All Chapters of Hunting Their Defiant Luna: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
118 Chapters
Chapter 31: She's Gone!
Hugo POV Rolling my bottom lip through my teeth, I watched as Alec signed the release form the officer who arrested us had just shoved under his nose. They had detained Alec and I for 96 hours under charges of aggravated assault and suspected homicide. The first day had been rough even by our standards; we had been repeatedly questioned, had our fingerprints taken, and had a mugshot that, apparently, I wasn't allowed a copy of for the refrigerator at home. If James hadn't stepped in when the authorities applied to extend their hold on us after the first 24 hours, they would have indisputably had a strong case, and instead of release forms, we would be signing away our lives. Alec would also be exchanging his expensive suits for a pretty orange jumpsuit! "Enjoy your new jewellery, gentleman, and I will see you again this time tomorrow." The officer in charge chimed from the back wall as he watched us; despite finding no evidence to charge us formally, he had been reluctant to let us
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Chapter 32: Apple Juice
Aurora POV "We have been driving all day! I am fed up with living off crackers and crisps! Can't we stop for half an hour, let me stretch my legs and get something proper to eat?" I moaned, looking over at my companion, my eyes scrutinising his features, not missing the way the corners of his thin lips pulled into a tight frown at the mention of stopping. Without taking his eyes off the road, he leaned over and pulled the lever on my seat, sending it flying back. "There!" He motioned to the space he had just opened up in the footwell for me. "Stretch ya legs!" "Not what I meant!" I grumbled, folding my arms over my chest with a pout, keeping my legs crossed under me on the seat. We had been driving since the twins had been picked up, and frankly, I was having second thoughts on the whole fleeing thing anyway. "It's not just about stretching my legs!" I mumbled, stretching my legs out and wiggling my toes. "I need the bathroom too!" I explained, looking over at the tall, blonde-ha
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Chapter 33: No Harm, No Foul
Aurora POV The bright light teased at my retinas as I slowly started coming around from my nap. Forcing my heavy lids open, I came face to face with my reflection in the window panel, sucking in a breath at the state of me, my hair feral and free of its ponytail, eyes sunken despite the sleep, and my cami top had apparently gotten twisted showing my lacey green bra through the black fabric. "Damn, I look like ass!" I muttered, rubbing the back of my head where the pounding was starting to throb again. My eyes adjusting, I paused, seeing nothing but darkness beyond the window. My mouth dried instantly as sweat licked my spine at the confusion churning in my mind. Hadn't there just been a bright light? Blinking a few times, I tried to stretch out only to see my seat belt was tied around the armrest, restraining me somewhat. "What the fuck!" I mumbled numbly. Memories danced across my vision, reminding me of the 'nap' I had unwillingly taken. My companion, Simon, was not in the drivi
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Chapter 34: Consequences
Aurora POV Sitting in the front seat of the SUV, I watched in frozen horror through the side window as Simon and Luke dug a grave. In the movies, I had seen villains dig graves, and it always looked painless, but watching a human and werewolf dig a grave in the dark looked anything but easy. "Watching a human and werewolf dig a grave in the dark... Ha! That sounds like the start of a bad joke." I heard Ava whimper from the depths of my mind, swallowing my sob of relief, not wanting to alert my captors to her presence. "Are you ok?" I asked her through our link while being careful not to show any emotion on my face. The guys had attached one of their phones to the dashboard and face-timed the other so they could watch and hear everything from the grave they dug. "No, I feel like..." She paused, anxiety seeping through her and infecting me as she peeked through my eyes to see the predicament I had found myself in. I was still secured to the front seat, my hands pinned to my sides, a
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Chapter 35: You Need Me Alive.
Aurora POV My heart sank hearing them talk about me; their plans for every part of my body left me feeling tainted by their filthy desires. I had a feeling I would never be able to wash the shame from my pores, but it wouldn't be the first time Luke had made me feel dirty and worthless, and I had a feeling it wouldn't be the last! "Unless we kill him!" Ava mumbled, sensing the pain and self-hate trickling through me. "Are you strong enough to take control?" I asked Ava, who was currently pacing in my mind, thinking of ways to kill the bastards holding us hostage without making things worse. "I think so, but I can't see how we will get past the phone and then them!" She grunted, surveying the land around us. "If you can just get me out of these restraints, I can do the rest; I have an idea," I admitted, a strategy forming in my mind. I just wasn't sure if I was being reckless again; it seemed my plans never went to plan and always landed me deeper in the shit! "What is it?" A
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Chapter 36: You Admire Him?
