All Chapters of Babysitting Mr. Powers' Daughter.: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
68 Chapters
You are different
GRACEWith my latest addiction - a cup of the hotel’s specially crushed orange juice- wrapped around my fingers, I stared into the night, thoughts running through my head.A few seconds later, I unlocked my phone and scrutinised the bold headline staring at me.Business + Glamour: Is the ever-riveting Dominic Powers dating again?The headline was followed by a picture from the event. It was taken when I was searching for that table with drinks in my hands. Mr. Powers’ arm was linked with mine, his head was slightly tilted in my direction and from the image, one could tell that he was saying something to me.After that image was a write-up that initially assumed I was a waitress. But when Mr Powers was seen taking a seat next to Ruby and I, they had to wonder if I was the new woman in his life since Diane who he was married to for a year.Apparently, they had no idea about Regina or any other girlfriends, if there were any.The issue right now is that I can’t afford to be in the limeli
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Flames of Desire
GRACE“Oh come on,” I muttered as I could sense that his intention would involve a lot more teasing.“Did you say something, Miss Sands?” His hand found my thigh and he tickled his fingers against my skin. That brought back the feeling I have been yearning for. I let out a sigh of relief.“No.” It was becoming hard to control my breathing. “I said nothing.”“I thought so.” His lips which were in a smug shape soon fell onto mine and fiercely, he explored. His tongue joined the party after a while, sending waves of pleasure into my craving system. As his kiss got fiercer and as I managed to keep up with his pace, his grip on my thigh squeezed before sliding a bit upwards to tease me further.“Dominic,” I called softly as his lips went to my neck region. My hands clenched his soft hair. His teeth ground softly on my tender skin and my body writhed in reaction.His hand that was around my nether region was also working on driving me to get the ultimate pleasure as it kept circling every a
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GRACE Just like on several occasions, hearing Kyle’s name triggered something in me, and in a jiffy, I retracted my hand from Mr. Powers’ hold and sat up. I gathered the sheets to my naked body and glared at the man who had just taken me to new heights of pleasure. “Grace...” he called and I held out a cautionary finger as I got out of his bed. “Don’t...” As soon as my feet hit the floor, a huge ball of not-so-necessary realisation hit me and I faced the man with a frown on my face. “Wh...What am I even doing here? I...” I searched for my clothes frantically. “I shouldn’t be here. We... We shouldn’t be doing this.” “Grace...” He sat up, reached for a towel folded at the end of his bed, and wrapped it around his waist once he got to his feet. “Grace, please calm down.” “I can’t calm down. You know I should not be here, I should not be doing this.” My eyes widened with unusual fear as I ranted on while I struggled to keep the sheets around me intact. Seconds after I located my nig
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Kyle (2)
GRACE Tears began to well in my eyes and I knew that it would be hard for me from that moment on. But according to Jeremy, it was time I got my burdens off my chest. “After two years of dating, Kyle proposed to me. And I still remember his proposal.” I let out a light laugh. “It was sort of cliché, but I loved it anyway because I loved Kyle so much. He proposed just right beside the Empire State Building.” While biting a small portion of my upper lip, I faced Mr. Powers with a teary face and released a sad chuckle while my heart wrenched some more. After I wiped off the waterworks which were bound to show up again, I looked down at the tiles, the tone of my voice heading to a more serious one. “That day... I said yes. I still remember the ring. It was so freaking... beautiful.” My shoulders carried the depression that befell me. “I was happy. Very happy. The happiest I had been in a while. But not for long.” My throat instantly felt heavy. My eyes welled more tears. And I slowly
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Chocolates and sweet words
GRACE“Okay Ruby,” I leaned closer to ensure that eye contact was maintained, “you have to come clean.” I have to remain stern and show her my seriousness. “Did you eat out of the chocolates?” With puppy eyes, Ruby shook her head. I glanced at the brown smudge on the side of her lips and scoffed in disbelief.“You did not eat out of it,” I uttered, the tone of my voice barely carrying a whiff of inquiry.And she sharply responded with, “No.”“How do you explain this then?” I slammed two wrappers of Snickers chocolate onto the kitchen counter and stared squarely at the little girl whose eyes widened in shock. She started to struggle with finding an explanation but I continued my questioning.“And how do you explain this?” I pulled out a little mirror and placed it in front of her so that she could see that I had irrevocable evidence against her. “So, tell me, Ruby, did you eat the chocolates or not?”“Uh...” Her voice became timid and her eyes evaded mine while I cocked a brow and I aw
