All Chapters of Crush On My Best friend's Alpha Dad: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
119 Chapters
LenoraAt the sight of CJ's wolf, Killian immediately shifted into a wolf. Panic consumed me but because CJ was here, I verbalized the pros and not the cons, feeling a strong awareness of CJ's presence and a biting cliffhanger effect. It felt strange, yet at the same time, right, as if CJ was meant to be my savior. His pupils dilated to reveal his red irises.Good timing, dudeSnapping his jaws open, fear, stark and vivid, made my body tremble. I had never seen something like this before.In a maddening rage, CJ's wolf lunged at Killian's wolf, who swiftly dodged his attack and charged at him again. They tumbled back and forth across the hall like wrestling dogs, snarling and snapping at each other, neither giving the impression of ever winning.CJ down on Killian's hindquarters and ripped out a chunk of meat from the bone with ease. Killian roared in pain, and I knew CJ must have injured some bones because blood sprayed everywhere. Killian twisted in midair and managed to kick CJ
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CJMy muddled heart raced with so many thoughts at once. Lenora had asked to flee with me. As tempting as that sounded, the thought was vaguely disturbing and I couldn't bring myself to agree to her wishes. Left to me, I’d seize the chance and take her with me. She meant the whole world to me, but I knew better. It wasn't right to force her to make such a huge decision in her life. She was young and had a full life ahead which I wasn't planning on stealing from her. Yet I couldn't imagine living without her. I loved her with all my being, and the thought of being with her forever filled me with joy. But her dad had been through so much these past few weeks, and I couldn't bear to add to his difficulties.There was no easy answer to this. Whatever choice I made would have aftermaths. Leaving her here was going to break me because I would miss her every day of my life. Taking her with me was going to break her dad and cause more dilemmas.There was nothing here for me anymore. I had
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Sixty One
LenoraCJ dropped me off at school and I hugged him, refusing to let go. "Don't forget what we spoke about. I'm dead serious about it." I saw the hesitation in his body language but I'd already made up my mind. "Baby, let's not add more issues to the existing ones. Maybe should try to talk to your dad."I groaned, frustrated that CJ didn't understand my dad's strong disapproval of our relationship. "My dad will never agree to this. I may be young and foolish, but I'm an adult capable of making my own decisions. I can't bear the thought of staying apart from you.""Same here, but eloping without trying to reason with your dad first is crazy. Let's find a way to approach him together and explain our feelings. Maybe he'll surprise us.""Yeah right, " I scoffed. "I've tried, CJ. He's stubborn and won't accept our relationship."CJ silenced me with a kiss and my eyes drifted closed, lulling me with the sweet sensation of his tongue gently probing mine. He pulled away to whisper, "Just
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Lenora"Here we go," CJ announced, opening the door for me to exit the car. My gaze darted around the house and my heart skipped with anxiety. Things were about to get awkward between Mariselle and me, and because she used to be my best friend, it hurt like hell to see her so distant and angry, CJ pulled me closer, kissing my forehead tenderly, but when Mariselle stood at the door and glared at me, an expression that screamed, 'I'll tear you apart if you take one step closer, ' I froze. CJ grinned, rubbing my back to soothe me, his gaze silently communicating that he was solidly behind me and bent to whisper to me. "Your face turned white as a sheet. Don't forget what I told you. Try to ignore her tantrums. She's angry but will get used to us eventually."I nodded, giving him a tight-lipped smile, but deep down, it hurt to see her harbor so much resentment for me like we were never friends. CJ turned towards Mariselle. She looked so intimidating, perhaps because I knew she was a
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CJMy gaze became unfocused with nostalgia and I rolled down the car window, allowing the natural werewolf scent to waft into my nose. My eyes prickled with happy tears and a thickness in my throat. I drove past the bustling metropolis filled with tall buildings and vibrant nightlife. The familiar landmarks and cherished memories filled my head. I remembered everything as though ten years ago was yesterday."Wow," Mariselle's eyes shone with joy like a little child, taking everything in, and her neck craned to look out the car window at the beautiful lake. "I'm finally here." She was blissfully happy, a huge contrast to the rage that had clouded her face earlier. She seemed almost giddy now. Cute. "Dad, isn't that the Fang Wood forest? You used to take me and Mum there for our monthly rituals.""Indeed it is," my breath slowed as the memory took over. "Still the same.""Whoa, and even M& T ice cream shop by the left. Mum and I used to hang out there for our girl bonding sessio
