All Chapters of Daughter of the Damned: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
116 Chapters
It was almost sunset. Robert was sitting at an abandoned, deserted car shed. He had walked as far as he could and his legs had led him straight to where he was sitting. This place was outside the main city where the Watchers Headquarters, Raven Towers was located. It looked like an average corporate office from inside out but only people who knew about its Depths, knew about its true purpose. The place where Robert was sitting at the moment, was nothing like that. Parts of the rusty shade were falling off and parts crumbled under Robert's feet as he walked in. " A glass of water please, " he asked as if there was someone waiting to take his order. " Something happened at work, is that right? "A figure appeared out of nowhere and asked as he poured that glass of water for his brother. One would think Robert was standing in front of a mirror. They looked exactly the same. The same height, face, age, hair and everything else. They were practically twins but were born one year ap
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Mira's POV" Are you sure we are dressed right? "I looked at myself in the mirror and at Razzak beside me. We had harem pants on with crop tops and oxidised jewelleries, with a cap and mask on. We looked like hippies. " Absolutely. Let's go. "She adjusted the dark eyeliner she had applied on me. This was nothing like how I dressed but I did think it was cool. The street party was just a couple of blocks away from the school. We decided to walk there because why should we waste money hiring a cab. The music was so loud, it could be heard several miles away. The bass made the road thump and we couldn't wait to see what else was happening there. I had too much on my mind. Let me give you a quick recap of that morning. When my phone rang, I was sure it was Xen who had called back. I didn't want to but I answered. " Hello! I am so sorry. It was an unintentional missed call. "" Unintentional missed call? Why, I didn't get any! "The voice on the other side was that of Braze's. I
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Mira's POV" Mira. They are after me. "Those were the exact same words Braze uttered before passing out. He fell right on top of me and collapsed on my lap. I fell along with him on the ground. My phone slipped from my hand. There was no way for me to access it, to call for help. I tried moving Braze's weight but he seemed unusually heavy. " Mira! Is that you? "I turned my neck to find Xen. He stamped on the piece of cigarette that he was smoking and then ran in my direction. " What on earth are you doing here on the ground... "but his legs slowed down as he saw Braze. " Please come and help me. I cannot move his weight. He lost consciousness. We need to get some help. "Xen did come forward to help but the light on his face seemed dwindled. He pulled Braze up and swung him on his back. " We must call an ambulance... "was about to make a call but Xen shoved me a little as he walked forward with Braze on his back. " No, need! There is a first aid corner at the end. Let's take
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Mira's Mother
Back at Mira's mother's place. She was fast asleep in her room, taking a break from all the hard work , for a change. Suddenly her eyes shot open. There was something hovering over her and she jumped from the bed to avoid a mishap. Whatever was hovering, moved as well. It placed itself right over her head as she couched, her hands covering her ears and head. Her eyes were actively searching for an escape and then she noticed the open window beside the dinning table. She ran as if her life depended on it and jumped out of the window without even checking what awaited her beyond that.She fell with a thud in the community trash can straight from that open window. There were several bruises and scratches. She was bleeding at spots. But it seemed like she didn't have time for that. She sprang out of there and began running again. As she ran on the empty street she kept looking back, staring at the blank space after her. Nobody knew what she saw but she kept running faster. The sweat
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Mira's POV" Mira stop! Where are you going? Stop running... Mira. "One could only repeat the same mistake twice. Right? I was running at full speed again, without looking anywhere and was in the middle of the busy traffic, almost about to be hit by a truck that was coming in my direction, definitely driven without any speed limit. As had happened before, I froze, like a cat, on my track instead of running faster and moving out of danger. The truck was inches away from me, there was no force on planet earth that would save me. Or so I thought. Kian was running after me when he saw me tear through the crowd and huff away. I could hear his voice. He was still half a mile away but before I could brace myself for my evident end, he came flying at me. He literally flew in my direction,well it was more like an elongated jump that transformed into a glide. He wrapped me up under his arms and jumped out of that spot, gliding in the air once again till we both fell several feet away, o
