All Chapters of Love's Dilemma: The Ruthless Billionaire : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
104 Chapters
Chapter 51
CARING FOR THE ENEMY Bianca's POV ❤️It became extremely lonely and quiet after he left. I stared into the distant space and reminisced on the time we just had now. What could have happened that made him react that way? For once, he didn't give me his cunningly looking gaze. He even faked a smile. I had never seen him look like that before, he looked extremely frightened.I let out a big sigh and Mr Matthew came to my side and handed me a blanket. I should ask him about it. "Here you go, Miss Bianca. I will prepare dinner for you." He said. I wasn't hungry, I had had dinner with Charles earlier. The cereal we had was more than enough to fill my tummy."I'm not hungry." I replied and formed a smile. "But... Miss Bianca, you only had cereal for dinner. I am pretty sure that wasn't enough." He argued. "Charles made it for me, so I am not even hungry." I said. I missed him already. I just hoped everything was okay with him. "But...""Mr Matthew?" I cut him off unknowingly. My eyes wer
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Chapter 52
ARE YOU IN LOVE WITH HIM?!Bianca's POV ❤️The ray of sunshine shone brightly and hit me on my face, and I was forced to wake up. I could scent the sweet and savory flavor of breakfast as it wavered around my nose. My tummy grumbled and it echoed in the bedroom, I guess I was hungry. Maybe that cereal I had for dinner wasn't exactly enough as Mr Matthew said.I got out of bed and went to the kitchen. Mr Matthew was busy making something and I smiled. "Good morning, Miss Bianca." He said delightfully and cracked two eggs into a bowl. "Good morning, Mr Matthew." I replied."And how was Miss Bianca's night? Hope you had a good rest." "I sure did. This place is amazing and oddly comfortable." I said. It felt really relaxing here. Maybe it was the fact that I was surrounded by the things I loved. I really love it here. "Yours?" I asked. It was rude not to ask him about his since he made effort to ask about mine."I am very glad you did. And I too definitely had a good sleep." He respond
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Chapter 53
THE ENEMY ARRIVES AT THE MONSTER'S CAVE.Charles' POV ❤️Ma smiled broadly and all I kept on thinking about was me not letting her down. It was impossible for me to decline her request now. There was no way the both of us could ever live together under the same roof, in the same place in peace and harmony. We were barely into five minutes when I arrived at the hospital and I almost ended his life. How was I ever going to restrain from killing him when we lived together?"Don't forget, Zac. You know what to do." Ma said and Zac nodded. What was it that she had planned this time? We were all leaving until Ma called out and told me to stay behind. "Charles? Wait." She said in the softest voice ever. Was everything okay? "You both can take your leave now." She said, referring to both Axel and Zac. She waited for the both of them to leave and when she was sure that they both had left and the door was closed, that was when she reacted. "Charles..." She spoke and I gulped. I didn't like th
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Chapter 54
THE THING FROM THE PAST Charles' POV ❤️The alarm went off for the umpteenth time today and everytime it did, I got frustrated. Can't I just have a great moment of sleep for once in my life? It finally stopped and I couldn't be more grateful for the silence that came after.I closed my eyes slowly and was about to go back to sleep when it sounded again. What in the world was going on? I screamed into my pillow in frustration and got up from bed. "I'm up, I'm up. Now, shut up!" I screamed in frustration to an inanimate object and proceeded to switch it off for good. A thing that didn't want me to have peace of mind. I checked the time and saw I was already late for work. I woke up late, but I was still very tired. I still needed more sleep. It was to my advantage that I was the CEO and my own boss, so there was no need to worry about getting late only to get scolded by an angry boss. My eyes widened in sudden realization; I was the angry boss. I wasn't the least lenient when it came
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Chapter 55
LUCY THE RECEPTIONISTCharles' POV ❤️"... Okay, Master Charles. I understand." Mr Tusch said. The silence after that was needed. I was exhausted but I had to go to work today. We got to the office eventually and lucky for us, there was no traffic. My bodyguards were out in the front as usual, waiting for me to arrive in order for them to escort me to my office. "Good day, Sir." They all chanted with their head bowed slightly. I hummed and walked as fast as I could since I was already late and they followed behind, trying to catch up with me. "Good morning, Sir." My receptionist said to me as soon as I walked into the building. I looked at her and she smiled. "Any calls yet? What are my schedules for today?" I asked her. I didn't have enough time to read all of my emails earlier so I didn't know what she had planned for today, as I have been absent from work for more than a day.She pressed the laptop in front of her like a pro, and when she found what she was looking for, she smil
