All Chapters of The Mafia King Prisoner : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
92 Chapters
Chapter Sixty One
Lucy’s pov. “That Vanessa how dare she! This is all because of her, she just wait and see what I do to her” i screamed out in annoyance. “You better keep your voice down, Lucy, you should be happy Alice didn’t involve you in all this drama” Elliot said softly. I looked at him and scoffed “She wouldn’t dare do that,” I replied. “You really got an attitude sis, I should be angry with you for doing that to her, you almost made that old hag sleep with her, just what were you thinking?” He said to me angrily. “Ohh calm down brother, you shouldn’t be angry, you became reluctant to help me proceed with getting rid of her” I said to me. “I wasn’t reluctant, just your ways of doing so became childish and annoying” he says to me in a stern voice. “Ohh really?” “YesLucy, you just have to stop playing your games like this, because I have a better one. I honestly can’t believe that because of your stupid plan Dominic is getting closer to her,” he said. “Ohh really brother! Please te
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Chapter sixty Two
Vanessa’s pov. Dominic seemed to be avoiding gaze with me,Ever since I told him the effect of the drug was no longer active. I knew he would start acting like this anyways. “Hmm, Are u sure you okay now?” Elliot asked with a concerned look. “Yeah, sure I’m” I say to him politely, and he nods his head at me. We all continued eating our meal and everywhere became silent, just the fork or spoon hitting plates sounds could be heard. “So since we all gathered here, I don’t really like the atmosphere of this place ever since that party and to lighten up the mood here,I would like us to all go to the beach and have some quality time together,we can prepare for the drinks and food that should be easy” Lucy says smiling “What do you Dominic? This is your beach house after all” she asks him. He raised his head up gently and looked at Darren “what is the schedule for tomorrow?” He asks. Darren dropped his fork on the plate and craned his neck up “hmm, nothing important we alr
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Chapter Sixty Three
Vanessa’s pov. I woke up feeling really excited about today, not because of anything but because of the beach, I loved going to the beach so much, not that I have been one. But I just loved everything about it. The white sands, the sea sounds, the birds chirping the beautiful sea and blue sky with a lot of sun jezz I’m really so excited about today. I have to ask Rose for the bikini she brought for me during breakfast. I got up from bed and went to the bathroom, I took my bath and came out of the washroom. I dried myself up and went to my closet,I picked a short free pink dress,and dried my hair. After doing everything needed, I left my room and headed downstairs. I got to the dining table and saw just Darren and Rose eating and they were all lovey dovey. If I was not starving I would have turned back and headed for my room to spoil this beautiful moment for them. They noticed my presence and immediately stopped all their lovey dovey, I gently gave them a smile and said “goo
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Chapter Sixty Four
Lucy’s pov. I picked up my phone and dialled the number of the decorators. I explained my vision for the beach party and eagerly awaited their arrival. I honestly could not wait for our plans to start taking effect,we don’t really have to Do anything Dominic will do the job and Vanessa will not expect it coming When they finally showed up, they unloaded their tools and started transforming the beach into a vibrant and festive setting. As they worked, me and Elliot whispered and concocting a plan to ruffle Dominic's feathers. We already talked about it earlier but we are just making sure things fall in place. We decided to set up a fake treasure hunt or a surprise guest that would catch him off guard. The anticipation grew as the party approached, and I couldn't help but feel a mischievous thrill. They scattered comfy beach chairs and cosy blankets for everyone to relax on. They even created a stunning centrepiece with seashells and driftwood. The whole beach transformed into
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Chapter Sixty Five
Vanessa’s pov. “You should stop Complimenting me Elliot” I said to him in a stern voice. He looked at me with a smirk on his face. “You should say thank you Vanessa,” he says softly. “And besides I saw a pretty girl standing here all alone so I decided to stroll in and check up on her” he adds and the smirk still on his face. “I’m supposed to say Thank you Right?” I asked him. “Yea baby girl” he says and I raise my eyebrows at him jezzz he better stop calling me that name. “And besides I never screamed that I needed company . In fact I was enjoying watching this sight alone” I muttered to him. He did not say anything but continued to stare at me. “Stop staring at me!” And eventually he did and replaced his smirk with a soft smile. “Come let’s go back to the party, it’s already starting.” He says to me, I saw Dominic and a girl I haven’t seen before talking and she was very beautiful, and they looked so happy together. It made me feel a mix of emotions—happy to see Domini