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Lenora Moping like a ghost, I felt isolated, with slumped shoulders and downcast eyes. A few hours had passed since CJ's announcement, and ever since, I felt like I'd just swallowed a gallon of lemons. I perched on a chair in the inner part of the living room, listening to the sound of laughter filling the air, and watched women swirl and dance gracefully, all dressed in colorful dresses.Laughing, they swayed with jubilant energy to an Oriental beat, the chorus of the lyrics was The sun will rise in the morning. Their energy was beautiful. The kind that made you forget about everything bad for a little while. The women were all gorgeous. Not one was ugly or unattractive.The kitchen was packed with women and piles of delicious food. The women served themselves a couple of glasses of wine and tea. CJ and the men had headed out while the women continued their form of entertainment, dancing and playing charades, while the elder ones sat near the fireplace telling stories.I didn't
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Lenora My eyelids fluttered open, adjusting to the soft morning light. I blinked, finding myself in this unfamiliar bed with a floral-patterned ceiling above my head.Then I relaxed, settling back onto the bed, remembering that I was in CJ's bedroom, a human now living among werewolves who didn't like me. Hurrah! Turning my head, I expected to find CJ beside me, but he was nowhere to be found, and the side of his bed was cold, which meant that he had been gone for quite some time. I wondered if CJ was even going to have time for me, considering the activities that were cut out for him.Rising, I stretched my arms above my head and yawned, entering the bathroom and squeezing a dollop of minty toothpaste onto my brush.After brushing my teeth, I splashed my face with cool water from a crystal glass bowl and returned to the bedroom. It was time to call my dad. Making excuses to postpone the call, my subconscious warned me to go ahead and place the call. My stomach rolled and my fing
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CJAfter Harrison and I stepped out of the dining room, we had a meeting with the pack's financial team. They laid out a series of documents arranged to showcase the pack's financial health, including the income statement that showed how much the pack earned and spent.I yawned, feeling overwhelmed as they forwarded the balance sheet. Accounting has never been my strong suit. I was more concerned about defeating Giovanni. The bastard had taken a portion of our land and financial investments. If we didn't do anything about it, we would go into debt."We need to go to war," I said with a soft, warning tone. Harrison scratched the back of his head to hide his confusion, looking unconvinced."Isn't there another way we can get rid of him? Like sending secret assassins?" he suggested."I'll never do that," I snapped, my tone chilly. "I'm no coward. I must make him pay for his wrongs by rising and taking what rightfully belongs to me in the presence of the whole world."Blood rushed into
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LenoraI stood out of sight, overhearing CJ cautioning Mariselle about accepting me. His tone had become chilly and my mind fluttered away in anxiety.My emotions hung in the balance, and as much as I was happy that CJ was putting his daughter in her place, I didn't want them fighting because of me. That was going to complicate the already difficult situation we were in. "Mariselle, you have to accept her, whether you like it or not," CJ insisted, wagging a finger at her. "There are so many people in our world that would never accept her because she's human. Don't forget that werewolf society can be unforgiving. Don't you fear for her safety? India said she would make a very terrible Luna.""To hell with India and her stupid analogy. Does she think she's that good?" CJ snapped, making Mariselle's eyes widen."Dad, she's downstairs and can hear you.""Read my lips," CJ stated firmly. "I don't care. With or without your consent, I'm going to be with Lenora for the rest of my life. And
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Lenora I stood at the edge of the clearing, feeling left out and a pang of loneliness. I was the odd one out and a huge part of my brain registered that things weren't going to change anytime soon. Despite how I pretended that this wasn't affecting me, I felt hollow inside. I missed home and my dad, but I couldn't go back without CJ. My selfish side wished he'd stayed in Eldridge. I wanted that part of our lives where all that mattered was giving and receiving love. This place was complicating things and making my energy level dangerously low. Watching them, I admired their communal synergy. The young ones were playing with sand, and girls my age were throwing subtle winks at the men to get their attention.I craned my neck, scanning the clearing in search of CJ. I spotted him walking past with his usual confident swagger. Our eyes met, and a warm smile spread across his face, instantly turning me into a mess.He stopped in his tracks and blew me a kiss, causing me to flush. I fe
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