All Chapters of Intercepted: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
32 Chapters
Soon Zakariah returned back to his apartment. He was exceptionally silent, he didn't talk to anyone and the guards who knew him could tell that it was the silence before a storm.At his apartment, he saw her belonging scattered here n there. He opened his wardrobe, which belonged more to her rather than him. All he could see was her clothes.He collected all of them...all her clothes and other belongings on the floor and set them on fire.He thought by doing so, maybe his rage will settle down abit. But it only got fuelled more.He smashed everything his hands could get hold of.By evening, his whole apartment was in ruins.He remembers quite distinctly, he had never felt such rage and anger before, for anyone, least of all his kitten. She had betrayed him in the worst possible way.'I am glad, you were successful in running away Sarah, had you been still here after that. I would have killed you very painfully and slowly ', he was still furious, despite venting his anger out on diff
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Zakariah was all set to leave for hunt! her Hunt. But before leaving he needed to close things at the base. He was not sure when he will be back! But he was sure of one thing, he will find her at any cost. She had made a mockery of his affections for her, and challenged his ego. She took him for granted and used him.'Run, Kitten. Let's see how far you can go', He thought sarcastically. Hunting criminals was a part of his profession and he was the best in his job. This might one of the rarest jobs which he looked forward to. It has been a long time since anything excited him, apart from his kitten.He packed light and left for her country, in a special chartered plane, at dawn.He was received by two of his trusted men who were already waiting for him at the airport, with their reports. They had gathered all the required information about Sarah and her whereabouts. They handed over the files to him and quickly left, without attracting any of the hostile country's attention.Zakariah r
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It was early morning when he nudged to wake her up. She slowly opened her eyes and fell into despair, when she saw him standing near the bed's edge and glaring at her.She recalled the last night and his brutality. Her eyes watered when she winced by the pain in her private parts.He held her wrist and harshly pulled her out of the bed, to make her sit on a chair. She winced in pain by the amount of force he had applied for a simple task. Sarah was avoiding meeting his gaze because she was afraid of what she would find there. Her heart was beating fast and legs were shaking out of fear, his fear. She had seen enough of him to fear him, and she was right in that. He was capable of any amount of cruelty and she was aware of that. She knew he will never forgive her, and was now wondering how will he end her life. To expect kindness and mercy from him, was a sign of foolishness and she was none.She was taken aback when suddenly she realized he was putting tape on her mouth.Her eyes expr
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After driving for what seemed an eternity, they entered a thick forest.Sarah remembered the unfortunate events which occurred when she entered the jungle last time. She became more terrified of what he may be planning for her but chose not to say anything more.  She was already prepared for worst. He had already shown her hell, what can be worse than that, she thought sadly. She was looking outside the window while he drove her inside the thick jungle. Soon they were on a small road and it led them to a cottage inside the jungle.Zakariah stopped his car and pulled her along inside.'Wow! Not even my bones would be recovered from this God-forsaken place !!', she thought.An old lady opened the door for them and greeted Zakariah as Master and acknowledged Sarah with a nod. Without giving the lady any more of his attention, he dragged her into his bedroom. He left her arm as they entered, and went to the wardrobe to take out a polo shirt to wear
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Sarah's next few days were quite difficult as a captive, as expected. He kept her tied like an animal, most of the time and released her only for basic needs or If she had to do any household chores as demanded by him. He always kept an eye on her, never letting her leave his sight even for a minute. She was almost sure, he had something going on in his mind. He wasn't going to kill her, that she was sure. He was too obsessed with her, for that. He fucked her wild and raw each night as if there was no tomorrow. He was making her mad with the contrasting emotions, he made her feel. He loved hurting her, to see her in pain was somehow healing the raw wound her betrayal had left behind. He was healing and in the process, she was slowly burning away. He had tainted her soul, to a level where turning back was not a possibility. He had damaged her for an eternity by his callous ways. She often wondered, what exactly was her fault! Why was she being punished? He had broken her soul into so