Alec POV It had been nearly a month since I last set eyes on Aurora! James hadn't heard a thing despite working around the clock to try and find her. He had hacked the Department of Defence's database and was using their technology to try and find her through facial recognition. It helped that his day job when he wasn't working as our pack assassin and fixer was within the Department of Defence. I had no doubt he would find her sooner or later. But I was impatient, knowing that when she outed her connection to Hugo and me on the news, she had painted a target on her back; a part of me couldn't believe how foolish she was, but the rational part of me knew she was desperate, and Hugo and I were to blame for pushing her too far! She may be a traitor and murderer, but she was still my ex-wife! It was common knowledge now that she was connected to Hugo and me in the human world. So those who wanted to take over our business dealings would use her to their advantage if they found her, kn
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Chapter 37: Respect is Earned
Alec POV "That would be me." I heard a deep voice say from beside the giant before me. An older man with the same dark hair and tanned skin but sporting more wrinkles and tight lines than the male I had my hand outstretched to explained. The tight smile on his face was more cautious than the giant's relaxed expression. "This is my son, Jason!" He explained with a polite nod. "Dickhead! As if he is the Alpha, he looks like a pup still nursing at the tit!" Hugo grunted through the link to me, forcing the groan back down my throat. I nodded to the Alpha in apology. "He is a big lad!" I expressed, shooting Jason a tense smile. "Yeah, doesn't his mother know it!" Hugo grunted, slapping the young lad on the back. Closing my eyes, I hoped for the second time in under a minute that my brother hadn't insulted our guests. "Shall we?" Motioning for our visitors to follow, I headed back inside the packhouse. "I hope it didn't take too long to get to us; I am sorry for putting you out." "
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Chapter 38: Best Bud's
Hugo POV Sweat poured down my face, running into my eyes and mixing with the blood from my eyebrow. We had been wrestling for nearly an hour, neither of us wanting to start a war but both wanting to prove our worth and silence the other's judgement and taunts, although truth be told, the kid was like a breath of fresh air and easy to be around even if he was trying currently trying to snap my fingers off. "Fuck kid, you watch too much WWE!" I hissed as the heavy bastard sat on either side of me while I lay on my back, Jason's legs scissoring one of my arms. Before I knew it, he had grabbed hold of my wrist and pulled it upwards, causing pain to shoot through my shoulder and elbow; trying to get free wasn't easy and hearing the pop from my thumb as I got away, I knew, had cost me. In a quick bid for power, I sucked down the pain and had Jason on his stomach; grabbing his side, I pulled him to my side, quickly stepping over his head with the same leg. Using my leg as leverage, I push
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Chapter 39: Place Your Bets.
Alec POV "It should be in your inbox, Alpha." James remarked, his tone tight and filled with dread, which had the hairs at the back of my neck standing on edge; James was never serious. For a male who worked in a high-profile job, he was surprisingly juvenile. "You sure I can't talk you out of watching this and just take my word for it that it's Aurora?" James asked as I pulled the chair out at my desk and turned the computer on, hating the feeling of weakness in the pit of my stomach. "No. So what do we know about whoever posted the video?" I asked as I waited for the computer to load up, Maxwell getting up off the coach. "Honestly, Alpha, not enough. It was posted to a forum with the caption..." "Yes?" I snapped, feeling him stalling, obviously wanting to spare my feelings. "Place your bets; which brother will she beg for first?" As my computer turned on, I started loading my emails, feeling the tension growing in the room; I knew it was coming from Wrathm, who was staying
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Chapter 40: Fuck patience! I chose war!
Trigger warnings: Kidnapping, physical violence, verbal threats, burning, broken bones, degrading, threats of sexual assault. Alec POV"We have all seen the news; Alpha Azure and his meathead brother have lost their little pet!" A blonde-haired male recited into the camera; his eyes were dark and angry as they glared into the lens, no doubt in the hope of provoking a reaction from Hugo and me. He looked familiar, but I couldn't place him. He wasn't from my pack, at least. I must have met him when visiting boarding packs, but the fact I could not put a name to the face told me he was of no consequence. "Well... I have found her!" He laughed, turning the camera around to show a female on the floor of what looked like a dirty, dark parking lot. Moving the camera closer to the female on the floor, I instantly recognised the dark brown hair and tanned skin, but the giveaway was that she was still wearing the denim shorts and top she was wearing when she left town. "Aurora!" I whispered,
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