All Chapters of Until I Met You: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
92 Chapters
2-First Day Of College
The day I've been waiting finally arrived, I was so excited I left without having breakfast.My dad wanted to take me to my first day of college. After the car drive, I kissed his cheek and said bye. I went inside the building and it was just wow. My first class was introduction to pastry, I left my chef uniform for later since I didn't have that class now.I took a seat that was in the middle row. I heard screaming, I turned around and it was Emma Jacobs. I love her mom's books."If you let me breathe, I promise I will ask my mother to autograph your books and I will bring my makeup line. Just let me have a normal day." She sighed. So young and successful. the girls and some guys squealed and left her alone."I bet this happens a lot?" I asked her."Yes, I blame my parents." She chuckled."I'm, Misty.""And I'm Emma, unless you already know who I am?" She giggled."Well, you are Emma Jacobs. I think everyone knows who you are." I grinned."I like you, you're the only normal person I'
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3-Weekend at the Jacob's
James She was a true beauty, man she had curves in the right places."I see you met James, he's a tool." Emma told Misty. I just rolled my eyes at her."Don't bring any of your crazy friends here, at least not this weekend." She told me."So, Misty will stay with us for the whole weekend. good to know." I said while checking Misty out. She would look great in her birthday suit."I'll see you two later." With that said, I left the living room.Misty "Your brother is interesting.""He needs to get his shit together and go to college." She replied as we walked to her bedroom."Well, college is not for everyone. But maybe your brother just needs to find his passion." I told her."True, true. Let's get change and go to the pool."We changed into our bikinis and then went to the pool."It's nice to be here with a friend. the girls at my school only wanted to hang out with me because of fame.""I don't get why people feel the need to use someone just to make them famous." I told her."I do
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4-Swimming Lessons
After my weekend there, I went home. I missed my home. There's nothing like being in your own house.Monday came and today I didn't have classes because there was a teacher conference. I decided to go to the diner. time is money."Good morning, Misty." I turned to see James."Are you stalking me?""Big time." He smirked, "I asked my sister about you, you intrigue me." He added while sitting at the booth."Breakfast?""Does breakfast include you?" He doesn't waste time."No, but it involves a good slap." I smiled.He just laughed, "I'll take whatever you think is the best here." He told me. I went to give the chef all the orders.I didn't understand why he was here? why was he asking about me?A few minutes later, I returned with his order. "Enjoy.""After work I will pick you up for your swimming lessons." He told me while putting sugar in his coffee."And if I refuse?""You won't." He smirked. I just gave him a look and then returned to get the other orders.After my shift was over,
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5-Beach Cave
It's been a month since I met the Jacobs. I really like them, they're really nice people.James comes every day at the diner. He picks me up after all my classes are over. I still think he's trouble, but I do like to hang out with him. When I'm they're house the three of us hangout. He usually joins us."You know, instead of spending your time here, you can check music schools." I told him while serving him a cup of coffee and an apple pie."I like spending time here. good food and a sexy waitress." He told me while putting me on his laps."You're invading my personal space." I told him while trying to get out of his grip."I like being like this." He said as he grabbed my face."I need to work." I told him."Alright, I'll come back later. I want to show you something." With that said he released me. "I'll bring the plate and coffee mug later." He said before leaving. I just chuckled. That's James for you."So, you and James? He's hot." Lia told me."Intense too." I sighed."Are you g
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6-Getting Intense
After our time at the beach cave, he took me home. I did have a great time with him."How was your date?" Mom asked me."It wasn't a date; it was just two friends hanging out.""Is that why you have a huge cheesy smile on your face." She chuckled."So, maybe I like him a little. But who knows, maybe we will go out on a date.""You never know.""Yeah. Good night mom." I gave her a hug and then went to my bedroom.I lied; I like James a lot. And it's scary, because I know he isn't the type of guy who wants to be in a relationship.The next day, I did my daily routine and went to my classes."You and James hang out a lot, is there something you want to tell me?" Emma asked me."Well, we went for a swim yesterday, but naked." I whispered."What!" She choked on air, "Misty, be careful with him.""I am being careful, we're just friends.""Friends don't swim naked, not even the closest one." She told me with crossed arms."Relax, nothing is going to happen." I assured her."Emma, can you int
