All Chapters of My Big Brother : Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
122 Chapters
Ch111: This will be our room
Warning: This chapter contains mature content not suitable for younger viewers.Someone wrapped their hands around me, and I immediately knew that it was Dave. I turned around and hugged him.“Brother, I just feel so bad for her. She has never looked like that before,” I said.Dave wiped away my tears and looked into my eyes. “If she needs any help, we can help her, as long as it is not getting Sofia out,” he said gently.I nodded my head at him. “Thank you, Dave,” I said. I had thought that he would not want me to help her.…I was shocked when we reached Dave's place and found the whole place renovated. The house looked so good.“Whoa!“ I said, a big smile on my face. “When did you do all these?“We had just gotten married today. He could not have done all these in a day, right?The living room had also been changed, and new furniture, ones that I like the most, had been bought.The full colors in the house had also been replaced with brighter ones. Everything looked so perfect.Dav
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Ch112: He belongs to me
Dave pulled me into his hands and hugged me tightly. Our bodies were covered in sweat, but none of us cared. I was just so exhausted that I couldn't care.“You are so weak,” he said, kissing my forehead. “We need to practice more in the future.“I lazily pinched his waist. “You are the beast here. Don't complain about me,” I said, rolling my eyes at him. I didn't think there was any other man like him.“Tsk tsk!“ Dave chuckled and caressed my back. “I don't regret it since I feel like you love me for who I am. I love you, my sweetheart!“I smiled and moved closer to him. I wanted to feel his manly scent as I slept. “Good night, Big Brother,” I said, closing my eyes.Dave rubbed my eyebrows. “Don't you want to clean up?“ He asked. But I shook my head. “I am too tired. Let us do it tomorrow,” I said. Who cared about cleaning up at such a time?Dave nodded with a broad smile. “Good night, my wild kitten,” he said. He pressed another kiss on my forehead and wrapped his hands around me. H
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Ch113: You are not a secret
Dave sighed. He tightly wrapped his hands around me and kissed my cheeks. “Are you jealous? You know that no other woman matters to me. I was going to turn her down!“ he said.I pouted and looked away from him. “You should have done it immediately after you saw her. Why did you just stand there and listen as she talked? She was about to touch you,” I complained.I was still feeling so irritated when I remembered how calm he seemed when Annie confessed to him.Dave chuckled. “Isn't it because I saw you? I wanted my wife to fight for me. And I am so glad you did it,” he said, hugging me tighter.I pursed my lips. “You knew I was there from the beginning?“ I asked. Was that why he did not say anything to Annie?Dave continuously nodded his head. “Yes, I saw you when you came. I was just about to turn her down at that time. But I decided to let you deal with her. Maybe that way, she will never try to approach me again."I finally understood. But I was still mad at him. “You are a man! You
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Ch114: Kidnapped?
"Boss, something bad happened." Fortune began speaking, but he stopped when he saw us.“Um, I think I am blind. I went to the wrong office. I saw nothing,” he said in fear, and the door was shut with a bang.I quickly got up from Dave's lap and looked away in embarrassment. I could never save my face again.What I did not expect was that Dave would also stand up. “Let us continue in the resting room,” he said, trying to pull me to the room connected to the office.But I yanked my hand away from him. “Not now,” I said. How could he still think of doing such a thing?“I am going to kill him!“ Dave cursed angrily. He took his phone and called Fortune. It was too late for me to stop him.“Get in here right now!" He shouted and went back to his seat. I looked at him with a sigh.A few seconds later, Fortune rushed into the office. There was a look of embarrassment on his face. “Boss, I did not see anything,” he hurriedly explained.I felt more embarrassed, and I tried not to look at him. T
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Ch115: A surprise
They laughed at me again. “We are not after money. We know how to be loyal,” one of them said.I sighed in disappointment. “Is it Sofia who asked you to kidnap me?“ I asked. And I could see the look of shock on their faces. It seemed like I had guessed right.“Miss, we are not going to disclose anything about our boss,” one of the men said. “Be obedient until you meet them.“I sighed. I knew that I was never going to convince them to let me go. But I had some hope since I knew that if it was really Sofia who wanted me, it would be easy for Dad and Dave to locate me.After all, once they found out that I was missing, Sofia would be their first suspect.The phone of one of the men rang. And he picked it up immediately. “Boss?“ He said.I perked my eyes so that I could hear the voice of the other person on the phone, but it was to no success. I did not hear a thing.“Yes, we are entering the airport now. We shall be there soon,” the man speaking on the phone said.And I froze in place. A
