All Chapters of Seductive Vibrations : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
109 Chapters
Brother Rage
Something tells me that this was a one-off and won't happen again. Maybe that is it after he drops me home, he is telling Liam and going? I shouted and accused him of answering my phone, knowing full well I was looking around his place. Why is my mind so set on thinking it is a one-night stand without proof? My mind tells me that I am not good enough, not worthy of a man like him. He said he was not the kind of guy to do it. Maybe, though, he is. The drive is long or seems it because we aren't talking, all the possibilities running around in my head. What do you talk about after sleeping with a guy you barely know anyway? He said he thought I was in the car and he was worried for me, but why? Why was he so bothered about me, someone he doesn't even know? My anxiety is getting worse; the longer the silence lasts, the worse I feel. This is Max, he made me think no man would be interested, and now I believe it. I don't feel worthy, yet something about Jackson makes me feel alive again
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Hidden Secrets
The sound of a knock at the door makes me look towards it. “Let me in.” Georgina's voice is quiet. Moving, I unlock the door, letting her walk in. She walks in, sits on my bed, not saying anything. “You really did cause some crap this weekend, didn't you? At least it'll be a birthday to remember.” She is laughing, trying to make a joke out of it. “I know, alright. On the night of my birthday, I should have said no to him walking me home. I even thought to myself that it was stupid, with him being Liam's brother. I don't know what it is about him, though, something draws me to him, and I don't even know him. I know Liam's annoyed at me, and I can't say that I blame him. It's entirely my fault.” Explaining to her, I realise I need to walk away from them both. “Alena, don't even think about walking away from Jackson because of Liam. I have not seen you confront someone like that in years. He is good for you.” She is right, but I can't carry on knowing I am destroying their relations
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Broken Words
My mobile begins ringing. Looking down, I now realise the time it’s 8:15 pm. I have been sitting in here for hours. I should answer, but I want to be alone with my thoughts right now. I have cancelled so many calls from Georgina while I have been sitting here. The number isn’t one I recognise. Picking up the phone, I decide to answer. “Hello?” I answer, trying to sound normal and failing. “Where the hell are you? Georgina said that you should have been home over four hours ago. What's going on?” Wow, Jackson's voice is full of worry. What the hell is he ringing me for, and what has it to do with him where I am and if I am not home when I am meant to be? “I'm at the student bar. I didn't know I'd have to constantly update you on where I am. If this is the sort of guy you are, sorry, but no, I won't do it. Been there before, and I have no plans to go back.” Max flashes in my mind. Hanging up the phone, my hand is shaking. Jackson does not seem like Max at all, yet something about hi
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Unleashing History
I look up at him; if I don’t tell him and walk away, I am refusing to move on, and in a way, I am letting Max win. “I was engaged to someone; the guy wasn't a nice person at all, and the relationship got to the point where he had my phone, he checked any calls and texts before I did. When I answered calls, it had to be on loudspeaker. I couldn't go out anywhere. Eventually, I couldn't even go to university without him.” Taking a break, I have a drink, his eyes still on me. I can’t tell him everything; I don’t feel strong enough right now. “He'd accuse me of things. It got to the point that I was not allowed my phone, I couldn't leave the apartment, and I never saw family or friends. One night I ran, going to Georgina's she drove us here. We stayed in a hotel until we found the apartment. That is why I flipped when I thought you answered my phone and why I freaked out by you demanding to know where I was.” I can't tell him the details; I can't go into that much without breaking down.
