All Chapters of Badboy's Love: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
178 Chapters
"...I love you, Emily."Deg!Emily was choked up. Emily couldn't believe Oliver would say that. She couldn't believe it even more when she heard those words spoken by Oliver which either matched his feelings or not. Emily knew Oliver didn't love her but why did he claim he loved her?Emily made a move that was beyond Oliver's expectation.Oliver thought after he said he loved Emily, the girl would melt and want to skip work for today only. But Oliver was wrong. Instead, Emily quickly grabbed her bag, slung it over her shoulder and walked quickly out of the room without saying a word.Without thinking, Oliver immediately ran after Emily. Oliver caught Emily's wrist when they arrived at the door of the room."Emily, why are you suddenly angry? Did I do something wrong?" asked Oliver not understanding what made the girl change in an instant.Emily threw off Oliver's hand that caught her wrist. Her eyes flashed sharply at the man in front of her."Don't you realise what you just said, Oli
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Emily pulled her mobile phone away from her ear when she heard someone on the other side asking a question in a loud voice."Look, what time is it, and you haven't arrived at work yet? Don't you need this job anymore? Are you asking to be sacked, is that it?" the person chirped again."S-sorry, I--""Hey, what's wrong with your voice, have you been crying? Did you just get dumped by your boyfriend and you're crying now?" asked the caller who was none other than the boss at Emily's workplace."No--""No? Ah right, as far as I know, you've never had a boyfriend, you're a real single, aren't you?" said the boss who again cut off Emily's speech.Oliver stifled a laugh when he heard Emily's boss' exclamation that the girl was a true single. Oliver could hear their conversation because Emily had deliberately turned up the volume and didn't need to put the mobile phone to her ear.Emily snorted in annoyance. Her boss was indeed very blunt when talking about anything. And often made Emily fee
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Hearing that one sentence, Alex immediately stiffened.Bad news.Those two words were able to ruin Alex's originally good mood this morning."Tell me straight to the point!" Alex retorted."Roy ran away!""What did you say?" Alex's voice screeched.Angelina noticed the look of distress on Alex's face."How come?" asked Alex."Well, he was able to fight off my men who took him away to the crocodile farm. Roy is strong, you know that, don't you?" said the caller who was none other than Ernest, Alex's boss."No, it's just that your men are so weak! Looks like you need to select your people again, Ernest!" exclaimed Alex angrily.Alex heard Ernest cling."What now? Have you found that one bastard yet?" asked Alex."No, I haven't been able to find him. I contacted the people in captivity but they said no one was coming. Then I sent some of my men to trace this, and they found the people who brought Roy dead. They didn't find Roy anywhere," Ernest explained."Incompetent! Just watching over
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Alex stopped his activity. Immediately Alex pulled away and got off Angelina's body.Alex looked upset as he rubbed his face roughly several times.Angelina fixed her clothes and got up."I'm sorry, Angelina, I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm sorry... I was rude to you," Alex said regretfully.Angelina shook her head. "No need to apologise, you just need to share your burden with me, Alex," Angelina replied."Tell me, what really happened, Alex? I heard you mention crocodile breeding, does this have something to do with the man who came to this house the other day?" asked Angelina urgently.Alex nodded. "That's right, Angelina. I just got word that the bastard isn't dead. My boss's men didn't manage to take him to the crocodile farm. I'm sure he's still alive and hiding. I'm just worried he'll come back to bother you for revenge, Angelina," Alex explained at length.Angelina was quite anxious after hearing Alex's explanation. Angelina felt that the man must be very strong, and Angelina a
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Oliver chuckled at Emily's statement about him."How could you possibly think that Emily?" asked Oliver as he continued to stare at the girl who was currently his girlfriend."Then, what made you come with wine to my apartment last night? Did you deliberately want to get me drunk and reveal what I couldn't reveal in a sober state?" Emily asked urgently."No, Emily, that's not what I meant," Oliver replied."So? Can you explain why you came to ask me to drink?"Olive sighed."Actually... I'm annoyed with myself," Oliver said quietly.Emily looked at Oliver with a softer gaze than before."What are you upset with yourself about?" Emily asked."I'm upset because... when I was with Angelina, I couldn't treat her well so that she could fall in love with Alex who I don't know the origin of. One thing I'm sure of is that Alex has a lot of enemies." Oliver said at length."If only when I was with Angelina I could have protected her and given her the best, and understood her situation and knew
