All Chapters of Pregnant for the Anonymous Billionaire : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
165 Chapters
Chapter 11
Danielle's POV Peace, how would I have peace? It's been a few days since my classmates found out I was pregnant and the gossip and whispers I have been hearing kept on haunting me. "Isn't she ashamed?" "No wonder Davis left her…" "Slutty…" I have been trying to get these words out of my chest but they were stuck to me like hair and skin. The days became harder and I have been creating more awareness than I thought I was. The whole school knows about it now and my reading time has expired. I spent my day thinking about the baby that was growing in my stomach. It's still a few weeks, or a month until I can abort. But the whole school knows about it already, they would start another questioning where the baby went. Then I'll be called a killer, besides, where did I put my faith? " Why didn't you go to school today D? You have decided not to tell me things about you anymore." Gramps came to sit with me on the sofa. I closed the book in front of me, I knew fully well that I wasn't
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Chapter 12
Danielle's POV I hurled up to my room and stood my bag upright. I stood in front of the mirror. The lady in the mirror looked back at me. Extravagance in getting eyes and happiness in her heart. One day, I would be happy again. "I should change my dress, I said to myself. I have no idea where I am headed, nor do I know if it would be a better place. I took my bag and went downstairs. I found Gramps on the old grandma's rock chair. It's just stories I heard from him, I don't know if they are true. What choice do I have? He was smoking on his stick again. "Pa, I told you to quit smoking. Do you want to die earlier than you should?" He dropped the smoke and smiled at me. His smile was getting rather too much. "I should have died a very long time ago. I see you are all set. I called her and she accepted. I told you she would." I sat on the arm of the sofa. "Are you going to allow me to go? You are not one to allow me to do things the way I want them to. Whenever I told you I wanted
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Chapter 13
Danielle's POV"...and he kept on asking of you but I didn't spare him a word. Isabelle wasn't in school obviously, I have no idea why he would be asking about you like I care. What do you think D?" Clara runted. "D?""Oh! Yeah? Do you mean Davis? That's his luck. I left him already, I wonder how he would feel when he learns that I am out of the country, an ungrateful bastard." I wasn't interested in the story she was telling me about Davis asking about me, I suddenly didn't give a damn about him anymore. Or perhaps it was because of the place I was heading to."Well, I would keep feeding him the stories. He would regret ever leaving you."Clara's voice was trembling, evidence that she was trying hard not to cry or wail and she was probably using the story to calm herself down. In less than an hour, I'll be on a plane, for the first time in my life.Clara held my hand. "Tomorrow is your birthday D. Don't forget."Right, I never remembered any of my birthdays, I had no one to celebrate
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Chapter 14
Danielle's POV The door was opened when we entered. I was expecting to see a lot of maids they only had one nanny. The doors were too much and I tried to take my steps little by little. The kids rushed inside, well, they already knew their way around. A blonde woman in a long Gucci gown came to hug me. "Danielle. It's been a very long time. You certainly can't remember who I am. Have a seat. Feel at home." I sat down, trying my best to keep the tiny smile on my lips active. "You are my Aunt. Your husband called you Rose. You look amazing." She sat with me. "You are just like them. Pretty smart. I'm sure you were leading your class back in New York. I'm certain of it, or am I wrong?" "Yeah, I'm leading…well, I was. Now that I am no longer there, they would have someone new to do that for them." She nodded. "Those dumbasses have no idea what they just lost. I'm glad you are here. Have you met the kids?" "Yes, I have. Sam and Simon are witty and smart. I'm starting to think it's a
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Chapter 15
Danielle "Don't make me so curious. Tell me everything now. How do you really feel?" Clara was on the edge. She was jumping around making it hard for her face to be seen. "They have kids. I've met four but the last is just a baby. Guess what, two of the kids are twins." "Oh. My. God! Really?' "They both got me Cookies before I came and my Aunt also mentioned that she has a son, almost my age. He's the only one I haven't seen for now. They treat me so well." Clara laughed, making bizarre poses with her nose. "What? I asked her." "Look behind you," she kind of whispered. I could swear my heart missed two beats as I veered around my head back slowly. "Ha!" I shrieked for a minute then coated my mouth with my left hand. "Oh, I'm sorry. I just got here. Um…I um…" I scrutinized a young guy or man…I wasn't sure who he was at the time. His look and the little beards lurking around his chin made him look like someone to call a boss. He was at least two feats taller than I was…well, I a
