HayleyAs I stumbled back, my heart drumming against my ribs like a trapped bird, I struggled to catch my breath. The sudden wave of nausea had taken me completely off guard, leaving me vulnerable and exposed during dinner. My clammy hands had to seek refuge on the edge of the sink, as it desperately clutched the rough surface. Somehow, I felt it could anchor me against the turbulent tide of emotions that swept through me.In my eyes, the bathroom spun, and the scent of earth and damp leaves aligning with the tension that I felt, filled the air. All I could focus on was the desperate need to keep my secret hidden, which was now threatening to unravel in the most public of ways.My mind raced, frantically sifting through excuses and justifications. I had to come up with something that could explain my sudden illness without revealing the truth. The reality of my situation crashed down on me like a wave, and I felt a shiver of dread crawl up my spine. The last thing I needed was for a
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Chapter 20
HayleyThe room around me seemed to cave in on me and all my mind could dwell on as I picked up all of my stuff, folding every piece and parcel of clothing into the box was how life had been when I had driest moved into this room. I remembered how in love I was with Damon at the start of our relationship and how we had vowed to be together forever. I should probably be grateful that I could leave this place with my life as opposed to being killed for a crime that I did not commit.But at what cost? A sinister voice whispered, reminding me of all I had lost. My husband, my title, everything. Yet, I knew that now I had someone I needed to live for. I was pregnant and even though all I had ever wanted was to share this moment with my husband, alas it seemed I would be doing it alone.Amidst my preparations, there was a harsh knock on the door that threatened to remove the door from its hinges and I jolted in surprise, wondering what could be happening again. Could it be that something bad
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