All Chapters of Owned By The Alpha : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
80 Chapters
No More Girls
After Theia had her meal, Alpha Galan suggested that she should go see her maid at the hospital, leaving him and Marcus in his study room and they were both engaged in an intense conversation."Alpha Galan, what do you have in mind for me and Theia? About the investigation, I haven't heard from the man in a while." Marcus said as he brought out a chair to sit, opposite Alpha Galan.Alpha Galan has a knowing look on his face, as he gazed deep into Marcus's blue eyes. "Marcus, you need to start with the investigation tomorrow and with the way we planned it before, he's going to pay Theia a visit when she arrives at her grandmother's house." Alpha Galan informed, exhaling before continuing with his words. "While you're up to the start, I need to figure out the hiding place of the wolf hunters. Selene has guided me already."Marcus heaved a sigh. "That man is up to no good, in glad you summoned your mother at first because those wood hunters are gonna kick your butt if you fight them with
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Marcus Dismiss
The morning sun bathed Marcus's room in a warm, golden glow, casting long shadows that stretched across the floor. The room itself, an oasis of calm in the midst of chaos, seemed to hold its breath as Marcus stood before his open wardrobe. He moved with a quiet determination, each garment he selected meticulously chosen, each fold of fabric a testament to the gravity of the task at hand.I observed him in silence, my heart heavy with the knowledge that the moment had come. The mission against Mr. Mario and his network of shadowy collaborators was no ordinary endeavor. It was a labyrinthine puzzle with stakes higher than we could fathom, and Marcus was at the forefront, willingly stepping into the unknown.Beside me, Alpha Galan stood like a guardian, his presence a source of strength in the face of the impending challenge. We had become a trio bound not only by circumstance but by a shared sense of purpose - a purpose that demanded secrecy, courage, and sacrifice.The question that ha
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The hospital corridors bustled with activity as we made our way through the maze of sterile white walls and echoing footsteps. Alpha Galan's phone continued to buzz intermittently, the messages and updates a constant reminder of the urgency of our mission.Finally, we arrived at the door of Marshmallow's hospital room. My heart pounded in my chest as I watched Alpha Galan push the door open, revealing a small, dimly lit room. The sight that met my eyes sent shockwaves through me. Marshmallow lay in the hospital bed, her petite frame pale and fragile against the crisp white sheets. Tubes and wires were connected to her, monitoring her vital signs, and a ventilator softly hummed in the background.Tears welled up in my eyes as I took in the sight of my friend, battered and bruised, lying motionless in the hospital bed. It was a stark reminder of the brutality she had endured, the pain she had suffered at the hands of Mr. Old Face.Anger and regret churned within me as I cursed Mr. Old F
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Caring And Considerate
I sat in the hospital room, my eyes still fixed on Marshmallow, who lay motionless in the bed. Alpha Galan's words lingered in the air, his offer to bring me food and clothes a testament to his thoughtfulness. However, my desire to be with him, to support him in this trying time, tugged at my heart."Alpha Galan, I appreciate your kindness," I began, my voice soft but filled with determination. "But I want to be there with you when you go home. I can help you gather everything we need, and it'll be a welcome distraction for both of us."Alpha Galan hesitated for a moment, his crimson eyes searching mine. I knew he wanted to protect me, to shield me from the harsh realities of Marshmallow's condition. But we were a team, and I couldn't bear to be away from him when we needed each other the most.Finally, he nodded, a reluctant agreement in his expression. "Very well," he conceded. "But promise me you'll be careful and stay strong. I'll need you by my side when we return."I nodded, gra
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As the medical team began their assessments and preparations for Marshmallow, Nurse Emily turned to me with a gentle but firm expression. "I'm afraid you'll need to leave the room, Miss," she said kindly. "We have to perform an operation on Marshmallow, and it's important for the doctors to work without any distractions."Reluctantly, I nodded, knowing that Marshmallow's well-being was the top priority. I leaned down to give Marshmallow's hand a gentle squeeze, whispering words of encouragement once more before stepping out of the room.The waiting room felt like a purgatory of anxiety and uncertainty. It was filled with the hushed voices of worried family members, each waiting for news about their loved ones. I found an empty chair, my heart heavy with concern for Marshmallow.Time seemed to stretch endlessly as I sat there, lost in my thoughts and prayers for our friend. The minutes turned into hours, and with every passing moment, the weight of the situation pressed down on me. Wou
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Operation (2)
The medical team, despite their exhaustion, continued to work diligently. Dr. Reynolds, now with a bead of sweat rolling down his temple, gave orders with precision. "Nurse, hand me the micro-sutures," he said, his voice steady but tired.Nurse Emily, who had been assisting since the beginning, quickly passed the required instruments. Her hands moved with practiced efficiency, a testament to her experience. "Here you go, Doctor," she replied, her voice calm and respectful.The beeping of the heart monitor continued to provide a rhythmic backdrop to the room's activities, a constant reminder of the patient's fragility. Marshmallow lay still, her chest rising and falling in the controlled rhythm of the ventilator.Dr. Reynolds meticulously sutured the incision he had made earlier, his hands moving with expert precision. Each stitch was a testament to his skill, a delicate dance between life and death. The room's tension had not dissipated; instead, it had shifted into a different form –
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Is She Dead Yet?