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Chapter 16
Bryan Being the first child of a great man indeed has its advantages. Although I felt more of a disadvantage but I grew to it and it has made me who I am currently.I am Bryan Smith, the only son of George Smith, the great man who succeeded in being successful at the age of fifteen. My father was the figure people saw and got motivated to work harder.But unlike everyone else, I think my Father was just lucky, and so was I. I did my things differently, I tried to make a difference. I hate the burden of being seen as a photocopy of my Father so here's what I did.At the age of Ten, I hit my first billion. Yeah, you read that right. It was just luck, simply luck. I didn't do anything extraordinary, I just won the lottery. It was that simple.Naturally, they wouldn't allow young children my age to go for such but I was Bryan Smith, and no one dared question me.Years have gone by and you can easily tell, I'm not a spitting image of my Father. He worked hard for his money, mine was luck b
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Chapter 17
Bryan's POV After breakfast, I went back to the office and called on Jack while going through some of the applicant forms that were submitted to my table. "When did they get here? I thought you told me I had nothing else to do today." "I didn't know when those got there sir, it's probably while you were having your breakfast." "I'm heading out, I'm not checking these today." I carried them and placed them on the far side of my table. I rushed past Jack, taking my jacket from where I had left it in the hanger earlier. "Give me the keys, I'll drive myself. Stay in the company in my absence and make sure nothing, absolutely nothing goes wrong." Jack nodded and tossed me the keys. For the first time, the elevator felt slow. I hate to admit it but I was excited. How did she leave without saying anything or taking anything from me, most ladies would have taken the money in my wallet. I drove down to the hotel I booked that day, my heart sang praise when I realized the receptionist wa
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Chapter 18
Isabelle's POV"Pass me the hairbrush Tony," I said as I dressed up my makeup. It's just a light makeover although it was already late at night. I believe in beauty in sleep.Tony passed it and went back to my bed, whining about his two tiny legs in the air. "Go to your room Tony for heaven's sake! Is there any day you can just let me be?"My younger brother spun out of the bed rapidly and moved towards the door. "I…I was just trying to play with you," he said almost in a whisper, folding his fingers."Well, I am about to sleep, Tony. Go and play with someone else!" I yelled."But you're the only one I have." His voice sounded more like a whimper now and it was getting under my nerves. I slammed my hands on the table and turned to him."Get out!"He finally left. "Argh. Why can't I have some moments alone with myself." The boy was a burden to me. He goes everywhere looking for me and trying to hang out with me but I have just a few times to spare.Tony is a great brother, I wished he
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Chapter 19
Isabelle's POV "Mom purging. That's the main reason why I came to tell you I have the flu and I am beginning to feel cold. It's nothing more than that, why are you so angry at me?" She closed her eyes and pursed her lips. It was something she did whenever she tried to control herself. "What did you do to Tony last night? And why were you shouting all through the night? I could barely sleep?" This was all about Tony! That son of a~ I was still considering giving him an apology. "Mom, he was disturbing me last night to play with him. I promise I will apologize to him and play with him today since I am not going to school." "You'd better keep that promise. Get out. Breakfast would be done in fifteen." Free leaving the kitchen, I took a deep breath. That was close. I found Tony peeping from the chair in the sitting room. No wonder he couldn't come into my room earlier. This is what I hate about having a brother. If he were a girl, I'm sure he wouldn't be giving me this much of a prob
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Chapter 20
Bryan's POVShe was cute, but not as I expected. Perhaps she was shy. I remember that night and the way she walked in so boldly and Daisy. It would be a pleasure to see her that way once again.She looks a little bit younger but I can't be too sure. I can't remember what she looks like. The plan is to keep her by my side so that I can have her whenever I want.She smiled with her tiny pretty lips. I wish I could devour them once again. "So, what do you think or do you still want to think about it or…do you have a boyfriend at the moment? I can wait."That was improper to ask but I always get what I want without forcing it. If she doesn't agree now, She'll come back, begging to be mine. She smiled at me."I'm cool with it. I'm happy I found you since that night, I had some issues to attend to that morning and that's why I left so early and why you were still sleeping.""But…why were you out drunk that night? Wanna talk about it?" I asked. I want to know, perhaps I could let her know so
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