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Mountain of Forgetfulness
Mira's POVOne weird stuff after another was going all around me. That included my mother's phone being not reachable for almost twenty four hours but that didn't stop the daily flow of mundane life. I had classes to attend and I wasn't allowed a single day of leave unless I was dying, that is. It was excursion day and everybody was gearing up before the bus left for the site. I had my bag packed and cap and sunglasses on. We were going on a near by mountain. That place was not widely known but had a very rich and ancient local history. We were going to find out about that. We were travelling in small batches, so we would all comfortably fit the the sixteen seaters. You will be shocked if I tell you who was my seat mate. It was Betty. I sat there looking out of the window as she powdered her face repeatedly with the brush. She hated the sun so much that she kindly obliged to my request to have the window seat. With the things going on around me, I could have easily thought th
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Meanwhile at Chemora
The crisp rustling of fallen foliage intensified as an Akhashi ran for his life. He quickly transformed into a wolf and leaped forward and after a few feet, he changed back into a fox galloping as fast as he could on all four of his limbs. The Akhashi tribe from Chemora had the ability to shift between canines. With repeated transformations,they were able to diffuse the scent left behind on their track.But this particular Akhashi wasn't trying to do that. He was trying to shift into the fastest four legged canine because for him it was life and death. He was a spy ,sent to the Xoron clan. The Xorons were a shady tribe and nobody knew much about their territories or rulers. They never participated in inter-tribe dialogue either. A thick wall made of dense, thorny, carnivorous shrubs, marked the starting of their land. Nobody dared trespass because of two main reasons. First,they were monstrous, unruly creatures. And second, their territories were believed to be on waste lands, anci
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Mira's POV"Doesn't it feel eerie? " Stella was clinging to my back, effectively putting all her weight on my backpack, making it heavier. I could see Razzak up ahead with the female teacher. She had her notes open and was jotting down every pointer. " This is a once in a lifetime opportunity Mira. I want to do my best for a change. " She said. Betty was stuck like glue with Kian. They were right behind us. It had been a little awkward between the two of us since he saved me for the second time. We just smiled and nodded but neither of us talked about the incident. I didn't because I didn't want to put him in an awkward position. Whatever he did, wasn't normal but I had already witness things out of the ordinary with other people, namely, Xen and Braze. Talking about Braze, he was nowhere to be seen. He was the Principal's son. He had privileges we commoners didn't. He probably had taken the day off. We were divided into several smaller groups and each teacher was incharge. Wi
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Peculiar case
Mira's POV We couldn't keep up with our conversation for much longer as the clouds around us darkened. The howl seemed like it was getting closer and suddenly it started raining. " Let's get out of here. We will talk about this later. I promise. " I grabbed Kian's hand and literally pulled him along with me. I was immune to the rain but he was sophisticated and delicate. I could not put my only companion in that desolate place in harm's way, not to forget that he was also my savior on several occasions. Kian ducked as I sped up. Branches and leaves from several trees brushed against us. Some scratching our skin and some tearing parts of our clothes. " Here, use this to shade your head. " I stopped as I saw a banana tree and tore its biggest leaf for Kian to use as an umbrella. It was raining cats and dogs. " You take it. I'm aaa... al... alright.. tttt... (achooo) " , he stuttered, trying to stop the sneeze but it came out amplified. " The rain never bothers me, " brought my lip
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***At the Marine Tribe in Chemora - Queen Asa's palace***She could not close her eyes. Something inside her was telling her that the powers within her son had awakened. Yet she had no way to confirm. They had the powers which no other tribe in Chemora had. They could talk to the ocean. The waves brought news for them , from the future, past and present. Queen Asa walked towards the window, watching the waves crash against the rocks, helpless. " I was once like you. " She was talking with the foams left behind, " powerless and unknown, till I thought of taking matters into my own hand. "An eerie giggle rang behind her as she jumped and turned back. " Are you talking about your marriage? " The voice echoed through the emptiness making her toe curl. She knew exactly the source. She knew where the voice was coming from. She tip-toed towards the full size mirror. It had a black cloth over it and Asa stood right in front of it and said, " I thought you couldn't talk with this cloth
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