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Ch116: He calls me stupid
…On our fifth day on the island, things were still so fun. We spent the whole day exploring and having more fun.However, at night, we were just about to go to bed when I received a call. It was a new contact that I had not seen before.Dave was in the bathroom, so I decided to just pick it up.“Hello,” I said. It was funny that someone called me at such a time.“Mia…” I heard Denny's voice from the other side. And by the look of things, she was crying.“Denny, are you okay?“ I asked worriedly. Dave had told me that after Sofia escaped from the police cell, Denny had also gone missing.“Mia, can you help us, please?" she asked, crying even harder. “We don't have anything.“I was slightly taken aback. Denny was a princess who had been brought up with a silver spoon.“What happened? And who are you with?“ I asked. Was she trying to admit that she was with her mother?“Mia, I will be alone here at one o'clock tomorrow. Can you come over? I am a hidden warehouse along X X road."I sighed
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Ch117: Don't hurt her
Mom chuckled and nodded her head continuously. “Yes, he is trying to act sweet. Also, we all know how much Dave loves you. You have to be happy with the way he calls you,” she said.Even though I thought it would look funny if I was happy with anyone calling me stupid, I still nodded my head.The only thing I thought of was to also look for a name like that to call him by. It would serve him right.My phone on the table vibrated. I thought that it was a text from Dave, so I hurriedly looked at it. Anyway, I was never expecting calls and texts from any other person.But I creased my brows when I saw that it was a text from Becky. Wasn't she out of the country?After Dave suspected that the shares that Sofia had acquired were because of the help of Mr. Williams, he tried to approach them.But he learned that the family had secretly relocated abroad. They had not even told Dad a thing.But because of the relationship that Dad had had with them over the years, he had decided to let things
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Ch118: Pregnant
Yuel looked at Sofia with a sigh. “I think we have to stop it. Denny will be mad at you. And she might tell Mia the truth,” he said.He was still feeling afraid when he remembered the things that Dave and his men had done to him in that basement.But Sofia waved Denny's phone in her hand. “I have her phone. She can't communicate with anyone,” she said."But, siz,” Yuel tried to say. Denis had promised to help them out in the end. Wasn't Sofia going to ruin everything if she tried to harm Mia?“I am going to get rid of her like I should have done in the past. It doesn't matter anyway. Sooner, I will go back to jail.“…Denny could not just sit still when she thought that her mom was going to harm Mia. She looked around the room, trying everything to get out of there.And at last, she succeeded in breaking the window and left quietly. She was not going to allow her mom to do another harmful thing to Mia.“Sir, please, can I use your phone?“ She asked the first person she saw on the way.
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Ch119: Looking like a pig
The doctor was taken aback. He looked at Dave with questioning eyes. “Your wife is two months pregnant. Are you sure you knew nothing about it?“ he asked.Dave once again looked at the girl on the bed. His heart was beating very fast. “No wonder she has been very moody recently. Doctor, what am I supposed to do?“ He asked, his eyes dancing with joy. He was going to be a dad.“Try making sure that she is stress-free. It is always a bit difficult for first-time mothers to handle too much stress and anxiety,” he explained.…I had just woken up when I heard something about someone getting pregnant. For some reason, my heart began beating so fast.“Who is pregnant?“ I asked in a small voice. Dave was holding onto my hand.He quickly looked at me when I spoke. “Honey, you are awake,” he said, kissing my cheeks. “I was very scared.““Who is pregnant?“ I asked again. I wanted to know the answer to that so much.Dave creased his brows. “You did not know about it?“ He asked softly.And I shook
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Ch120: Wedding
…I opened my eyes, and the happy voices and noises outside shocked me. Was there a party or something?I had felt sleepy after having lunch, so I went to bed. I did not even know how long I had slept.I moved on the bed and felt uncomfortable. What was wrong with me? Wait, what was I putting on?My eyes opened wide when I saw myself in a white wedding dress. Was Dave playing another trick on me?I turned around to look at myself in the mirror, but I froze. That was not our usual house.And taking a closer look, I realized that I was in the house on Treasure Island. How had I gotten there?“The bride is awake!“ Emah shouted as she entered the room. “Sigh! We were all waiting for you.“I looked at her in shock. “What are you doing here?“ I asked. Did everyone come to Treasure Island with us?“To attend your wedding, of course,” Emah said, pulling me to the bed. “Look at you. How did you sleep? We have to patch up your make-up again.““Where is Dave?“ I asked. Did he drug me to sleep so
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