All Chapters of SniperShot: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
21 Chapters
Chapter 11
Lilith’s POV “So what do you want to do today?” I moan at the sound of Arthur’s voice plunging me from sleep. I am so tired. I need more sleep. The past couple of days were draining. Physically and emotionally. If I have to hear one more gunshot or be scared for my life for one more minute I might just kill myself. I open my eyes at the realisation of my last thought. “Anything that doesn’t have to do with somebody losing a life over.” I cringe at my own words. This has become part of my daily routine. Someone dies. We run. I survive. “I was thinking… shopping.” I smile as I sit up from the couch which has become my new bed. I cannot seem to sleep all alone in the enormous house of Arthur’s and I can’t expect to sleep in his bed with him. So I sleep on the couch in the living room and I noticed him sleeping on the other couch although he always seem to be awake before me and going up to his room as if he didn’t fall asleep next to me on the couch and moved over to the other couch du
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Chapter 12
Arthur’s POV “This is a mistake.” I push Lilith away from me. I do not make mistakes, but this is a mistake. I shouldn’t have been there, but revenge seemed so sweet. Now the revenge tastes too sweet and it is going to blow up in my face. I need to sort this out now, today. “I need to go. Please, don’t leave.” I place both my hands on either sides of her face lifting her head slightly so that she can look at me. “I need you to trust me. You cannot leave this house. I will be come back. You will be safe here until I get back and then I will explain everything to you.” I stare into her shiny dark eyes which has started to well up, but there wasn’t time for this. I needed to know that she understood. “I need you to answer me.” I command “Yes.” She breathes nodding before turning her head away from me. As soon as I reach my armoury room I change into a pair of dark jeans, a black V-neck t-shirt and put on my boots. I strap on my 9mm underneath my shirt, grab my sniper case and insert my
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Chapter 13
Isabella’s POV My stomach tightens as little drops of sweat covers my body. My breathing gets worse and I could almost feel my heart getting tachy against my rib case as Viktor paces up and down in front of me and Feodor. He told me not to come with him and let him handle this alone, but I couldn’t. We might not be assigned together, but in my little mind we are a team. “So your boyfriend over here tells me you lost your phone.” Viktor takes as close stand in front of me. So close that I can smell his dark oak center cologne. He was dressed ever so neatly like he always was in his freshly pressed disgner branded suits and extremely overpriced leather shoes. The man was dressed in a million dollars, but even though he had all the money in the world, the world he wanted will always be out of his reach. He was too successful and accomplished to have it all. “Yes, sir. I am sure it will turn up.” I reply using every inch of self control left in my body to not glance over to Feodor whos
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Chapter 14
Lilith’s POV “One day.” I mouth at Arthur as tears start to run over my cheeks while the two goons drag me away following the salt and peppered haired man down some stairs. He promised me one day. I didn’t ask him to kiss me. I liked it, but I didn’t hold a gun to his head or threatened his life. He did that all by himself. Kiss me of course. He said it was a mistake. I was a mistake and then he wanted to leave. I needed to know right there and then what was going on so I quickly dried my tears. There wasn’t time to feel anymore. I had to grow up or at least grow a pair of tits. So I decided to grow a pair and quickly and silently as possible I tip toed into the house, through the kitchen over the cold tiles of the living room, pass all the boxes in the small hallway and climbed into the back of the car. I felt a small taste of comfort when I realised that this truly was his safe haven as there was no need to unlock the car first. I held my breath for a few seconds when Arthur got i
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Chapter 15
There was only silence surrounding me. That and the cold and dark that I woke up to. "Hello?" I scream, but my only answer is the echoe of voice bouncing if the walls back at me. I blink my eyes a few times trying to adjust them to the dark, but there was not even a small shiver of light illuminating the outlines of wherever I was trapped. "Hey! Mister Bodyguard!" I try again to avail. I need to pee. My body suddenly reminds me of my basic human needs and I start feeling and touching my surroundings, slowly moving to my right side when I feel something around my left leg preventing me to take my leg with me and my hands immediately wonder towards it when my fingers touch the cold hard metal chain around my leg. 'What the fuck? They chained me to something like a fucking dog. What is wrong with this people?' I quickly move towards my left as far as I could trying to get an idea of how much I could move and if there was anything else in the dark room, maybe a bowl or if I am lucky a to
