All Chapters of Stranger's Deal: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
53 Chapters
The next day, early in the morning I went to Gurans's house. I was nervous thinking how would I bring her with me. How would I make her understand everything that was going on. I even prepared for the speech. "See, listen....umm, I.... look...I...wanted to say that....," I started to prepare myself on the way to her house when a guy passed by me giving me that weird look. I felt embarrassed. I mean, I was literally talking to a tree and why wouldn't he give me that look.After that without embarrassing myself further, I went to her house but she was not there. I searched for her in that cafe but she was nowhere to be found. I went to the park and she wasn't even there. Feeling frustrated, I went towards the bridge, thinking about where could she be. I looked around and then I saw her. I stood shocked. Everybody was shouting and yelling at her not to jump. She didn't listen to anyone and jumped into the river. My breathing stopped at that very moment. I couldn't move and then somet
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For You
I called him back."Where are you, Amol. I need you here right now," my dad said as soon as he picked up the phone."What's the matter?" I asked him in a curious tone."We found her," he replied and I looked back at Gurans's house and around her house trying to find a vampire."Where?" I asked him but It was more of asking myself about where a vampire could be."She will be here in a few hours," he said and I was about to speak when,"Come here immediately. See you in an hour," he said hanging up the phone and not letting me speak.I looked at Gurans's house and stayed there for like half an hour. When I didn't see any vampires near her house I was convinced that it wasn't her who they have found. Even though I was sure about it I called Rima and asked her about what dad said."It can't be Gurans, Amol 'cause the girl is already with them. Dad just called me," she answered and relief filled me."Ok, I will be there in some time," I said hanging up the call and going back to Dad's pal
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Far Away
I was more than furious but I controlled myself cause showing them anger was of no use. "Why are you trying to show me that you can do anything?" I asked in a very calm tone.My parents looked at him but smiled instantly which made me believe that they were behind this all."So I was right. You both are behind this all," I said."Behind what, son?" My mom questioned."Why are you doing this all when I have already said that when the right time comes I will give it to her," I said with slight pain in my chest."What have we done now?" Dad questioned and I rolled my eyes at him."Why did you send that vampire to hurt Gurans?" I finally asked and they both looked at each other."I know it was you guys," Mom looked down and shook her head. Dad just smiled but didn't bother to speak."Do you think we will attack from behind? If we have to take her away from that house and bring her here we can do it in a heartbeat and we don't need a vampire to do that," "Who knows you were trying to gi
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The title means love ( माया )After she left I was miserable. I locked myself up and started to live a miserable life thinking about how much I had hurt her. To avoid regret I told myself that it was all for her. Rima came to live with me so she could help me but I didn't bother to meet her or come out of the room. Gurans's sister would call me and text me which somehow helped me. She would ask me about her sister and tell me if they were talking and stuff. Knowing she was all right made me happy.I was happy when I heard she was coming back but she was not safe here so I told Rima to check if she landed safely. Rima came back with her and she was unconscious. Rima told me Gurans got into an accident and somewhere I was afraid it wasn't an accident. She looked more beautiful to me. It helped when Prarthi came to live with us because Gurans would live in the same room as me.My parents found out about her coming back. They started to call me but I didn't pick up their phone. When Guran
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Let's Go
I looked at Amol and he was calm. I wondered what he was thinking.He shook his head "Let them come, Rima. I know, Ratna was planning this for months. Himal was also on her side," he said refusing to move."What are you saying?" I questioned.He looked at me."Remember Himal ?....he wanted to take you out?"I nodded in realization. He had left saying something came up. Amol wanted to take me out after he was gone but I refused."Thankfully, I stopped him from taking you out cause later I found out he was trying to kidnap you," "What?" Himal was trying to kidnap me?He nodded."Yes, last time you were attacked. I found that vampire and killed him. I told the guards to find out who was behind all this. A few days ago I found out it was Ratna. At that time she didn't know anything about you. She tried to kill you out of jealousy."Of course, she had feelings for him."And the twist is that Himal and Ratna are in a relationship. She wanted to marry me so she could become a queen and the