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Chocolates and sweet words (2)
GRACEOnce I ended the call, I tucked my phone into the front pocket of my grey joggers and approached the man who was back from a long day at the office.“Mr. Powers,” I called the man who stood still after a few steps up the stairs, his full attention on his phone. “Mr. Powers?” I raised my voice.The man ignored me. And I scoffed in disbelief as he maintained his focus on his phone.Once I took a few more steps closer to the end of the staircase, I called him again. “Mr. Powers?”I am sure this man can hear me, so why isn’t he responding? “Mr. Powers? Dominic?”“Grace.” He swiftly faced me, a grand smile on his lips. “There you are.” He finally responded and I just had to roll my eyes at his silliness.The man began to walk towards me. As he moved, I admired his exceptional dressing. The light tones of his clothes blended with his skin and I found him more alluring.Once his feet were barely inches away from mine, he asked, “Did you just roll your eyes at me?”“Uh...” I looked up a
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A forming pool
GRACE “Are you and Mr. Powers dating?” I sent a pointed look at the figure that eased his way into the penthouse. “I have seen the tabloids.” “Jeremy, I don’t know what you are talking about.” I chose to deny it because it would be weird for me to talk about my dating life with a man who never ceases to show signs that keeps saying; I am interested in you! “Just hurry, you are late. Ruby doesn’t like it when people waste her time.” “I just wanted to know.” I glared at the complaining man as I pulled his arm and directed him towards Ruby. “Please, I want to know.” Jeremy tilted his head and a small pout grew on his lips. When I stopped moving him, I asked, “Will you stop stylishly trying to hit on me if I answer you?” “Uh... What are you talking about? I don’t hit on you.” I rolled my eyes and resumed pulling him. “Okay, okay!” After three nudges, he swiftly turned to face me. A little crease formed on his forehead and he said, “I will go and teach Ruby.” “And?” I crossed my arms
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A forming pool (2)
GRACE Once our kiss was paused, our foreheads met and our eyes dived into each other’s. While we remained in that position, Dominic reached for my hand which was still resting against his face. He brought it to his lips and began to kiss each finger, the hotness of the contact sending bliss down my spine. His kisses made my heart grow fonder and they spoke his emotions to me. As I interpreted the softness of his kisses in my head, I counted myself lucky that I was the one he chose to create beautiful memories with. “I am still working on getting rid of the tabloids. The articles have become a virus that might take some time to contain.” He kissed my palm then dropped my hand gently while he made our eyes meet again. “What about the guy that came over? He got pictures of me.” “I will have the security team look into it. Enough of all that.” He closed the space between us. His lips brushed mine lightly, I jolted slightly in reaction. “I am going to miss watching you react to my tou
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Hello, you.
GRACEAfter fulfilling Ruby’s request to read her one of her favourite stories, I tucked her in and made for the living room when it was certain that she was deeply asleep.As I walked, my eyes flickered to Dominic’s door and my earlier thought of dialing his number flashed in my mind again. I was kind of desperate to hear his deep, thrilling voice. But I halted my thoughts.If anything, Mr... Dominic is quite serious when it comes to his business. So, even if I never understand the whole dealings of the stock market, what I have read online is enough to know that Dominic was not slowing down in his race of getting to the top of the game.Seconds later, I was downstairs and my phone’s ringtone filled the dimmed atmosphere.With the thought that it was Dominic’s call, my heart rushed, so did my feet.I must say, not only does Dominic fill my life with warmth, he makes my heart yearn even when I recall his sensuous words.I picked up my phone from the couch and saw David’s name on the s
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Hello, you. (2)
GRACEI barged into her room and my frightened self became more scared when my sight fell on the irregular rising and falling of the girl’s chest, her breathing crazily filling the room with loud, struggling sounds.“Ruby! Ruby! Wake up!” She responded to my call with a sleepy voice but her hard breathing still wouldn’t stop. As I made her sit up, David’s concerned words blared from the call. “Ruby, you need to wake up. Open your eyes, Ruby.” My worry grew by the second as I tapped her cheeks lightly to wake her up.“David, she won’t stop breathing hard.” My voice shivered with distress. “What should I do?”His voice echoed from the phone. ‘Hmm. Okay. Sit her up first. Sit her up.’“She is sitting up. She is.” I hugged the girl to my chest and adjusted her position after I grabbed her pillow to support her back.Amid my attempt to get her in the most comfortable position, my skin came in contact with hers and my fear grew.“David, she is hot. Her body is...”’Calm down, Grace. To deal
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