All Chapters of The Ex-Husband Returns: A Second Chance at Love: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
115 Chapters
Chapter 21: Love Is Always A Choice
Carmela has told Max that she saw Nichole at the school. Max was quiet for a moment, then he said, "You're sure it was her?" Carmela nodded. "I'd know her anywhere," she said, her voice determined. "And I know she had something to do with the fire."Max shook his head. "You can't accuse her of something like that without proof," he said. "It's just an assumption. You don't have any evidence." Carmela's eyes flashed. "I know it was her," she said, her voice rising. "I just know it." She could feel herself getting worked up, but she couldn't stop the words from spilling out. "She's been out to get me ever since she got here," she said. "I know she did this."Max's expression turned cold. "You're just jealous because Nichole and I are together now," he said, his voice sharp. "You're grasping at straws, Carmela. It's not healthy. You need to let it go." Carmela felt a stab of pain at his words. "You don't understand," she said, her voice breaking. "I know what I saw." Max's eyes softe
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Chapter 22: Hannah is Awake!
"What happened?" Nichole asked, rushing to Max's side. "I'm such an idiot," he said, holding his hand close to his chest. "I tried to punch the wall, and I just ended up hurting myself." Nichole reached for his hand, inspecting it. "Let me get you some ice," she said, heading to the kitchen.When she returned, Max was sitting on the floor, his head in his hands. "I'm so sorry," he said, his voice breaking."I'm just trying to do the right thing," Max said, frustration rising in his voice. "I don't understand why it has to be so difficult." Nichole's eyes flashed. "The right thing for who?" she demanded. "For you or for those kids?""I just want to make sure they're taken care of," Max said, his voice rising. "It's the least I can do." Nichole shook her head, her eyes flashing with anger. "The least you can do?" she asked, her voice hard. "Have you even stopped to think about what they want?"Max hesitated, his expression uncertain. "Of course I've thought about what they want," he
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Chapter 23: Love In The Air
The doctor hesitated, his face somber. "We're not sure yet," he said. "But her heart rate and blood pressure are both low. We need to run some more tests to figure out what's going on." Carmela felt her legs go weak, and she sank into a chair, her eyes fixed on her daughter's face. Sarah put a hand on her shoulder, her own eyes full of worry. "We're going to take good care of her," the doctor said, his voice reassuring. "We'll do everything we can." Carmela nodded, but she could barely hear the doctor's words. Her mind was racing, her thoughts jumbled and confused. She couldn't bear to sit there, waiting for news about her daughter. "I need to get some air," she said, her voice shaking. "Do you want to come with me, Sarah?" Sarah nodded, putting an arm around Carmela's shoulders. "Of course," she said. "We'll go to the cafeteria and get some coffee." The two women left the room, their hearts heavy, their minds full of worry. They walked down the hall in silence, their footsteps e
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Chapter 24: Mr. Atom
The next morning, Carmela got ready for work, her mind still racing from the events of the previous night. She dreaded going to work, knowing that people would be talking about her and Pedro. Ever since she had started working for him, there had been rumors circulating about them dating. Carmela knew that the rumors were false, but she still felt a sense of dread as she got into her car and drove to the office.As she pulled into the parking lot, she saw people huddled together in small groups, their eyes following her as she walked towards the building. She could feel their stares on her back, and she tried to ignore them as she made her way to her office. As soon as she sat down at her desk, her phone started ringing. She picked it up, her hand trembling slightly. "Good morning, Carmela," a familiar voice said. It was Sarah, sounding far too cheerful for her liking."Good morning, Carmela," Sarah said, her voice warm and friendly. "How are you doing?" Carmela felt relief wash o
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Chapter 25: His or Her True Intentions
Carmela looked furious as she walked into the office of Andrew, her lawyer.“Hey, Carmela. You didn’t inform me that you were coming.”Andrew said, jolting from the chair he sat on. Sarah was also present in this room. She had been sitting on Andrew lap and when Carmela rushing into the room, furiously, Andrew threw Sarah on the chair.“What’s going on here?” Carmela looked flustered. “Sarah, what are you doing here? I thought you and Dan..”Carmela stuttered a little unsure on how to address what she had just seen. How could her friend have a fling with her lawyer. “About Dan, he left me.” Sarah frowned. “I wanted to tell you but you were busy sorting out your ex-husband and your kids issue.” “Dan left you?” Carmela felt emotional as she rushed to hug Sarah. It was unexpected that Sarah had to maintain a proper stance in order not fall. “I’m so sorry to hear that. I didn’t know. You should have told me.”Forgetting that Carmela had a pressing issue, she didn’t want to always talk ab
