All Chapters of Howl of the rejected : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
40 Chapters
I am not your toy
Marcus POVI sat alone in my room, the silence echoing in my mind. Every breath I took seemed heavy with doubt, each beat of my heart thumping against the weight of my thoughts. Did I make the right choice? Sending Zyra back to her pack, a pack that abuses and mistreats her?Memories of Zyra's hurt and pain haunted me, flickering like a broken reel of film. She had stumbled into my life, battered and broken, seeking refuge from a world that had dealt her nothing but cruelty. In that moment, I couldn't bear to see her suffer any longer. I opened my doors and let her in, allowing her to find solace under my roof for just one night. But one night turned into days, and days turned into weeks.Now, as I sat on my bed, I yearned to protect her. The desire to shield her from those who caused her harm burned within me. Yet, doubts crept in like uninvited guests at a feast. Was it my place to intervene in her life? Would she be safer with her pack, despite the abuse they i
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Zyra's POVI stood there in disbelief at my own actions, staring blankly at the man before me. I had just punched Cade, my ex-mate, straight in the face. Instead of quickly fleeing the scene, I found myself frozen in place. This was Cade, after all.He wiped his lips and slowly lifted his head, his eyes locking onto mine with a seething glare. I blinked rapidly, feeling a mix of fear and defiance. "You hit me?" he sneered, his voice filled with incredulity as he rose from the bed and began to approach me. "And I will hit you again if you dare take one step closer," I warned, my voice firm, though my heart raced with uncertainty.But he simply laughed, a cruel sound that echoed in the room. "I know you, Zyra," he taunted. "You're a poor thing. Weak. Powerless."I couldn't let him finish his statement. Without hesitation, I grabbed the nearest vase and hurled it at his head, its impact sending him crashing to the ground. "Say that again," I seethed, my anger boiling over, "and I'll make
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New home
Zyra POV And here he is again, welcoming me back to his home. I lazily dragged my feet in, my whole body feels sore and it aches me seriously. Marcus led me into the living room then paused, “How about you have a shower first? The cold water could help with a little relief though.” He suggested and I nod my head in agreement with him.“Yeah, I wouldn’t mind.” I replied with my head low and then the next second, he lifted me in his hands as he carried me in a bridal style up the foyer. “Uh?” I blinked rapidly at him but he ignored, “What? You can barely walk up the stairs yourself.” He replied and I nod my head in reply, “Thanks but don’t I weigh too much?”“I don’t think I am carrying any human; you don’t have weight princess.” He chuckled and I smiled.Princess….“You said you have been waiting for me, did you mean what you said?” I asked him and he sighed“Save your strength and have a nice bath, come back downstairs and I’d feed you, okay?” he replied instead I nod my head in
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Bring her to me
Zyra POV I found myself captivated by Marcus's presence as we sat at the dining table. He pulled out a chair for me, displaying his chivalry, which made me smile gratefully before I took my seat. Marcus chuckled playfully, acknowledging that I could have done it myself. "You are with me; you deserve to be treated well," he explained with a casual shrug. As he glanced down at his plate and then back at me, he noticed a weariness in my expression. Concerned, he asked, "Tired, aren't you?" I chuckled softly, shaking my head. "Not really, thanks. I already had my shower, so I feel a little bit better now," I replied. Marcus nodded understandingly and began to eat his meal. Curiosity got the better of me, prompting me to ask, "You cook?" I remembered hearing him mention cooking earlier. Marcus laughed softly, confirming my question. "Please don't tell me that sounds surprising to you," he pleaded playfully. I joined in his laughter, not wanting to make him feel bad. "It is surprising, bu
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A breakfast
ZYRA POVIt’s a new day, and as the morning sunlight filtered into my room, I felt a sense of calm wash over me. Last night, I had slept peacefully, free from the grip of nightmares that had haunted me for so long. With a contented sigh, I rolled to the other side of my bed, thoughts of my parents weighing heavily on my mind."Now that I am far away from Cade, I should focus on finding out who killed you both and why," I whispered to myself, a determined glint in my eyes. Gathering my strength, I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and dragged my feet into the bathroom.Standing before the mirror, I couldn't help but smile at my reflection. It was as if a newfound confidence had blossomed within me, erasing the self-doubt that had long plagued my thoughts. I gently rubbed my face with my palm, relishing in the feeling of self-acceptance."I think I am beginning to see how beautiful I am," I chuckled softly, a spark of recognition igniting deep within me. With renewe