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Chaper 16
"Is this not against your ethical code?"I question the Doctor dabbing at the skin in my face with a gauze and some cleaning solution."I promised to help people." He curtly respond taking a clean gauze with the one hand and passes it to his other hand. "But you are not really helping me, are you? You are just stopping the bleeding and patching me up for them to burst me wide open again." I close my eyes at the burning sensation at my bottom lip when he presses the cold material against it. "You are torturing me." I moan through gritted teeth pulling away from his touch."You are lucky to be alive, not to mention how little you got off. I have seen what this man does to woman and you are nothing compared to what they usually look like by now." I can't be sure if he is wondering or trying toe scare me. and I can't help to wonder how many tortured people he have stitched up in this dungeon. “This might hurt.” He warns me before punching a needle through my skin. Twice! Two stitches on th
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Chapter 17
Lilith’s POV “You said no one can enter without consent.” I remind Isabella of another lie as she takes a seat on the bed, next to me.“I know, I know, but it has been 3 days.” She chirp. She sounds happy, good for her. “You need to take a bath and get your wounds checked.” She was right, although I wouldn’t have admitted it aloud. Maybe denying the doctor entry was a bit harsh. He wasn’t nasty to me, but he is one of them. I remind myself. “I brought your clean clothes.” She jumps from the bed before throwing a bag onto the bed, My bag. This isn’t as fancy as you have grown used to nowadays she points to the designer clothing I was currently wearing, but at least it’s yours.” She shrug starting to remove the contents of the bag.“You get to leave?” I question her popping myself up on the bed, my ribs was feeling a lttle better and my face was not that swollen anymore. The bruising was already starting to grow yellow-ish.“You will be able to leave to, once you decide to get up.” She
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Chapter 18
The mere thought of Athur being one of them made my skin crawl, but this is where I was and the only way I was getting through this and more importantly out of this alive was by becoming one of them… or rather act the part. This was my new mission. I slowly open the door getting myself ready to face my demons head on. My hair was towel-dried after a long lasting and very warm shower, my clothing covered most of my body and I was clean the hot shower in the en-suite bathroom was equipped with all sorts of unnecessary soaps and shampoos as Isabella and I had at home. This was her room after all. “The skinny depressed girl decided to get out of bed” A man passing me yelled and like blitz there was a group of big men in front of me; greeting me and smiling like they waited years to see me. “I want to see Mister Victor.” I question cautiously although my voice sounded like a little mouse's squeecking. The men surrounding me was big and bould, some had muscles growing
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Chapter 19
Arthurs POV “She doesn’t want to see you.” Issy repeats as she eye the last French fry on my plate. She used to do this since we were children. I hated it, but have grown used to it over the years. Now it was only a flaw of her's that I endured. “Take it.” I order giving her permission to take the fucking thing, my voice harsher sounding than I initially intended. I do not know why she didn’t just order herself a plate as she ate most of my plate anyways. It doesn’t even matter, I wasn’t hungry. I came to the diner to meet her with only one purpose in mind. Lilith. “Why are you doing this this?” “It is not my words or anyone else’s. She doesn’t want to see you. She didn’t give me any reason to why she won’t see you and I have to go now.” Issy lick the salt from her finger tip. “Theodor has probably sent out a search party for me by now…” The conversation I had with Issy plays over and over again in my head as I stand behind the bathroom door waiting for Issy and Feodor to get
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Chapter 20
Lilith POV Arthur was merely hovering against me and even though I wanted to push him away so badly, my body needed his touch so badly that I was just not physically able to deprive myself of him anymore. I had to part my lips for him. I didnt care what he have done in the past or what he might have planned to do in the future. The only think I did care about was how I feel at this exact moment and even though the smart part of me yelled at me about the danger, I could not care. He is like a drug to me, a drug shaped and designed for only me. "I should have done this a long time ago." He pant breaking our kiss when he places his hands on my ass lifting my up against him in one swoop and immedaitely I wrap my legs around his waist and interlock my arms at the back of his neck to keep my body from gliding off of him. "I agree." I nod rubbing my nose against his before pushing my lips against his again and entwine my fingers in his soft hair. This man was perfect, except mayby for bei
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