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Chapter 26: A Second Chance At Love
As Carmela awoke from her dream, she noticed that she was still in the same room, a cold, damp room. Her eyes were covered with a black cloth, but she could still feel the rays of light hitting her face as if the sun was shining through a window. She tried to move, but her hands were bound behind her back. As she struggled to free herself, she realized that her feet were also bound.As she lay there, trying to make sense of her situation, she heard footsteps approaching. The door creaked open, and a man's voice said, "Welcome back, Carmela."Max removed the black cloth from her face, and Carmela was finally able to see her surroundings. She was in a small stone room, with only a single, high window to let in light. The walls were damp and cold, and the only furniture was a small wooden table and chair. Max placed a tray of food on the table and then sat down right in front of her. "How are you feeling?" he asked, his voice low and soothing.Carmela didn't respond. She was too stunn
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Chapter 27: Don’t Fool Mr Lover Boy
At the Atom’s CompanyNichole sat in an office and to her front sat a laptop. Her hands were huskily kissing the keypads in a rush.Every tap on the keyboard was crucial, and Nichole knew she couldn't afford to make any mistakes. The information she was inputting would be used to transfer funds out of the company accounts and into the account of the man she met the other day, at night. He had been blackmailing her for months. He knew much about her past since when Max and Carmela were still together. He knew how she was trying to bring down Max company and how she lied about being pregnant and about her child dying due to miscarriage. He knew everything, he loved Nichole but she ran away and got along with Max. Did she think she could escape? Now he was using it against her, to blackmail her. She had to keep playing along, or he would expose her.As Nichole worked, she kept glancing at the clock, each minute ticking by like an eternity. She knew that soon, Max would be back from hi
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Chapter 28: The Mole
Max anxiously waited for the security footage to arrive. Every passing second felt like an eternity as he stared at his office door, still reeling from the unexpected kiss. He knew he had to figure out why Nichole had come to his office and why she had kissed him.After what felt like an agonizing wait, a notification popped up on Max's computer, indicating the arrival of the footage. Heart pounding in his chest, he swiftly opened the video and began to review the events of the day.As he fast-forwarded through the recordings, Max's heart sank when he realized that the camera had not captured anything significant. It had somehow malfunctioned for that specific time period, leaving him with no answers. Frustration and confusion welled up within him, exacerbating his already overwhelmed state of mind.With no security footage to offer clarity, Max was left contemplating the possibility that Nichole's actions were based on something deeper than mere flirtation. He couldn't ignore the unc
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Chapter 29: Don’t be kidding me. New beginning?
Max rushed back to the warehouse where he has kept Carmela inside, without her consent. Last time they had their time alone, Max had slept with her and Carmela could not stop herself from having her way with Max instead, even though he was her Ex-husband and she had left him because of Nichole her bestfriend.Carmela was still having lingering feelings as well as Max. The door of the warehouse opened and Max walked inside flushed.“Arghhh…” he screamed fling a chair in the air and landing right next to Carmela, she flinched.“What was that for?” She raised her voice so that Max was not going to fling another chair at her. “You almost hurt me.”“It’s your fucking best friend, Nichole.” “Ex-best friend and I left her for you so how’s her problem my concern now? Let me go so I can go back to my twins. They’ll be fucking worried about me.” Carmela snapped, looking sad.“Ohh, you mean our twins, the one you took away from me.”“We’re not going to argue about that,” Carmela raised her eye
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Chapter 30: Her Mistake
Max freed Carmela and she returned to her kids, first to Hannah, her daughter who was still at the hospital.Upon reaching, she pushed the door to an open and found out that Hannah was no more in the ward.Carmela rushed back to the nurses station.“Where’s my daughter that I left in ward 210?”“And you are?” The nurse frowned her brows without looking at Carmela.“Her mother, obviously.” Carmela felt her blood boil. What had happened when she was away?The nurse raised her eyes at Carmela looking skeptical.“And your name is?”Carmela flared up! “Carmela Martins. Stop questioning me and tell my where my daughter is! She’s just eight years old.”“Jezz, you didn’t have to be so loud. We have patients that are sleeping in the ward. You daughter was taken by your friend Sarah and a lawyer Andrew.” The nurse rest her eyes sluggishly on Carmela. “Do you know them?” However Carmela was no more standing there but was already on her way to Sarah’s house, her heart heavy with worry. Reaching
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