All Chapters of Come Back With My Baby, My Luna.: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
192 Chapters
Chapter 51
Bella's POV "Where's Selena?" I stylishly asked her maids and once they confirmed she wasn't around, I made my way to Selena's room. The morning sun was starting to cast its gentle glow upon the palace, but the corridors were still mostly empty. I had to seize this opportunity before Selena returned and possibly discovered my intentions.As I reached Selena's door, I paused for a moment, my heart pounding loudly in my chest. The gravity of my mission weighed on me, but I knew I had to find out what was hidden inside that envelope. I took a deep breath, steadying my nerves, looked left then right, and then I gently turned the doorknob.The door creaked open, and I slipped into Selena's room, closing it quietly behind me. My eyes scanned the room, searching for any sign of the brown envelope. It didn't take long to spot it, resting on a small, ornate desk by the window. It seemed Selena hadn't yet had the chance to hide it away. Or maybe she planned on giving it to Michael today.I ap
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Chapter 52
Bella's P As they entered, they looked around for a moment. Suddenly, one of the men spoke in a hushed tone, "Is it ready?" Another voice, deeper and more authoritative, replied, "Yes, it's time. Let's release the gas and get out of here." Gas? My heart pounded even faster as I realized the danger I was in. They were planning to release some kind of gas in Alpha Max's room, and I was trapped inside! Frantic thoughts raced through my mind. I needed to escape before they released the gas, but I couldn't risk making a sound. My only chance was to wait until they left and then find a way out. Minutes felt like hours as I crouched in the dark, listening to their muffled conversation and the faint sound of their movements. Finally, I heard the door open and then close. They were gone. I couldn't waste any more time. I had to get out of there before the gas spread. With trembling hands, I covered my nose and mouth then I carefully cracked open the door and peered out into the corridor.
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Chapter 53
Bella's POV I stared at Selena in surprise as she stormed into my room. Her face was flushed with anger, and she looked like she was on the verge of exploding. I had never seen her like this before, and it sent a shiver down my spine. "What's going on, Selena?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady despite my own confusion and unease. She didn't waste any time. Her eyes bore into mine as she said, "Bella, we need to talk about your marriage with Michael." I furrowed my brow, not sure where this was coming from. "What about it?" Selena took a deep breath as if preparing herself for what she was about to say. "I have proof, Bella. Proof that you have been unfaithful to Michael." My heart sank at her words. "Me? What proof do you have?" Selena reached into her purse and pulled out a small envelope. She gave me a picture and I turned it around with trembling hands. My eyes widened in shock as I saw the image captured in the photo. It was a picture of Alpha Max and me, standing cl
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Chapter 54
Bella's POV "Dad, this is Jessica. She's going to help us in taking Bella and Michael apart." Selena informed her father after a nudge from Jessica. "Why? Why is she helping us? What's in it for her?" he asked. "Because of Bella. She lost Alpha Max so she wants to see Bella suffer. I told her Bella would get married to someone else. That way, Alpha Max can't get her either." Selena answered. "Then why are we here?" "She has some questions to ask and I felt it'd be better to answer them so we can get rid of Bella faster." "Yes, Beta Desmond. I just need the truth so I'll know what to do to help. But if you don't trust me, I'll take my resources and leave," Jessica added, pouring herself a drink. The Beta still didn't say anything so Jessica turned around to leave but Selena stopped her. "No wait! We'll tell you our part of the truth!" Selena answered Jessica and my racing heart calmed down a bit. "Isabella is Alpha Callum's daughter!" "Wait what?" Jessica shouted, shocked. "
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Chapter 55
Bella's POV The whole room fell into silence once more and Alpha Callum cleared his throat. "If you aren't as dumb as me, you should know the person who switched you at birth would try to cover his tracks!" With that he stormed out of the hall, leaving all eyes on Beta Desmond."Why are you staring at me? Yes, the lady died because she couldn't keep her mouth shut. If you all love yourself, you'll keep that secret within the family unless all of us are going down!"With anger in his eyes, he stormed out of the room with Selena and his wife by his side and the tension remained thick in the air. Alpha Max, Luna Irene, and I were left standing there, still in shock from the revelations that just unfolded. My emotions were a mix of anger, confusion, and hurt. I couldn't believe that my own father admitted it all and didn't even feel bad for one second.I couldn't hold back the tears any longer, and they streamed down my cheeks as I sank to the floor, my knees giving way. I sobbed uncontr
