All Chapters of My Father My Mate : Chapter 191 - Chapter 200
214 Chapters
Make Things Worse
ZeldaI woke to an empty bed. No Drake. I sighed and rolled over, the sheets cool where his body had been. A sense of loneliness crept over me, like a shadow stretching its dark tendrils across the room. I sat up and ran my fingers through my messy hair. The soft sunlight streamed in through the window, casting dust motes in the air. I let out a long, weary sigh.I got out of bed, my body stiff from sleeping alone. I stretched my arms overhead, my muscles groaning in protest. I struggled to my feet, my legs unsteady as I made my way out of the room. I walked down the hall, the cold stone floor chilling my feet. I felt a sense of urgency, a desperate need to find the maid who had revealed something about Zelda to me.I turned the corner, heading towards the servants' quarters. My heart pounded in my chest, my breath coming in short gasps. I leaned back against the wall, my head spinning. The nausea returned, twisting my stomach into knots. Was it the medicine? I wondered, my mind raci
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Alpha In The Kitchen
ZeldaI stood there, rooted to the spot, my body trembling. The maid's grip on my hands tightened. “My lady, you must control yourself,” she said, her voice urgent. I nodded, tears streaming down my face. I was unable to speak, unable to think. A low moan came from behind the door, followed by a soft whimper. I could feel my blood running cold, my heart sinking in my chest. I was alone. Drake was in there with Amelia, leaving me to deal with this nightmare on my own.I was just about to push open the door when I heard a voice from behind me. “What are you doing out here?” I spun around to see Drake standing there, his face flushed. My eyes widened, my mind racing. If Drake was here with me, then who was with Amelia? And what was that sound? I opened my mouth to ask Drake, but no words came out. With trembling hands, I pushed the door open, bracing myself for what I would find. I could not have prepared myself for the sight that greeted me. There, in the middle of the room, were Am
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Drake“She's four months gone,” the midwife said, and I let out a groan of frustration. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I was in shock, my mind reeling with the implications of her words. I stood up and walked towards Amelia, a storm of rage and disbelief swirling within me. As I neared her, I could see the fear in her eyes. I knew I was about to do something. I raised my hand and slapped her hard across the face. The sound of the slap reverberated through the room, and I heard gasps.“Drake, please!” Zelda cried out, but I ignored her. I was so consumed by anger and betrayal that I couldn't hear her words. I was focused only on Amelia, who was still on the floor, her cheeks bright red from my slap. I watched as she rubbed her face, her eyes wide with fear. A part of me felt a pang of guilt, but it was quickly overshadowed by the overwhelming rage that consumed me. I stood there, breathing heavily, my hands clenched into fists. I could feel my nails digging into my palms, b
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Effect Of Poison
ZeldaThe room was silent, the air thick with tension. Everyone in the room turned to me, waiting for my command. “Don't kill her,” I said, my voice, steady and firm. I turned to Drake, my expression impassive. “Are you listening to yourself, Zelda? This woman is the reason you're in pain. The reason you don't have a child.” Drake's words were harsh, his face contorted with anger. I gave him a smile that didn't reach my eyes. “Enough,” I said, my tone brooking no argument. "This is my decision, I want you to grant me.”“Let's have a talk outside,” Drake said, his voice low and gentle. I nodded, my mind still reeling from everything. We walked out of the room, the cool air of the night enveloping us. I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself. “Are you okay?” he asked, his eyes searching my face. I managed a smile. “I'm fine,” I said, my voice strained. His hand was warm on my arm as he supported me, guiding me down the path. The silence was heavy, the tension between us palpa
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Effect Of Poison 2
Drake The sweet smell of pancakes and coffee filled the air, gently coaxing me from my slumber. I opened my eyes, the sun's rays streaming in through the window and almost blinding me. I blinked and sat up, groaning as I stretched my stiff muscles. I took a deep breath, savoring the comforting scents of breakfast and home. I felt a wave of contentment wash over me, a feeling of peace at this moment of stillness. I looked up, my eyes widening in surprise. There, standing in the doorway, was Drake, holding a tray of breakfast. “Don't tell me you made this?” I said, my voice full of disbelief. “What if I did?” he replied, a mischievous glint in his eye. He placed the tray on the bed, the smell of pancakes and coffee filling the air. “The Alpha in the kitchen? What will people say?” I teased, a smile playing on my lips. “Let them talk,” he said, his eyes soft as he caressed my cheek.I took a bite of the food, trying to keep my expression neutral. But it was awful. I forced a smile,
