All Chapters of The Alpha's plus size urban human mate Mina and Lynn's story: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
146 Chapters
Are you out of your damn mind?
Shadow’s POV:Day 5 Rane was anxious. We have been searching for Shawna for the past 2 days only stopping to refuel. We haven’t found any sign of Shawna or that damn dragon. Everything that Hawk told me played on repeat in my head. I tried my best to remember everything that happened that day, but I couldn’t remember anything past Hawk telling Shawna that Scarlett could save me. I don’t remember calling Scarlett’s name, if I did it meant nothing. I know I will have a hard time convincing Shawna of that, especially with everything that has happened up to this point. Right now, I just needed to find her and make sure that she is ok and that our boys are safe. I hope that she hasn’t gone into labor. When I asked his brother and sister, why they think he took Shawna. They had no answers, they were just as shocked as everyone else. The only thing that they did mention was maybe he had scented Dradon’s dragon on her, and now thinks she can birth dragon shifters. Once she give b
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You better ask somebody!
Flashback: “So, Mylan couldn’t find the rift? I thought she said, she knew somebody who could find it?” Ji’lahni said, sadly. She was happy that there would be two teams searching for both her cousins at the same time. But Lynn just delivered the bad news that Mylan said she hadn’t heard anything from the person who could find the rift. “No, she said, it may take a few days. So, all we can do now is focus on finding Shawna. We could help with the search until grandmother hears back from her friend about the rift.” Lynn said, sitting next to a now crying Ji’lahni. Ji’lahni was feeling helpless and lost without her family. She needed them to be ok, until she could find them, she didn’t want them to be missing for too long. Because in the human world time mattered it could mean life or death. The longer a person is missing the less likely that they are alive and that is what was scaring Ji’lahni. We decided to have dinner in the dining room, because we would be lea
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Meeting with my father.
The dark one’s POV:“Do they suspect anything?” I asked my visitor. “No, they don’t suspect no more than what they already know. They know that it’s you who has broken the sacred rule of never walking the earth.” The visitor said. “I don’t care if they know, they would never come for me as long as I’m here. They wouldn’t dare break father’s rule of never walking on earth. What I need to know is, what do they have planned. Those twins are not going to stop me since I was able to push my plans to kill all shifters up. Thank you for giving me the information by the way.” I said turning to my visitor for the first time, since I came to this realm to see him. I closed the rift but didn’t destroy it, because this was the only place that a god could come and go as they pleased. The witch’s castle was still standing in spite of the vampires taking up residence here. “I don’t know, Silene and the dragon king had a secret meeting. I was unable to find out what the meeting was about my source s
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Flip-flopping bullshit!
Mina’s POV: If I didn’t need him I would have killed him by now. I honestly don’t know how the hell any of this even happened. The last thing I remember is telling Rimmy to leave me and get Tru to Lahni. I was sure I was going to die on that ground. But somehow I woke up to a grumpy ass Blaze and his mix fucking signals. which is pissing me the fuck off. Like right now he has been silent since he stabbed me with the blade dipped in hell fire. “You have to eat M, that’s the only way you’re going get your strength up and heal.” He said handing me a plate full of unseasoned mystery meat. Because we had no idea what kind of animals these were, on top of having no kind of herbs, spices, sauce, grass, hell dirt or something to put on it. I should tell you that, this shit tasted like garbage truck juice smells. I frowned at the gray meat. “You know what I think I’m still full, from the suirrelbunny earlier.” I said, pushing the gray meat away from me gagging. “For goddess’s sake w
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Heading home.
Ji’lahni’s POV: “Where did you say the rift was again?” I asked, not believing where Mylan just said the rift was located. I haven’t been back to my old house or even back on that road since the night my entire family died during the Christmas holidays. Where we all came together in one house. My heart started racing at the thought of seeing the house that took my entire family away from me. To now have to go back into that how to save Mina. It was a lot, too many emotions to deal with right now. How did this even happen? How the hell do they even know about my family? That’s a dumb question Ji’lahni, I mean they are Gods after all. My head is all fucked up right now, I needed to get out of here, I wasn't even listening at this point. I got up leaving everyone in the conference room and headed to my house. I was so out of my mind that I didn’t even realized I had made it back to the house and into my girls room. The omega that was watching them had left out once she
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Summer's still alive.