"Ma'am, Ms. Marshmallow is awake." The nurse came out of the operation room adjusting the nose mask she had as she broke the news to Alpha Galan.I couldn't help but jump for joy and wrap my hands around Alpha Galan's neck, jumping on him. "I'm so happy!"Alpha Galan's eyes opened in awe as he least expected my actions. I chuckled noticing how uncomfortable he was as I respected myself and maintained poise, clearing my throat as I turned to face the nurse."How's she? Can we go and see her?" I asked not being able to control my excitement.Nurse Emily giggled. "No, you can't for now. The doctors are still packing up." She explained before excusing herself to leave. And of course, she didn't leave without batting an eye on Alpha Galan who remained a straight face until her disappearance.My jaws dropped in disappointment but I didn't let that pull me down because I was too excited to see Marshmallow. I had a lot of apologies to do and some encouragement to give."I can see you're super
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Frail Woman
Mr. Mario's room, a dimly lit and confined space, was a reflection of his tumultuous thoughts and his increasingly desperate situation. The dwindling days of September cast long shadows through tattered curtains, further accentuating the gloom that seemed to envelop him. He paced back and forth, the aging floorboards groaning beneath his footsteps, as he tried to come to terms with the harsh reality that time was running out.September was rapidly drawing to a close, and with it, the ominous deadline for repaying Sergio loomed ever larger. Mario had dabbled in the shady corners of the city's underworld before, but this predicament was of an entirely different magnitude. The debt he owed was substantial, and the consequences of failing to repay it were too dire to contemplate. He needed a solution, and he needed it urgently.His thoughts continually circled back to a name – Theia. She held the key to his salvation, or so he believed. The elusive woman had vanished into the shadows, lea
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Theia's Salvation
The city's pulse quickened as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows that danced across the bustling streets. Marcus stood in the dimly lit parking lot beside his unassuming car, his face concealed beneath the hood of a dark sweatshirt. His fingers danced over the small recording device he had wielded like a spy, replaying the pivotal conversation between Mr. Mario and Evelyn.The digital file was his ticket to influence, to maintain his position within a web of secrecy and power that ran deep within the city's underbelly. Marcus knew that the information he possessed was valuable beyond measure. With a few deft taps on the device's screen, he forwarded the recording to a secure location, ensuring it was tucked away from prying eyes.Once the data was safely stashed away, Marcus retrieved his smartphone, the screen bathed in an eerie, bluish glow. He dialed a number he had committed to memory, one that had remained dormant for far too long. Each ring felt like an etern
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Shadowy Puppeteer
Weeks passed, and Marcus found himself entrenched in the clandestine machinations of Alpha Galan's enigmatic world. The city's heartbeat pulsed with the rhythm of secrets, each echoing footstep and whispered conversation carrying its own hidden agenda. Marcus had become a shadow within the shadows, a vigilant sentinel on the lookout for any sign of Mr. Mario's movements.Theia's safety was his paramount concern, and he couldn't escape the gnawing guilt that accompanied his role in the intricate web that ensnared her. He had become a pawn in a grander scheme, one that remained shrouded in mystery. Alpha Galan had shared only morsels of information, keeping Marcus in a state of perpetual uncertainty.One chilly evening, Marcus received a cryptic message on his encrypted phone, summoning him to a dimly lit alleyway on the outskirts of the city. As he arrived at the appointed location, the shadows seemed to close in around him, and he couldn't help but feel as if he were walking into a tr
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