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Oliver caught Emily's wrist, not wanting her to leave in a state of anger."Emily, listen to me first!""Oliver, let go of me! You should think carefully about what you're confessing your love to me for. I'm afraid you'll regret it."Emily jerked her hand vigorously until Oliver's grip on her wrist was released. Then Emily resumed her steps.Again Oliver pulled Emily's hand more strongly than before, making Emily flinch and spontaneously turn around.Oliver did that on purpose, then Oliver caught the girl and immediately landed his lips to kiss Emily's lips.Emily didn't want to fall any deeper. Emily didn't want to fall into error.Emily pushed Oliver's chest with all her might so that he would break the kiss.For a while, Oliver ignored Emily's refusal. Oliver continued to deepen the kiss.Because Oliver was stubborn, Emily was forced to bite Oliver's lip, making Oliver reflexively release the union of their lips while groaning in pain."Look, Oliver, I'm very happy if you really lo
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A woman entered Alex's house without permission. It made Angelina wonder because the door was supposed to be locked, even though the key was carried by Alex, so how did the woman get in?Angelina, who was watching the woman secretly, was noticed by the woman who had just arrived.Angelina and the woman exchanged glances, with equally confused looks."Who are you?""Who are you?"Asked Angelina and the girl simultaneously.The woman watched Angelina closely, continuing to trace Angelina's appearance from toe to hair."I'm Alex's girlfriend, and who are you? Are you the housemaid here?" the woman asked without showing her politeness.The woman could guess who Angelina was. She didn't think that Angelina was a maid in the house, but she just wanted to intimidate her.Angelina clenched her fists to hold back her emotions when the woman claimed to be Alex's lover and also called Angelina a housemaid.'Alex's lover? Does that mean she's the woman Alex has been discussing?' Angelina thought
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"Alex, are you coming?" greeted Angelina to the person on a motorbike that stopped in front of her."Why, do you not like me coming? Or are you actually waiting for someone and it's not me you're waiting for?" Alex asked back."I wasn't waiting for anyone, I was just thinking about going to Emily's apartment and I was looking for a taxi," Angelina replied."What's wrong? Why do you want to go to that girl's apartment? You're not planning to run away from me again, are you?" Alex accused."If I ran away and went to Emily's apartment again, it would be very easy for you to find me, wouldn't it?" replied Angelina with a quiet chuckle.Alex laughed crisply."Then what is it about you that makes you want to go there?" Alex asked again."I don't know, I'm a little worried about her, because she didn't go to class today. I tried to contact her a few times but she didn't respond at all," Angelina complained."If you still want to go there, I'll take you. Let's go," Alex said offering a lift.
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The waiter was confused when he realized Angelina refused to come with him to meet Alex."Wait, Miss!" The waiter prevented Angelina from leaving.Angelina looked displeased at the waiter, who dared to block her steps."Please step aside, let me go," Angelina said, clearly showing her dislike."I'm sorry, Miss, but please come with me. I'm just following orders to pick you up," said the waiter."Tsk, who told you to pick me up? And do you know where the man who came with me earlier is?" asked Angelina."I know. It was the man who came with you who asked me to pick you up," said the waiter again."He's been gone too long and now he's asking me to meet him? Why didn't he just come here?" Angelina grumbled under her breath. But the two waiters who were still standing there could quite hear what was making Angelina grumble."Well, where is Alex?" asked Angelina in the end.Angelina honestly felt annoyed. If only Alex wasn't at Camila's house right now, maybe the girl would have gone home,
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"Tsk, you're so stingy, Alex!" Leon sneered"I know she's your woman, how could I touch her, I'd get my head chopped off. I just want to get to know her," the man continued."Hi, Miss, my name is Leon." Leon also extended his hand, inviting Angelina to get acquainted.Angelina extended her hand back. "Angelina," Angelina said briefly and quickly pulled her hand back because it seemed Leon had no intention of letting go of her hand first."Louis, Josh, are you coming too?" said Angelina to reduce her awkwardness at Leon's behaviour which she thought was too conspicuous."Yes, to be honest, the three of us came here because Alex forced us to," Louis replied."Yes, he said he wanted us to witness his declaration of love for you," Josh continued."Yeah, he was too cruel to us. Knowing that we're all single, he still forced us to witness a moment of declaration of love. Alex is heartless!" Louis continued, sneering.Angelina chuckled at Louis' statement with a deliberately annoyed look on
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