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A few days later, Zakariah left for hunting, in the nearby jungle.It was full of wild animals and hunting was a faster way of procuring meat rather than visiting the market. Sarah was aware of his departure, but when he didn't return till evening, she began to worry. She kept on looking at the wall clock and counted the minutes, just to reduce her anxiety. The night had already fallen, but still, he wasn't back.Sarah opened the door many times, just to check if he had arrived but no luck. She was getting anxious and scared, although she wouldn't call herself as a weak-hearted woman but being alone in a house in the middle of a thick forest, wasn't a very comforting thought.She prayed hard for his return.Before this night, she had never really worried about her safety. It was a new realization for her, his presence gave her a feeling of being protected. Around midnight she heard a knock on the main door. Sarah's heart almost came to her throat. Who could it be? Zakariah alre
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'I wish to return to my life in my country', she replied.'Haahaaaha', He started laughing at her.She stared at him blankly; she shouldn't have trusted him. Now here she is, sitting like a fool!'I knew you wouldn't do that', she said dejectedly. He lifted his arm to caress her lower lip with the pad of his thumb and rubbed it lightly. Then he traced his hand over her neck. He could feel her gulp, his hand glided under her shirt and rested on her shoulder. Her heart was beating fast, with his hand still lingering on her body. She hated how he doesn't feel the need to ask for her permission before touching her. She flicked her tongue on her lips and waited for his next step.He yanked her shirt, to open, with his hand, which exposed his mark over her breast.'What about this ?', he asked her with a straight face.'Wha..what do you mean?', She asked.Frankly, she was a plastic surgeon herself, and removing it won't be a big deal for her, she thought. But clearly, he wasn't asking about
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Sarah found herself yearning for a fresh start, a chance to break free from the shackles of her current life and embrace the unknown. The prospect of leaving behind the familiar and venturing into uncharted territory filled her with a heady mix of excitement and trepidation. As she contemplated the path that lay before her, Sarah couldn't help but marvel at the irony of it all. The very man who had once held her captive, both physically and emotionally, was now the key to her liberation. It was Zakariah who had granted her the freedom to pursue her passion as a doctor, a privilege she had long yearned for but never dared to hope would be within her grasp. And yet, even as she reveled in the newfound sense of purpose that her work provided, she knew that it was but a stepping stone on the journey to true independence.In her heart, Sarah harbored a silent longing for the day when Zakariah would be well enough to travel, to leave behind the ghosts of their shared past and forge a futur
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Sarah rose with the first light of dawn, her movements careful not to disturb the man sleeping peacefully beside her. With a soft exhale, she slipped out of his embrace, her heart heavy with the weight of the secrets she carried. She tiptoed across the room, her gaze falling upon his unattended phone resting innocently on the table. A pang of guilt twisted in her chest as she hesitated, torn between the desire to reach out to her family and the fear of betraying Zakariah's trust. But the longing for connection won out in the end, and with trembling hands, she reached for the phone, her fingers hovering uncertainly over the screen. She stole a glance at Zakariah's sleeping form, his features softened in repose, before steeling herself to make the call. Her heart hammered in her chest as she dialed her parents' number, her breath catching in her throat as she waited for them to answer. With each ring, her anxiety mounted, her mind racing with a thousand different scenarios of what mi
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The following weeks dawned with the familiar routine of dropping Sarah off at the hospital gates, Zakariah's gaze lingering on her form as she disappeared into the bustling corridors. Alone in the quiet confines of his car, he found himself at a loss, unsure of how to fill the hours until her shift's end. With a resigned sigh, he decided to occupy himself with a task he had long neglected—the hospital's financial records. As he pored over the meticulously kept books, Zakariah's mind wandered, drifting back to the absence of his beloved "kitten." It had been too long since she had been away from his side, her absence leaving a palpable void in his life. Though he trusted his people to keep a watchful eye on her, he couldn't shake the gnawing sense of unease that gnawed at his insides. In the days since their reunion, Zakariah had grown accustomed to having Sarah by his side—a constant presence that brought light and warmth into his otherwise solitary existence. Her absence now felt l
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