Gregor’s POV: “Did you take the humans clothes in the opposite direction of the castle, making sure her scent is far away from the castle? I want to give the lord time to take the human before the wolf tracks her here.” I said to one of my men. I had them take her clothes to lead the werewolf away from the castle. She was still unconscious after a female vampire removed her clothes. I had to make sure that she was unharmed. The master was adamant that she remained up touched, so I couldn’t fail him again. I shutter at what he would do if he fail this mission. I blurred upstairs to check on our guest and as soon as I opened the door I see Amari with her hands around the girl’s throat. I quickly grabbed Amari and threw her into the opposite wall. “What the hell are you doing didn’t I say the lord left strict instruction that no one should harm the human? Are you trying to get us all killed because you can’t control yourself.” I said squeezing her throat. “She threw her damn kn
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Do we have a deal?
Shaid’s POV: “What took you so long I have been waiting for the past twenty minutes.” Urrale said, as I made my way to the meeting spot. “My mate came home today, so I couldn’t just leave, remember I am being watched. I had to wait until he got in the shower. So, I need to hurry up, do you have the vails you promised?” I asked, checking my surroundings for the tenth time. I couldn't afford to be caught alone much less with Urrale. “Yes, I have the vials, you take one vial once a week, it should keep the thirst at bay. But you’re only getting one vial for now, you have to prove that you can be trusted. You have your memories and your mate back, so I have to make sure you’re not trying to set me up. You have one week to complete your first task, then we will meet back here and if you were able to complete your mission then I will have the vials I promised.” Urrale said, holding out one vial. “What are you talking about? That is not what we agreed on. It was only supposed to be one
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What did he do?
Ji'lahni's POV:        “Wa’lahni, Wa’lahni!” Razz yelled running straight to me once he entered the house. He planted a big kiss on my cheek. I laughed  because he always says that he is a big boy, but every time he sees me he jumps into my arms giving me a big hug and kiss. That is until he notices Makahi and then promptly gets down and acts all tough. “Hey Razz, what are you doing outta school so early?” I asked and he immediately lowered his head. I looked up at Makahi with my eyebrow raised asking the silent question, what did he do? “Well apparently Razor decided that he would punch a kid in the eye for knocking his lunch on the ground during lunch today. The kid had to be taken to the clinic he’s alright, he just has a black eye.” Makahi said looking at Razor with a stern expression on his face. “But Wa’lahni that’s not all he did, He s
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Welcome Home!
Summer’s POV:       “What the hell are you doing down here? I heard you sung like a canary. Shouldn’t you be with your mate Shadow? Oh wait, he got one of those fat humans pregnant.”  Summer said, laughing. I wanted to rip her throat out, but I had a mission and my training allowed me to not show any emotion. “I’m glad you can find something to laugh about from behind your cell bars. I love what you have done with the place. It’s so…you.” I said, smiling at her. Her smile fell and I could see anger replacing the smirk she had when I walked in. “Now, if you’re done playing silly games, I came down here to help you. The witch wants to know what the dark one wants you to do, so that we can help you complete the mission.” I said causally. She frowned and looked at me warily. “Why should I trust y
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Woman to woman!
Blaze’s POV:         I have been searching for hours and still haven’t found Mina. I lost her scent an hour ago. Onyx was out of control; he was killing everything in sight. “Onyx, I think those vampires staged all this, they led us on a wild goose chase, let’s just head back towards the witch’s castle. That is the most obvious place to hide, no one would think a person would hide out in the open, but it’s actually the smartest move.  “We’re too far away from the castle, we won’t make it there until morning. Goddess knows what they might do to her.” Onyx said, angrily. “Well, we just have to make sure we get there as fast as we can, then kill them all.” I said, and Onyx howled  in agreement, then began running at full speed with one thing in mind, Mina.       “That bitch threw her knives at me, they hit me in my shoulder and stomach.
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