All Chapters of REVENGE FROM THE ALPHA: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
91 Chapters
Chapter 21
DARIUS ALFONSO. It was night, a sting constantly brimming in my chest and I failed to shrug that off. I felt distressed, almost disturbed and nothing was helping me. To release my mind, I walked away until Mother called me. “Where are you going?” Sighing, I glanced at the blurry sky filled with thick clouds. “To clear my mind.” “From Blue?” She asked again, coming closer but I remained silent. “Or from Athena?” I was astounded at her question, mouth gaping as I questioned myself too. I was losing my grip on my identity. “To pray.” Curling my hands in a fist, I left for the waterfall near my place to go there and revive my memories. The place where I took her first kiss. The place where I prayed. The second I reached there I saw Azure there, in her usual graceful form. Standing at the water with her mysterious eyes, touching the water, allowing it to drench her fingers, lost in pondering. “Azure.” I called her dominantly, approaching her furiously, curling my hands i
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Chapter 22
The next day, after my unwanted and unbearable confrontation with Athena where she told me words I couldn’t bear. Words that not only outraged me… But they also hurt me. And with that sensation, she made my determination more firm. I wouldn’t let it slide this easily. “Are you sure about it, Alpha? If we got caught, we would be in trouble.” Julius asked, worried about my state. With a scowling lingering on my face, I nodded. “Of course. No one will find out, she won’t be able to tell anyone nor will I let it.” I hissed, resolved dripping from my words. “What if you couldn’t hurt her?” He asked hesitantly. “Why would my hands tremble? She killed my Luna.” I hissed. Pacing around, holding my sides but not allowing it to falter my determination. “Really, are you sure?” He asked again, noticing the scowl lingering on my face. “Hundred percent. If she thinks I would let Blue death’s slide, then she is terribly wrong.” I growled. Everyone thought that for the sake of old times, I
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Chapter 23
ATHENA BECKER. Standing on top of the rooftop of our castle, from the sight of our bewitching land, Sapphire Crest was clear. Scanning around the place, I saw his pack moving out of their place. “Oh, so you are truly leaving, hmm?” I spoke to myself. “And are you sure about letting him go?” King Hadrian asked nonchalantly, inspecting my face. “Who am I to stop him? Let him go wherever he wants.” I shrugged my shoulders calmly, not bothering myself too much with it. “Where is he going by the way?” I asked curiously. “He placed the condition to not tell you.” He smirked, folding his arms at his chest, watching Darius’ pack moving out. “Hmm. Fair enough.” I hummed. “What are you going to do now? Are you going to let him go?” He asked again, he was thrilled to know what I would do when he wouldn’t be here anymore. “Sure why not? Allow him to escape this arena and besides… It’s his move.” My smirk grew dark, informing him about Darius’ intentions. After being with him, I k
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Chapter 24
Time passed in the blink of an eye when he was no longer there.The second he left, time and my surroundings stopped and before it knew it, three months in this hibernating state.Nothing happened, he left without a trace, I was solely focused on my work, waiting for any action from him while preparing for my next move as well. After coming back from the survey, I was in the training grounds. Leaning against the pillar, I was lost in my ponderings until Jax came.“Hey. Good work today.” He smiled, leaning against the other pillar with his arms closed as well. “Hey.” I smiled back and went back to my trail of unwanted thoughts. Thoughts that were gradually turning me void and pricking me constantly. “This is awfully quiet. Don’t you think so?” Jax asked with a long exhale to get my attention.He brought the topic to bring me out from my ponderings and focus on what was happening and not on what happened.“Hmm. I agree. Something feels seriously off.” Turning to him, I nodded in a
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Chapter 25
Darkness.All I could feel and see was a pitch-darkness around me. My body throbbed in pain, my mind was blank for the time being, hoping to contemplate what happened.“Argh…”Groaning in pain, I endeavored to shift and sit up but I soon realized my hands were tied behind my back along with a fetter on my ankle. When the realization that I was chained in this room with pure darkness around me sank in, my eyes fluttered open.“What the- where am I?” Gasping for air, I blinked to clear my vision but the room was too dark for me to see. The room felt empty, I tried to shift but my body was weak.“Hello!?” I yelled, calling someone to listen or reveal its face to me.Someone must have drugged my body so that I couldn’t move or escape for the time being. “Is anyone there?!” Turning here and there to search for any source of light but my body was unable to move- let alone to sit up and grab my surroundings.“Fuck…” Cursing under my breath, I grit my teeth to calm down for the time bein