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Shopping adventure
Zyra POVMarcus and I had finished our breakfast, and I collected the dishes to take them to the kitchen. As I turned around from placing them in the dishwasher, Marcus was waiting by the kitchen door. My gaze inadvertently fell upon his perfectly defined abs, even though he had draped a towel over his back. I caught a glimpse of a tattoo on his shoulder, but I didn't want to pry or make him uncomfortable by asking about it."Come, you should wear any of my clothes. I'm sure something will suit you perfectly," he suggested, stretching his hands out towards me. Smiling, I placed my hand in his, feeling a gentle warmth spread through me.Chuckling softly, Marcus led me up the grand foyer to his room. I waited patiently on his bed as he disappeared into his closet. After a few minutes, he returned with a baggy shirt and comfortable pants, handing them to me."This should be good, right?" he asked, a hint of uncertainty in his voice. I looked at the clothes in my hands and nodded apprecia
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Embers of fury
Alpha Cade’s POV As I stood at the edge of the bed, lost in a storm of thoughts fueled by rage and frustration, my mind raced with plans of retribution against Zyra. How dare she defy me? How dare she slip through my grasp, leaving nothing but chaos in her wake? The audacity of her actions simmered beneath the surface, igniting a fire within me that threatened to consume everything in its path. "F*ck, by the time I lay my hands on you, I would make you cry till your last breath," I muttered through clenched teeth, my anger palpable in the air around me. The mere thought of Zyra's defiance fueled the flames of my fury, each flicker of resentment burning brighter than the last. Just then, a knock echoed through the room, jolting me from my reverie. Without turning to face the intruder, I gruffly granted permission for them to enter, my tone sharp with irritation. "Alpha Cade..." Kevin's voice cut through the tense atmosphere, drawing my attention to his presence. His concerned gaze b
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Visit to the park
Zyra's POVAs I reclined on my bed, the memory of Marcus's chiseled physique played on a loop in my mind. "Wow, his abs are like something out of a movie, perfectly defined abs" I murmured to myself, unable to shake the image from my thoughts. With a soft laugh, I ran a hand through my hair, marveling at the sheer perfection of his body. "Is he even real? Is this guy from earth? Isn’t he a god?" I wondered aloud; my voice muffled by my hands as I covered my mouth in disbelief.After lounging in bed for a few minutes, I decided it was time to make dinner. I didn't want Marcus to go hungry after all he'd done for me today. With a sense of determination, I rose from my bed and tiptoed down the hallway to the kitchen, careful not to make a sound.As I entered the kitchen, a grin spread across my face. The room was stocked with everything I needed to whip up a delicious meal. Now all I had to do was decide what to cook. "Let's see what we've got," I muttered to myself, opening the fridge t
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Good therapy
Meanwhile, deep within the heart of Alpha Cade’s pack, the atmosphere was somber as Alpha Cade, accompanied by his father, Alpha Grayson, and his wife, convened in a dimly lit room. The air was heavy with anticipation as they awaited the arrival of a young girl with brown curly hair."Bring her in," Alpha Grayson instructed one of the guards with a nod. The guard bowed respectfully before opening the door, ushering in the young girl who entered with her head bowed low."Alpha, you requested my presence," she spoke softly, her voice trembling slightly."Yes, indeed," Alpha Grayson acknowledged, turning his gaze to his son, Cade. "Does Zyra have any inkling about the truth behind her parents' demise?" he inquired, his tone serious.Cade smirked slightly, shaking his head in response. "No, father. I highly doubt it," he answered confidently."It seems the potion concocted by the witch is still effective. Zyra remains unaware of her true origins," Cade's mother interjected, her voice ting
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Alpha needs sleep
In the dimly lit room of Alpha Cade's domain, Aria's heart raced as he closed the distance between them with an urgency that mirrored her own desires. His kiss was intoxicating, igniting a fire within her that had long smoldered in the depths of her being. With each passionate exchange of lips, she felt herself surrendering to the irresistible pull of his embrace.As Cade's hands trailed down her body, Aria's skin tingled with anticipation. His touch was electric, sending sparks of pleasure coursing through her veins. When he tore her shirt asunder, it was as if he was unraveling the layers of her inhibitions, leaving her exposed and vulnerable to his every whim. In return, she eagerly removed his shirt, reveling in the sight of his sculpted form, bathed in the soft glow of the moonlight filtering through the window.With a soft gasp, Aria arched her back as Cade's lips found the sensitive skin of her neck, his breath hot against her flesh. Every kiss, every caress sent ripples of ec
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