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The Search
Amol had told me everything about vampires. He taught me everything that I needed to know. He fully trained me in five days and I was more than ready. While training I got to know he was even a good teacher. How can someone be so perfect in everything? "That was quite awesome," I thought when he told me our eyes turn red when we drink blood. I liked it when my eyes turned red. It made me feel more beautiful. He also mentioned to me that when we are hurt or angry our eyes turn black. I couldn't wait to see that. "Are you sure you are ready?" Amol asked me the next day after the final training. "If you want to train for a few more days we can do it," "I am more than ready," "They are dangerous and I don't..." I placed my finger on his lips. "I am not any less than them,""I know but it's your first time so,""You will be there with me so no worries,"He went silent.I slowly held his hand.Amol decided to call Rima before leaving but she didn't answer the call."Why isn't she answeri
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The Real Deal
We slowly stepped inside but it was all filled with silence. We started to look around and boom that bitch appeared."We got company, love," she said looking behind her. Himal came with a smirk on his face."So, prince and princess are here for another cute, beautiful princess," he said in a mocking tone."What took you so long?" she asked."Where is she?" Amol asked in an angry tone. His eyes started to turn black. He looked so angry."I swear if anything happens to her. I will kill you both," he growled. They started to laugh "Hand her to us and Rima is all yours," said another voice. That voice belonged to Ratna's brother and he had Rima with him. She was in a bad condition, unconscious."Take her inside, Anurodh," she ordered. Amol growled and was about to attack him but I stopped him."Your anger can cost your sister's life. So calm down," she warned as her brother left."We are all alone now, four of us," she smirked."What did you do to her?" I asked."Just starved her for a
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After hearing that I stood there not being able to breathe. My feet took steps back and I stopped when the wall hit my back. I couldn't think of anything and I stood there being numb. I didn't hear anything after that cause maybe I went all deaf. After some time something hit me and I came back to my senses. I couldn't make any decisions instantly. His mother was here to take me and I couldn't let that happen. I was about to leave but realized that I had a gift in my hand that I had brought for him. I slowly placed the gift on the floor and walked down. I wanted to use my speed and leave the house right away but if I did that they would know I was here. When I reached the front door I saw Rima coming towards the house so I went behind the couch and hid there.Once she climbed the stairs, I walked out of the house calmly. As soon I was out of the boundary and quite far away from the house I ran. I ran and ran without looking back once. I was crying and running at the same time. Amol p
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New People
The next morning, I got up and went to drink water from the waterfall that was near. There were small water sources as well near it. I even saw water coming out from under the ground.I was drinking when I saw two guys enter the hut. I hurriedly hid behind the tree and watched them. They were looking around as if they were searching for someone or me. One man had a picture in his hand and would glance at it time and again. I slowly walked near the hut."Seems like someone was here," one said."What if it was her?" another asked."This place seems like a human's place so I don't think she was here," the first one replied."We can wait till we find out who was here. We will get our prize either way," the second one said.I sighed still looking at them. One of them called someone and told them that they must have found me. I couldn't use my speed so slowly I walked making sure they didn't notice me. Once I was quite far away I ran not looking back. The whole day I ran and ran until I was
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Through The Hills
"I am sure she was forced," Hunter said.I hid behind the tree and started to hear them talk."It's impossible. Nobody is allowed to change a human into a vampire. It was a deal." Reed said in an angry tone."Do you think they still follow the deal?" Hunter scoffed. "After everything they did ....." he stopped.Reed turned his hand into a fist."I swear, I am gonna kill them all," he growled.I don't know what they were talking about and what deal Reed was saying. Why is there a deal everywhere I go? "First, we need to get answers from her," Hunter said."Maybe we need to let Zar know about her. He might want to meet her,""Not now, first let her answer the questions, and then we will let Zar know,"Zar? Arrow and Season came towards them. They didn't seem happy. "We found two vampires near the cliff," Season said. "Before we could do anything they ran away. I don't think they saw us but....""We followed them but they just disappeared," Arrow shrugged."I know why they were here,"
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