All Chapters of CEO'S WEALTHY CONTRACT BRIDE: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
140 Chapters
51. Doubts with envy
Lia was painful the entire day. She felt it when she got up and moved. Her legs felt like they were filled with lead."It's all your fault," She yelled at Chris."How?" He asked back. "If you didn't run like champions, we wouldn't tried running more to prove ourselves. This is Peer pressure."Chris snorted."You know that you have to gradually increase your endurance. Run daily and you will form a habit and also your stamina will increase."Lia knew but they had made a really and choice today. So the future was painful for her and also her brother. They both were hurting and to top it, they had to write."I don't wanna write."Lia yelled now."If you don't, what will I submit in five days? Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will be for the festival. One day will not be enough. Please, Lia, write one for me today. Please. Then I will write one. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, I can complete the other two. The last day for the last one. Please. You are my favorite sister. My fav
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52. Thanks for Pranks
Ray knocked on Aster's door and he wasn't left waiting for long.It was Asher who opened the door to welcome him."Hi uncle."Asher wore chubby Spongebob pajamas and he looked cute."Next time, he will wear Mr. Crab's pajamas for you, you see."Ray smiled at Asher."You look pretty cute. Here."Ray handed a gift bag to Asher. Asher ran away with it."What did you get him?""Drawing books."Aster chuckled. He knew what Asher was thinking.Poor guy. He got books instead of sweets."Come in. This is not your first time here. But today you are here as my brother's friend."Ray smiled. Aster had never seen him smiling like this when he worked. Good guy. He kept his work and personal life separate."What's new with you?"Aster gave him the snacks Lia had left. "I got a pet cat. She is a cute tabby cat. I named her Paws.""After Jaws?" Aster asked."No, he has cute paws."Aster nodded."My girlfriend broke up with me."And he started with a piece of good news."Are you okay?"Ray nodded."
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53. Run on sight
Ray left and Aster took Asher to paint. At least they could play with colors. "Come, let's see what the gift is."Asher followed Aster and then they read the instructions."It says you can paint on each paper and then tear it away to frame it. So let's paint on one. What do you want to draw?""I want, I want, I want, I don't know."Aster understood. "Let's just draw something."They painted together. The mix of colors looked like the sky while the background was something where colors vomited. It could make a good phone wallpaper. Aster took a look and found Asher looking very proud. It was good. Because they just threw colors and that was not exactly painting something. If they were asked to draw a landscape or portrait, they would be very painful.Aster decided to frame it as a memory. Otherwise, no one would cherish it. Lia discussed with Marvin all about Prank Day and they were about to have one soon but her mother stopped it.She and an excellent reason."There are only four
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54. Games and ideas
"How did you find me even in disguise?"It was true. August had worn mask and a hat. If something, his outfit screamed, look at me. "Grandpa didn't wear any disguise. And you look so conspicuous like a male peacock."August snorted. "How bad are you? Cant you see the luggage in grandpa's hands?"Marvin then took the luggage."You asked Aster for some kind of accommodation here!""Look who is so smart."The old man remained silent. He knew it wasn't his turn to play here now. Both siblings would have enough to bicker and sort it out by themselves.He just wanted to be a background board honestly."Grandpa, you also broke your promise.""That, I'm here as Oggy's guardian. He is a pretty stupid kid.""Hey," August yelled but no one focused on him.Aster came out and met them on the way."Hey, you are here. I'll take you to your staying place. Hello grandpa.""Good boy Aster. You grew tall. Last time I saw you, you were shorter than Oggy.""Hey," August yelled again."You all seem to ta
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55. Likes and meets
How would you feel if you went out on a normal day and met your idol? Not your bias but a pretty close one? The one you idolize as your friend. You would need a missile to shoot you down from the sky, right?Lia felt the same.She was stunned and froze. And the other side also froze. August came face to face with his cousin and felt she was cute. His younger sister was so cute. It's a pity that he couldn't meet her when she was a kid. She should be a doll then. They would have become revolutionary comrades. He loved playing with dolls and he would have a partner then. Too bad, his brothers had no interest in dolls or playing games not to mention, they were older than him. So he had to play by himself most of the time. He had two perfectly younger cousins and he missed them. Ah, so wrong."Lia, this is my youngest brother August."Lia nodded mechanically. Then she reacted. Her idol was standing before her and she was waiting her time by gawking. Now gawking at a close distance was