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Chapter 56
HAR DU EN DÖDSÖNSKAN?Charles' POV ❤️The landline in my office rang, it was from Lucy. What could be the problem this time around? "Hello, Sir." She said. "What is the problem?" I asked her. "I'm sorry for the disturbance, but someone is here to see you." She said. Who could it be? The last time someone came here to see me, I didn't like it. To be honest, I wasn't expecting Audrey's surprise visit that day. I know it was a surprise, but never would I have thought she was going to come. I didn't like surprises, maybe this time it could be Axel. My blood boiled as soon as I had that thought. "Who is it?" I asked in all seriousness. I was sure she was terrified by my tone. "He says h-his na-m-me is Z-ac, Sir." She stuttered. She was terrified as I had predicted. Oh, it was just Zac. Thank goodness, but what was he doing here? "He can come in." I said but this time, I said calmly after hearing it was Zac and not Axel. "Alright, sir." She paused. "...I will bring him up in your pri
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Chapter 57
HOW TO GET AWAY WITH MURDER.Jane's POV ❤️I couldn't stop. I wouldn't stop. I hit his head over and over and over and over again, but never got satisfied. I laughed like a maniac, as I hit Bob's head over and over with the frypan. Blood was everywhere, his blood. On my hands, the floor, my dress, it was everywhere. A little bit of blood splattered on my face, and I stopped hitting his head, and threw the frypan on the floor and as it touched the floor, blood splashed on my naked body and even in my mouth. The frypan was already condemned, I couldn't use it again. What a waste!I used the back of my hand to wipe the blood on my face, but it didn't seem to help much as my face got covered in his blood the more. I crossed my arms, stood there and watched his now lifeless body. I just murdered someone, but I didn't feel bad about it. I felt ecstatic. I felt relieved, I was happy. Bob deserved it. If I didn't do that, someone else might, so it was nice I did it before the person did. Th
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Chapter 58
A PLAN TO GET AWAY WITH MURDERJane's POV ❤️I got out of the bathroom, and put on an all black outfit to blend in with the darkness of the night. I had to stay hidden, and unnoticed too. It was almost dark, just few more hours and I could have some peace of mind. I had a plan to get rid of his body, but I still didn't know if it was going to work. I got out of my room holding a towel in my hands, and drying my hair with it. I just had to be patient. There was nothing to do. I was bored. I went and made something to eat, turned on the TV and watched the news. There was nothing interesting going on in town, but something exciting was about to happen. I could feel it.By the time my food was done cooking, it was already in the night. All that was left was to wait a little more till it was quiet and darker. I ate my food while watching TV and waited. I glanced over at Bob's body and smirked."Just a little longer, and you will finally be put to rest." It was finally dark outside, and
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Chapter 59
HOW I GOT AWAY WITH MURDERJane's POV ❤️I woke up after such a long sleep and I was still extremely tired. I had things to do and I couldn't rest yet. It wasn't over already. I had to burn my dress, and every other things that could implicate me. I couldn't burn my blood-stained dress downstairs where my neighbors would see me. I got up from my couch feeling exhausted, and a yawn escaped from my mouth. I picked up my dress and the gloves I had on last night. I took a lighter from the kitchen and alcohol cause I didn't have any gasoline to increase the fire.I went straight to the bathroom to burn them. I couldn't think of a better place to do it. If I went to the kitchen, there was a high chance my kitchen was going to catch fire and burn. If I did it in my living room, the smell was going to attract the neighbors and I didn't want that to happen. The fire alarm was going to ring, and people were going to poke their noses in my business. The bathroom seemed safer.I poured the alc
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Chapter 60
MRS FELICE, THE MIND READER!Charles' POV ❤️"Mr Charles!" My therapist, Mrs Felice sang. I never thought I was going to see her again. I tried to form a smile, but she noticed it. I never really liked her, she was too observant and it was creepy. I couldn't hide anything from her, she was like a mind-reader and I found it annoying."Look how grownup you have become." She said. She was trying to remain cheerful, and not give in to my indifference. I didn't want to be here, I don't want to have to go through this stage again. I don't trust people easily, and Mrs Felice was definitely not one of the people I trusted. I saw her as someone providing services for me. She was only doing her job and nothing more."As supposed, Mrs Felice." I replied bluntly.I drove here. I had things to do at the office, but I ended up coming here even though I didn't want to be here. "Have your seat." She said to me.I sat down on a black sofa. This place hasn't changed one bit. It was still as annoying
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