All Chapters of I Reject you: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
90 Chapters
Chapter 31
Isadora's POVThe warm water from the shower had washed away the physical aches, but the emotional wounds were still raw. I was lost in thought, contemplating the state of our pack, when my phone rang, shattering the fragile peace I had found for a brief moment.I grabbed a towel and rushed to answer it, water droplets still glistening on my skin. The pack doctor's voice was urgent, and my heart skipped a beat as I listened to his words."Luna Isadora," he said, "Alpha Eamon has awakened from the coma. He's stable now, but he needs to be picked up from the hospital."The news hit me like a tidal wave, a mixture of relief and resentment flooding my senses. I had expected to feel joy at his recovery, but the memories of his betrayal and our shattered bond still haunted me."Why should I be the one to pick him up?" I snapped, my voice tinged with bitterness. "He's a grown Alpha and not a kid. Besides, he's not my responsibility."The pack doctor's tone softened as he replied, "I understa
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chapter 32
ISADORA'S POVAs Eamon and I entered the pack house, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The pack members were not expecting his return, and their surprised expressions were evident as they caught sight of him. Eamon, on the other hand, wore a wide, cheerful smile, completely oblivious to the turmoil he had caused.Before anyone could react or the pack members could swarm him with questions, I stepped forward, my expression stern. "Eamon," I whispered, my voice low but firm, "don't say a word. I'll handle everything. It's best if the pack doesn't find out about your memory loss just yet."Eamon nodded, his smile faltering slightly.But the pack members were not content to let us pass in peace. Their voices rose in a cacophony of excitement and curiosity. They surrounded Eamon, their eager faces filled with questions and relief at his return.I couldn't let this reunion continue unchecked. There was work to be done. I interrupted the gathering, my tone authoritative. "That's en
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chapter 33
Isadora's POVMatamoros entered my chamber with a solemn expression that quickly gave way to a knowing smile as he spoke, "Luna Isadora, everything has been arranged. The private session with Mia is successfully booked for tonight, I have a trusted pack warrior in charge of that."A surge of anticipation coursed through me, my heart beating just a little faster. This was the moment I had been waiting for, the opportunity to avenge the loss of my baby.I couldn't help but smile back at Matamoros. "Excellent, Matamoros. You've done well. Club Light, here we come."Later that night, the air thick with anticipation and excitement as we approached the club, we split up to avoid any suspicion or recognition. The club was pulsating with life, the thumping bass reverberating through the air. It was the perfect cover for our operation, a place where secrets were easily buried in the sea of dancing bodies and flashing lights.I stood by the bar, dressed in black to blend into the shadows, a dri
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chapter 34
Isadora's POV"Fine, Isadora, if that's what you desire," he said, his voice heavy with defeat. "I, Eamon West, Alpha of the Firewolf pack, accept your rejection."Eamon's words hung heavily in the air, and as he accepted my rejection, it felt like the final crack in a bond that had once been unbreakable. He fell to his knees, screaming in pain as he held his chest, and a wave of conflicting emotions washed over me.I took a step closer, my heart aching. I never believed he'd actually accept. Despite the hurt and anger that had festered between us, seeing him like this was almost too much to bear. I approached him, my heart heavy. I could hear the triumphant laughter of Mia behind me, but I refused to turn around to acknowledge her. I wrapped my arms around Eamon in one final, tight hug."Thank you, Eamon," I whispered through my tears. It was a simple expression, but it held all the gratitude and sorrow that I felt in that moment for the love that had burned so brightly between us be
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chapter 35
Isadora's Pov"Mate?" I repeated, my voice barely a whisper, as if saying the word aloud would make it more real.As I stood there, locked in the stranger's mesmerizing gaze, the world around us seemed to blur. There was something undeniably powerful in the connection we shared, something that defied explanation. My heart raced, and I felt a strange mix of excitement. I felt like I was staring into an unknown world, a world where the inexplicable was possible. There was an electric charge in the air, a connection that felt undeniable. I almost forgot where I was and why I was here.But just as I was beginning to find my voice, my stepfather, Alpha Philip, appeared, his eyes dancing with excitement."I see you two have already met," Alpha Philip said, introducing me. "Isadora, meet Leonidas, Lycan King of the North."he introduced with an exuberant smile. "And Leonidas, this is Isadora my daughter, Luna of the Firewolf pack."Leonidas, whose eyes had been locked onto mine, lost in my g