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After a very silent car drive, we made it to my house."Thank you for the ride.""You're welcome," She smiled. "James isn't a bad person. Just hear him out.""I don't know, I can't handle people yelling. I didn't mean to make him mad." I sobbed."I'm sure he knows it. Don't give up on him." She wiped my tears."We'll see. Good night Mrs. Jacobs." I got out of her car and waved her goodbye. I went inside my house and told my parents I would tell them tomorrow the meaning of my tears.The next day I was in the kitchen having breakfast alone since I woke up really early."Are you okay?" I look up to see my dad."I don't know, I like James, but yesterday he yelled at me. It was my fault, I kept asking him about a picture of a girl he has.""That doesn't give him the right to yell at you." He wiped my tears."Yeah.""Maybe you should keep away from him." We look up to see mom."Maybe." The thing is, I didn't want to. That's how much I like that tool.After breakfast was over, I got ready f
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8-Bed and Breakfast
We got dressed and he took me out for dinner, felt like we were on a date, but I remembered he doesn't do dates. After having dinner, he drove me home."Thank you for a crazy fun night." I chuckled."Glad you had fun." He pulled me into a passionate kiss."See you tomorrow." I told him while getting off his car. He waited till I was inside my house and then he drove off."I see you gave him a second chance.""I know, I just like him a lot." I told my mom."Just be careful." She gave me a side hug and then went to her bedroom.Everyone keeps telling me to be careful with him. But so far, he's been nice. except for when he yelled at me.James I went home and saw my parents on the couch."Did you apologize to Misty?" My mom asked me."Yes," I also rocked her heart out."And she forgave you?" My dad asked me."She did, she was very forgiving." I told him before going to my bedroom.Being inside her felt so fucking great. Misty was different. I couldn't wait to be inside her again.......
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After dinner, we went to the backyard to hangout, except James. He didn't talk the whole time at dinner. You could feel the tension."Can I have a word with you?" James asked me. I just nodded. Emma and Charlie left."Somehow I keep hurting you, and I'm sorry.""You need some anger management class." I told him."I'll try to control my temp." He pulled me closer to him."I hope so." I added, he leaned in and crashed his lips against mine.Emma "Am I the only one who feels this is toxic?" I asked my parents."Emma, your brother isn't toxic. He just needs the right person by his side." She told me."Your brother has a short temp, but he's not toxic." My dad told me."But he keeps hurting her. Misty is my best friend; I just want to protect her." I sighed."She loves your brother, that's why she forgives him. She has hope that one day he will become a better person." Mom told me while grabbing a bottle of water.I had a funny feeling about this. I hope I'm wrong.James Before driving M
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10-Love Hurts
I never understood the phrase, 'love hurts' till it happened to me. I told my parents that James and I broke up. It was better to tell them a little lie, than tell them about us just being friends with benefits.There was a knock on my door, I went to open it and it was Emma."My best friend is heartbroken and needs me." She told me while holding a carton of ice cream."I do." I hugged her and cried.Another week went by and I never heard from James. I was still hurting. I could barely focus on my classes and work. My mind went back to him. I missed him. but to him I was just his fuck buddy."Can I get a coffee and an apple pie to go?" I turned to see the girl from that day. Lia went to get her order"Tough week for James, he's been really busy with his music. Did you know he asked me on a date?" Lia came back with her order."He told me he's crazy about me." With that said, she grabbed the order and left."I bet she's bluffing." Lia told me."I don't know what to believe anymore. Thi
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A week went by, I was pacing in my room. I didn't know if I should inform James about the pregnancy. I haven't even told Emma about it."I think you should tell him. He deserves to know." My mom told me."I think so too." I sighed."I'll drive you there."I followed her to the car and she drove us to their house. We got out and knocked on their door. Mr. Jacobs greeted us."Nice to see you Misty.""And I'm guessing, you're Mrs. Hawthorne?" He said as they shook hands. "Nice to meet you""Likewise."He motioned us to come inside. "Emma is taking a shower and will come out soon.""I actually want to talk to James." I told him. He just sighed."James, left two days ago. He left his phone behind.""H- he left." I cried. "Is there any way to contact him?""Unfortunately, no. when we went to his room, he was gone. He just left a letter telling us he needed to get away from here."I- I can't breathe." I passed out."That was a good sho-" She stopped when she saw me being carried to the couch
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