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56. Happy
"I should do the opening ceremony?"Lia almost wanted to hir herself. "But I have stage fright?""You don't. I have seen you give presentations. In a whole auditorium, filled with people."Lia now had to think of other reasons."I can still freeze because I will be wearing a disguise."Aster just gave her an unbelieving look."What if my family recognizes me? My voice is very familiar to them.""You are not giving any presentation. Just cut the ribbon, light incense, and go away."Lia had to listen now. She didn't have many things to do actually. And she felt that she could manage this thing by herself."I don't want to do this, you know. it sounds scary.""I'm doing this. So count me in that scary feeling. We both will be doing that so you don't have to be burdened feeling you are in the spotlight."Lia nodded."How about I practice?""Now?" He asked her curiously."Yes."Lia first acted like she cut the ribbon. Then she got up and bowed to some imaginary statue. She then took an in
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57. The countdown to the fight
The days were happy. At least for Lia, it felt good. She didn't experience anything bad. Something like this would relieve someone's mind. Lia acted so hard that she managed to now not to fall in front of Aster and inadvertently get hugged. She couldn't make a mess when she had to perform in reality.She now hummed songs and enjoyed herself. Who knows when this kind of calm will last?This particular day, she had a chance to go with Jake and Asher to a dentist visit. That was very cool, right? For her, yes. But for the two boys, it was not.The place was spotless and surprisingly had a calm feel. Again, for her. But for the boys, it should be equal to a horror house.They were checked by a young lady. Lia read her name- Bhavya. A cute name. Angel in white. DefinitelyLia liked this lady instantly. "Hey, we both have names ending with the same rhyme."Bhavya smiled at that and Lia felt an arrow piercing her heart. She was cute. Jake and Asher had no problems and just got their teet
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58. The start
The day of the celebration arrived. Lia first slipped away to appear as Aster's wife."Mom, I'm going to see if I can help. You can come slowly layer when the crowd is less."She left them there and ran out. As she met Aster, he took her to the venue. Thru had to get changed quickly before reaching the venue though. The place that was chosen to hold this was a large ground that Marvin Lexor owned. Lia was not shocked that they dominated the real estate industry."You should also invest in land.""I have buildings, you know."Lia rolled her eyes. A jealous guy."But where are we holding our party now? Not in your buildings, for sure!""Maybe next time we can. You never say never."Lia felt that was right but she didn't want to agree with him. His tail will go to the sky.Lia got dressed in a festive red dress. Her hair was piled up on her head in an elegant bun. She also wore a simple diamond necklace. Lia felt her eyes go wide when she saw the jewelry Aster had got her. He had boug
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59. Drama begins
The day went in a blur and the evening was here. Lia had to go out. She had a readymade reason."Mom, my professor is taking me to Aster's dinner. He wants to meet some investors."This was what she had told her mother earlier and she got the permission to come late at night. Because she couldn't stay that late without informing her mother.Her mother went wild with imagination if she couldn't see her. And she didn't want her to worry about her. Parents always worry."I'm ready."She left there and met Aster outside. He was in the car and he didn't get out."This is an important event. Don't be nervous. Those people look like monsters and are monsters. But we are not nice people. Treat them as game levels. If you clear them all, you get a gift."That was a good incentive. She loved that. And she felt that her nervousness was gone after the morning opening ceremony. It's like you get the feeling of being in charge once and you get addicted.It was scary but also refreshing. "I will.
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60. A so called Routine
As someone said, when something seems wrong, it definitely is.Claudia just messaged Lia but she felt that she had to tell in person.Claudia got up from her seat and went to the forefront."Mrs. Brooks, nice to meet you."Lia was not surprised to see Claudia but she was surprised to see her acting like they didn't know each other."Mrs. Brooks looks fabulous and dynamic today. I have always wanted to meet you.""Thank you. Come and sit here. I feel close to you."Lia took Claudia to the side and they sat on the swing. "Caroline today is so different. It's almost weird. I have never seen someone change their attitude."Lia started. She got the message here. She made a small talk and made her way back to Aster. She looked at their height difference and felt bad.She gestured for Aster to bend down and then whispered in his ears.Aster had a hard time concentrating on what she was saying. It felt like this hall disappeared and only he felt her beside him. All the sounds disappeared
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