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Chapter 26
I remained like that for I had no idea how long, staring into nothingness, into the darkness while my body was gradually recovering from the drug and I could move slightly.The sound of the door being opened reached me again and he stepped forward, the light shimmering on his face, enhancing his features. “You…” I growled under my breath.Lifting my heavy gaze, I glared at him while he entered and removed the curtains only to find myself in an empty room with a mattress in the corner and minimum furniture like a table and chair.“How are you feeling now?” He asked mockingly with a smirk, turning on the lights before stopping before me, looking down at me from behind.With his hand in his pocket, he leaned forward with his smirk growing wider and darker. “Starving? Weak? Numb?” He snickered, contemplating my body which was rendered unable to shift. My hands tied behind, my ankle was fastened with a fetter, all encased in his domain. “Infuriated.” Hissing, I glared up at him, tryi
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Chapter 27
Enunciating, he moved back gradually, leaving me slowly. My breaths clasped around my throat. My lips quivered, causing me to narrow my eyes from disgust. Hissing, I pushed him back the second he left me, glaring at him.“Asshole, like hell I would let it. You can’t trap me here forever.” I was determined to leave his claws, I won’t let this intimidation last long. I will run.“Too bad I have.” He hissed, holding my wrist so firmly that I winced from pain but didn’t change my expression.“Why do you think that? Do you think King Hadrian won’t search for me?” I snarled, grabbing his shirt, challenging him.Because no matter what he would do, I would never break before him. King Hadrian won’t allow me to die. He listened to me for a few seconds, scrutinizing my features with wide eyes before breathing out in a low, menacing tone.“Do you think that?” He asked in a murmur, pushing me back, breaking into a slow, evil, laugh, moving away from me.I paused, narrowing my eyes as he laughe
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Chapter 28
DARIUS ALFONSO.‘I won’t melt, I won’t allow emotions or mercy to sway me. She was my prisoner, she was my sinner and she must be treated as one.’ I reminded myself sternly.I couldn’t bring myself to spare compassion on her.She must face the consequences of taking away my Luna, the worst outcome. She must pay for it even if it would sting me.But. I. won’t. spare. mercy.“Are you sure about it, Alpha?” A member of my pack, Rue, who was assigned as a jailer asked me hesitantly, aware I might hold any attachment.But to no avail.“Of course, he would be sure.” Athena scoffed.She was on the ground, her hands were tied behind once again. Her fetters were shortened to make sure she won’t get up from the ground.We were before her, my hands were in my pocket, looking at her vulnerable body with strange sensations in my body. Swallowing hard, I nodded coldly.“Yes. She is a prisoner and shall be treated as one.” My harsh tone came, curling my hands in a fist with a clenched jaw.She m
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Chapter 29
‘Athena made one thing clear- she had become unbreakable.’After Athena lost her consciousness and Rue left us alone. I forced my heavy heart to look at her.‘Are you satisfied now?’ I thought, narrowing my eyes in compassion.I wouldn’t have done that deliberately or willingly but she forced me to treat her that way, to break her soul.Exhaling, I came closer, opening her restraints for the time being and placed her on the mattress.My throat dried, she was not in her senses, blood was coating her shirt. My heart began to thump, unsure what to do.I contemplated her inches and with a heartless cognition, I placed her down on the mattress and left her alone in that condition to feel the depth of pain.… But, I failed.It took a few hours for my posture to break, I couldn't bring myself to leave her in that condition and at night, I returned back to her room.When I entered, I saw her awake weakly in the state I left her in which made my inside clasp around ache.Narrowing my eyes, I
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Chapter 30
She yelped in pain when I held the side of her face in my palm with my other hand, growling at her, losing my mind.“Watch your tongue, dammit.”Unwaveringly, she grabbed my shirt back, bearing with the pain in her body and glared back at me.“Or else what? What would you do? Torture me again? Or force me into intimacy?” She growled back.She challenged me to lose my limit and do something unfathomable but I knew I was incapable of going further. I started furiously at her face for a few seconds before pushing her back, making her fall on the mattress.Scoffing, I made a fist, gritting my teeth. Outraged at the point this woman had left me where I failed to gather my own cognition. A brief silence came between us. She covered her face in the sheets and poked my shoulder.I glanced at her, she was frowning, looking away with a tint over her cheeks.“If you are done with your ointment, place something over me, I find no indulgence in showing my body to you.” She mumbled, not meeting m
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