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Second-Rate Mistress
ZeldaDrake's fingers brushed my hair back as I bent over the toilet, the bile rising in my throat. This time, it was tinged with blood, and I felt a cold fear grip my heart as I stared at the red-tinged contents of the bowl. I turned to look at Drake, whose mouth hung open in shock. “Is that… blood?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. I could only nod, my voice froze in my throat. I had never felt so terrified in my life.We both stood frozen in silence, staring at the evidence of something terrible. I felt numb, as if my body was no longer my own. After what felt like an eternity, I turned away from the toilet and walked to the window. I could hear the steady patter of rain against the glass. I heard Drake turn on the faucet, the sound of running water a welcome distraction from the silence. A few moments later, I felt his presence behind me, his warmth radiating through my back.“We need to see a doctor,” Drake said, his voice full of concern. I nodded, knowing I could
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No Point
Zelda“What's going on?” my mother asked, looking from me to Drake and back again. I couldn't answer her. I was frozen, my mind reeling. I could feel my heart beating faster and faster, my body shaking with the effort of trying to keep it together. And then Drake was there, his arms around me. I wanted to pull away, to run, but he held me tight. “Will someone tell me what the hell is going on,” she roared?“I can explain,” he said, his voice low and calm. But my mother was having none of it. “Someone had better say something, and fast!” she yelled. “The effect of the poison is affecting her wolf,” Drake said, his voice urgent. My mother's mouth fell open in shock, her eyes fixed on me. I felt my tears threatening to spill over, my vision blurring. I couldn't believe what was happening. I was in danger, my wolf was in danger, and I had no idea how to fix it. I felt helpless, my mind racing, my body trembling. And then my mother spoke, her words slicing through the silence like a k
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Hate Wolves
Zelda“Die with me,” Amelia said, her voice cold and matter-of-fact. I felt my heart drop, the floor falling out from under me. I stared at her, dumbfounded, unable to comprehend what she was saying. “What do you mean?” I asked, my voice trembling. She looked at me, her gaze hard and unflinching. “In order to cure you, Drake will have to die with me,” she said. The words were like a blow to my chest, my breath knocked out of me. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. It couldn't be true.I turned, my head spinning, and collided with Drake's chest. He caught me, his arms strong and steady, but I could feel the anger radiating from him. I leaned against him, drawing strength from his presence. The room was quiet, the only sound was our breathing. And then, finally, Drake spoke. “Is that the only solution?” he asked, his voice low and dangerous. “Yes,” she said, a smirk playing on her lips. I knew what he was thinking, and I couldn't let him go through with it. He must have been sic
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Upper Hand
Zelda“I will give you the one thing I crave the most, and in return, you will give me what I want,” I said to her, my voice calm and steady. Her eyes widened slightly, and she stared at me for a moment, as if trying to process what I had just said. Her gaze drifted from mine to Drake, and then back to me. “What is it?” she asked cautiously. “I will give you the position of Luna. I will step down and be nothing but a mistress to Drake,” I said, my voice trembling. There was a gasp from the crowd, and Drake yanked me around to face him. “What the hell is wrong with you?” he shouted. “I know what I'm doing,” I said, my voice full of conviction. “No, you don't!” he said, his voice rising in anger. “You think this is a game? You are playing with your status here!”“What use is the status to me right now?” I yelled back, my frustration growing. “I need you as my Luna, not some second-rate mistress!” he shouted, his eyes blazing with anger. I held up my hand, trying to calm him down.
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Everything We Need
Zelda“Are you sure you can come along with us?” Drake asked, and I rolled my eyes in exasperation. It was the fifth time he had asked, and I was starting to lose my patience. “Drake, I'm strong. I can still walk,” I said, my voice tinged with annoyance. I knew he was only trying to be helpful, but I was tired of being treated like a delicate flower. I reached for my herbal medicine, trying to hide the frustration I was feeling. But as I took a sip of the bitter liquid, I knew it wasn't working.The medicine hit my tongue like a slap in the face, and I dropped the cup, unable to bear the bitter taste. “If it were up to me, I wouldn't be taking this medicine at all,” I said, my voice full of frustration. “There's no point.” He chuckled, “You are just looking for excuses,” he said, a mischievous glint in his eye. But then he cupped my face in his hands, his touch soft and gentle. “I love you,” he whispered, and my anger melted away.“I love you more,” I whispered, and he leaned in,
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