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Chapter 56
Alpha Max's POVMy mind raced as I sat in the sleek black car, waiting for Bella to join me. Her absence was concerning, and I couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. The minutes ticked by, and anxiety gnawed at me like a relentless beast.Unable to contain my worry any longer, I decided to step out of the car and go back into the palace to find Bella. I promised to protect her, and I wasn't about to let anything happen to her now.As I entered the palace, a chilling silence greeted me. The tension that had permeated the hall earlier had intensified, giving the entire place an eerie aura. I moved swiftly through the corridors, calling Bella's name, but there was no response. I went to her room but there was no one there either.I made my way back to the halls, my voice echoing through the empty space, "Bella! Where are you?"No one was in sight, and the hall felt desolate, devoid of life. Panic began to claw at my chest, and I couldn't shake the feeling that something was
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Chapter 57
Bella's POVThe drive continued in silence, only my cries being heard. "Where are we heading, Alpha Max?" I asked but got no response."Alpha Max?" I called again, then leaned forward, and then I saw the driver. It wasn't Alpha Max! Immediately I tried to take my phone and call for help but he caught me."What are you thinking of doing?" He demanded, in his ice-cold tone.I stared in shock at the unfamiliar man behind the wheel, my heart pounding in my chest. "Who are you?" I managed to stammer, my voice trembling with fear.The man's face was hidden in the shadows, but his piercing, cold eyes were fixated on me in the rearview mirror. He didn't answer my question; instead, he reached into his coat and pulled out a gleaming silver pistol, pointing it directly at me."Your questions don't matter, Isabella," he said, his voice devoid of any warmth. "What matters is that you're coming with me, and you're going to do exactly as I say. If you make a wrong move or scream, it won't end well
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Chapter 58
Bella's POV"Antiseptic," I mumbled as I took a deep breath when I woke up. When I first opened my eyes, it was still foggy but with a few blinks, I found myself in a place that was starkly different from the dark, damp room of my tormentor. This time, it was the sterile, white surroundings of a hospital room that greeted my groggy senses. My head throbbed with pain, and my body felt sore and battered.I struggled to sit up, blinking against the harsh fluorescent lights overhead. As my vision cleared, I realized that I wasn't alone. Luna Irene was sitting in a chair by my bedside, her eyes red and puffy from crying. When she saw me stir, her tearful expression shifted to one of relief."Bella!" she exclaimed, her voice quivering with emotion. "Finally! My child! You're awake."My throat was dry, and it took a moment for my voice to cooperate. "Luna Irene, what happened? Where am I? The baby?"Tears welled up in her eyes again as she reached out to hold my hand. "The baby is fine. Whe
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Chapter 59
Bella's POVI thought maybe Louis was just in a bad mood that day but in the days that followed Louis's sudden change in demeanor, I realized that I was in a perilous situation. Several times, I was pushed to the floor and verbally attacked, and it was clear that I couldn't trust or live with Louis either. My priority shifted from recovery to survival.I knew that I needed to regain my strength and find a way to leave this place, but it wouldn't be easy. I was confined to my room, and I had no idea who I could turn to for help. During the moments when I was left alone in my room, I began to secretly practice walking. My gunshot wound still caused me pain, but I couldn't afford to remain helpless. For the sake of my child, I needed to be mobile if I had any hope of escaping this predicament and seeking revenge on those who had hurt me and Alpha Max.I started with small, tentative steps, using the walls and furniture for support. Each day, I pushed myself a little harder, enduring the
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Chapter 60
Bella's POVI glanced at Essie with wide eyes, surprised that she knew about my secret training. "How... how did you know about that?" I asked, my voice filled with a mixture of fear and curiosity.Essie smiled gently as she helped me into her car. "In case you didn't know, we're neighbors, Bella. I live beside your house. I've seen you out there, training every day. I can tell you're determined and strong-willed. So don't worry, your secret is safe with me."As we drove towards the hospital, I felt a glimmer of hope. Essie seemed kind and trustworthy, a rare find in this hostile environment. "Thank you, Essie," I said, tears of gratitude welling up in my eyes. "You have no idea how much your help means to me.""It's fine, Bella. I understand how suffocating it must be to be in this prison disguised as a pack. In all my days of staying here, you're the only person that seems sensible…""Prison disguised as a pack? What are you talking about?" I asked."You don't know?" She asked and I
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