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Hiding In The Shadows
I wrap a towel around me and walk to my bedroom, I jump and nearly scream. Jackson's sat on my bed, holding a coffee. I forgot about him still being here.“What is it with me scaring you? Do I look like a monster or something?” He laughs, touching his face to make sure it feels okay.“Have you looked in the mirror lately? You're far from monstrous. I just forgot you were here, that's all.” Explaining my weird behaviour, I climb onto the bed next to him, realising I am wearing just a towel and holding it closed tightly. Why? I feel my head shake, Jackson isn’t Max.“You look much better; I am guessing you needed that sleep?” His hand rubs my arm, his eyes watching me.“I certainly did. I'm glad I don't have university. What time is it anyway?” I have not even checked.“It's one-thirty; you missed breakfast and dinner.” His smile grows slightly.“Oh, crap, I should get up. I have work today. Did you stay over?” My mind is trying to remember what happened after I fell asleep at the door,
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Business Visit
Waking up, dazed, I try finding the button for my alarm to turn it off. Hitting it, the room falls silent, finally back to normal. Walking into the shower, I smile. I can't wait for today, I can't wait to see Jackson and just enjoy the rest of my time with him. Getting dried and dressed, I walk into the kitchen. Georgina sits quietly. Joining her for breakfast, I sit waiting. “You do realise I've not forgotten, right? I want all the details when we get a chance, maybe a girl's night out?” A laugh of disbelief escapes my lips, hearing her night-out idea. “A girl's night out! Do you not realise that all of these events happened because of your last night out that you planned?” I am joking, but there is no way I am doing another night out. “Okay, fine, what about a girl's night in? We'll send Liam away for the whole night. It'll just be us two, on the sofa, chick flicks and wine. What do you say?” She looks so hopeful. How can I say no? To be honest, a night in sounds great. Just us
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The dark side
After around fifteen minutes, I feel restless. How far are we going? “Okay, so where are we going? China? Is your business really this far away?” I look at him curiously. “Yes, well, one of them is anyway. I told you my business is open in a few locations. Sometimes it has a few problems, and I have to call in. We'll be arriving in around fifteen minutes.” The car falls silent again, my mind throwing ideas at me. I need to ask. I can't just sit and wait. “So, it isn't selling drugs?” I need to keep an open mind. If I guess right, I need not to freak out. “No, that's a bit over the top, don't you think?” He is laughing, at least that's a good sign; it means he isn't offended by me guessing wrong. “Okay, is it weapons?” Prompting him to reply. “Yes! That's right. I sell guns and grenades for a living that I smuggle back from missions.” He is laughing more. Is he serious? Looking at him, he turns and winks. Okay, he is joking. That is good because, honestly, guns and weapons are ju
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His Hidden Lust
Sitting on a chair next to me, he looks at me.“So, tell me what you're thinking? Your face looks like you don't even know how you feel at the moment.” His voice is soft and gentle.Why is all that I am thinking about is to climb onto his lap? The thought is strong in my mind that the door is locked, and no one can come in.Standing up, I walk to him, climbing on his lap, my legs on either side of him, his hands gripping my arse. My lips, pushing against his, kissing him, my hands begin running along his neck, fingers tangling in his hair. Moaning, the memories of the kitchen begin to flood my mind.This is not me at all. How has he so easily unlocked me? His hands grip my arse tight, pulling me to him. Moaning, my hands slide down, my fingers unfastening his buttons. His hands are grabbing mine. Looking at him, his eyes are delving into mine.“Again, tell me what you're thinking, other than you trying to fuck me in the office. Honest thoughts, Alena, please, otherwise I stop all this
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Craving More
“Right, so I have used this place for myself, that was before Caroline, though.” I nod, wondering if he was going to carry on or just leave it at that. Why would he not use it after Caroline? If he likes this, why would he not use this place? Was Caroline into all this?“I didn't use this place because I can't do these things at home. I used it if there was someone who felt safer being here than at my house.” He looks at me, assessing me, making sure he is safe to keep going. I smile slightly, letting him know I am okay and he should carry on.“Before Caroline, I was a different person. I met Caroline. She fell pregnant, and everything changed. I put the whole world behind me, other than business. I stopped being a Dominant and Sadist and became normal. Or what society says is normal when it comes to sex.”Words I know all too well. I feel for him that he gave up a big part of who he is for Caroline. I can tell he is lying. He didn’t become normal, as he says. While this place is fant
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The Dom Side
Closing the door, Jackson turns, his eyes on me. Grabbing my phone, I quickly tell Georgina I won't be home tonight and not to worry.“What are you doing?” He is looking at me confused, more than likely because I was crazy out there and now I am calmingly using my phone.“Texting Georgina, saying I won’t be home, so she doesn’t harass us.” He simply nods as he puts on music. ‘Eyes On Fire’ starts to fill the room. Now we are in here, I feel like I have calmed down, my rationality has come back, and my wild side seems to have shied away again.He moves and begins lifting me up, his body pushing me against the wall, moans escaping my lips, my legs wrapping around him. My hands start ripping his shirt off, buttons falling to the floor, my wild side coming out again.“Alena, please, can you try to leave at least one button intact?” His voice is seductive.“Well, I could try, but it'd be more fun just to rip them all off.” Trying to rip his shirt open, his hand grabbing mine, holding them
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