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Chapter Sixty Six
Vanessa’s Pov. So it all began when Lucy gave out instructions that whoever found all the hidden treasure would have the opportunity to ask anything from Dominic and she even made Him promise to fulfil their demand because he is the boss. Of all the people I had to get paired with these three people as if my life cannot get any more worse. So the journey to look around for the hidden treasure at the beach was fun. Elliot made it fun and I don’t know. Somehow I could not stand the way that girl was all clingy towards Dominic. It made me feel uneasy. Now we were at a stony point on the beach, where there were so many rocks and with what our map showed us another hidden treasure was around here. Now I’m wondering how Lucy came up with all the ideas over the night. And what could she possibly be gaining doing all this. “Hmm I’m sorry I have been so carried away with the joy of seeing Dominic I forgot we are a team” Sophia said with an apologetic look as we all stood in front of the
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Chapter Sixty Seven
Vanessa’s pov. “I’m just suprised by all the acting she just did, and I’m asking myself was it worth hurting herself? Because it just doesn’t make sense at all” I said to as if I was talking to myself. “From where we were it seemed as if you pushed her tho” Elliot said to me raising his two hands up. Dominic as done worst I wouldn’t be suprised if goes back to his fucking behavior. “Let’s just go back Elliot” I said to him tiredly. And he nods his head at me in approval. We got inside the beach house and saw just Lucy,Dominic and Sophia in the sitting room, it seemed the rest were still outside enjoying themselves. And Dominic was attending to her wound. While Lucy was glaring at Sophia. Ohh I’m so enjoying this, Lucy thought because Sophia had a boyfriend she wouldn’t want Dominic, who would not want Dominic he had everything any woman would want. Only if he was soft and not strong hearted. I think I’m just going to sit back and enjoy this fun. Though they might get on
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Chapter Sixty Eight.
Vanessa’s pov. The game went on and somehow my mood became so bad, I was dared to kiss a strange guy I barely knew but I drank alcohol instead. And now it feels like I’m becoming lightheaded and free a bit but my mood could not stop thinking about the kiss Dominic had earlier with Sophia. I don’t know why I’m having this feeling but I know it’s because I’m beginning to like Dominic and I’m wondering how I could like someone who doesn’t even give a fuck about me or cares about my personal feelings, someone who even bought me and tortured me. I feel like crap right now. “Vanessa it’s your turn, Truth or dare” Sophia asked me“Truth” “If you had a wish right now, what would it be?” Sophia asked. I stared at her with a sad look. “I would wish to Die and in my next life I should meet people who sincerely care and Iove me, I just want to restart my life this life is fucked up already” I said in sad voice and everywhere became silent and they all stared at me while I slowly bent my
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Chapter Sixty Nine
Dominic’s pov. For some reason I could not deny the kiss when Sophia came to me, she’s my childhood friend and I did not want to embrace her so I just let her have her way. But one thing was for sure, I felt absolutely nothing, during the time she kissed me there was only one person on my mind and that was Vanessa. And after the kiss,when I saw her face my heart ached in pain. Why am I suddenly having this much emotion going through me? Especially when it involves Vanessa. I felt like killing Elliot at this point, not only did he admit to having feelings for Vanessa he also kissed her. Why did I even have to seat and play this fucking game? I honestly could not play this game anymore,because Vanessa's thoughts filled me up in my mind. I stood up abruptly and walked towards the direction I saw Vanessa’s standing earlier, I walked slowly towards the direction and I watched her dive inside the water. At first I thought she wanted to do something Crazy but I realised she was swim
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Chapter Seventy.
Vanessa’s Pov. As Dominic carried me in his arms, a rush of emotions washed over me. I felt safe, protected, and desired all at once. The strength in his embrace made me feel like nothing could harm me. When his lips met mine, it was like a spark ignited within me. The intensity of his kiss sent shivers down my spine, awakening a hunger deep within my core. I could feel the passion radiating from him, matching the fire that burned inside me.With every touch, every caress, I craved more. The way he undressed me, slowly and deliberately, made me feel desired and cherished. It was as if he saw every part of me, both physically and emotionally, and wanted to explore them all.In that moment, I longed for him to take me further, to lose ourselves in the depths of our desires. The connection we shared was undeniable, and I yearned to explore it fully. The room was filled with an intoxicating mix of anticipation and longing, as we both surrendered to the passionate Moment we were about to
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