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Chapter 36
Leonidas POVThe journey back to the North was shrouded in silence as I was deep in thought, lost in the enigma that was Isadora. Her unexpected arrival had shaken my world more than I wanted to admit.I looked out of the window; the dark, winding roads seemed to mirror the intricate twists of my thoughts. I couldn't deny the fact that Isadora's sudden appearance had unsettled me. I couldn't ignore the connection we shared, and the fact that she was my mate had sparked something within me, something I couldn't easily dismiss.It was impossible to ignore our mate bond. I kept replaying our interactions in my mind, her fiery spirit, her defiance, and the underlying vulnerability she couldn't completely conceal.My beta's voice interrupted my musings. "Your majesty, you know, Isadora is a lot smarter than she looks. She's right about the forced expansion potentially leading to a war. Now that I think about it, Alpha Philip might be biting off more than he can chew."I nodded, acknowledgi
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Chapter 37
Isadora's POVI sat at the table with Lisa and my stepdad, having breakfast. The atmosphere was filled with excitement. Alpha Philip couldn't contain his enthusiasm about the alliance with King Leonidas, he went on and on, talking about it, and Lisa shared in his optimism. But I couldn't help but feel a gnawing resentment toward Leonidas for his earlier behavior.My stepdad was in the middle of describing the potential benefits of the alliance when one of his men rushed into the room, holding a sealed letter."Alpha Philip," he said, breathless, "a message from King Leonidas."Alpha Philip eagerly took the letter and broke the seal. His eyes scanned the words, and his face lit up with joy. "Wow you won't believe this Isadora. King Leonidas has asked for you to represent our pack in the North for the deal to proceed."The words hit me like a bolt of lightning. "Why me?" I thought, my anger from our previous encounter still fresh in my mind. I had never supported the forceful expansion
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chapter 38
Leonidas' POVI stood in my bedroom, getting dressed for days activities. I was fastening my shirt when the door burst open, and Cassandra, my girlfriend for months, sauntered in, a sultry smile on her lips.Cassandra moved closer, her hand gently tracing my chest. "Leonidas, why get dressed, when all I want to do is take off your clothes?"I stepped away, avoiding her advances, my thoughts filled with Isadora. "Cassandra, not now."Cassandra's eyes narrowed, a hint of frustration in her voice. "What's wrong with you, Leonidas? You've been distant since your return from the Wild West Pack. You're acting as if you've seen a ghost."I adjusted my collar, feeling the weight of my unspoken secret. "It's nothing, Cassandra. I'm just preoccupied with pack matters."She crossed her arms, her irritation clear. "Preoccupied? You used to make time for me."I couldn't help but snap back, the tension of the situation getting to me. "Things change, Cassandra."Cassandra's frustration bubbled over.
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chapter 39
Isadora's POVI sat in the guest house, my mind still buzzing with the tumultuous events of the day. I tried to lose myself in a book titled "I Reject You," but my focus shattered when I heard a knock on the door. Irritation washed over me as I saw Adrian's face on the other side."What do you want?" I asked, my tone less than welcoming.Adrian seemed unfazed by my cold reception. "Isadora, King Leonidas has made a dinner reservation for the two of you at the finest restaurant in the North."I raised an eyebrow, suspicious of the sudden change. "And why is he making reservations for me?"Adrian held out a designer dress, clearly expensive and tailored to perfection. "He also sent this for you. It's for the dinner. You'll need something this special."I glanced at the dress, not entirely interested in fancy attire. "I'm not interested in the dress or the dinner. What's his game here?"Adrian's tone was calm, almost persuasive. "Isadora, King Leonidas genuinely wants to make amends. He
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chapter 40
Leonidas POV"Who's Casandra, Leonidas?" Isadora inquired, her curiosity unmistakable.I pretended not to hear her at first, but she persisted with her question, demanding an answer."Who's Casandra?" Isadora repeated.I sighed, realizing that I couldn't avoid this conversation. I looked into her eyes and replied, "She's nobody special, Isadora."Isadora wasn't convinced by my vague response, and she let me know. "How's Casandra supposed to be 'nobody special' if she stays at your castle? It doesn't make sense, don't you think?"I felt cornered, my lies closing in on me. After a moment of brief silence, I continued with my deceptive tone, meeting her skeptical gaze. "Isadora, she's just a woman who has no significance in my life. Please, let's not dwell on this."Clearly inconvenienced, Isadora turned to leave, her patience worn thin. "Well, if all you want to do is keep lying to yourself, then fine, that's your problem anyway. Whoever she is, and whatever she is to you, is none of my
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