All Chapters of She Belongs With Me: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
39 Chapters
Chapter 21
"I'm offended," Emily said after Elena had narrated her love life to her. From meeting Marcus, to him paying for almost everything, to Gavin and their moments, and then the kisses she shared with Marcus she kept everything PG."I know, I'm sorry." "You should be. You see me every week and these things have been happening but you didn't think to tell me." Her sister complained."It felt like a lot." Elena defended."I get it that you're always trying to protect me but at least you should have told me about the circumstances surrounding your relationship with Marcus.""I'm sorry," Elena repeated."You should be." "I know I should have told and I'm sorry, Em. But you can't hold this against me please, everything was messy at the time,""And it's not messy now?" Elena knew she had messed up but she did not expect her sister to hold it against her much. Emily was not even looking at her, she looked betrayed."Emily, I'm sorry. I'll keep saying it till you forgive me.""You're always ther
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Chapter 22
Elena had never been so nervous her entire life. She didn't even know what she was doing or what she was going to say. When she thought she was going to break up with Marcus she had planned out everything she wanted to say but with Gavin, she was a mumbled mess and she hadn't even talked to him yet. Speaking of one of those men and conversations she didn't know how to start, it had been three days since the incident and Marcus had busied every one of her calls. He always texted her with an excuse but she felt nervous and worried about the whole situation. Who knew what Isabel said to him?Thinking about Isabel gave her chills, specifically because she was scared of Isabel but also because Isabel seemed like someone who always got what she wanted, so how far was she willing to go to push Elena out of the picture? And it wasn't like she could talk to Marcus about her fears, mostly because he wasn't picking up her calls and also because she didn't know how to bring it up, "Hey, Marcus,
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Chapter 23
"Henry, hi. Am I in trouble?" Was the first thing Elena asked once she was ushered into the tiny office. Henry chuckled and made his way around her to his desk."No, not at all. Except there is something I should know?" He asked, teasing her."Uh, nope.""You look tense," he noted as he pushed some files around to create space on his rather messy desk. "Is something wrong?" He asked, tilting his head to the side."No, nothing is wrong. Uh, why did you call me in?""Oh yes, I was going through your work rate and it has dropped a lot. You're usually on top of this stuff and ahead of most of your colleagues. Is anything the problem?""No, everything is fine, Henry. I guess I'm just going through a lot of personal issues but I'm fine and I promise I'll sit up and take my work more seriously." She rambled."Elena, it's fine, just take it easy, okay? You're not in trouble. I just wanted to know what's wrong and if you need a couple of days to recuperate or get yourself together."Elena was
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Chapter 24
It was hard to think reasonably when Gavin was kissing her like that, so Elena did not think at all. She didn't stop to consult her conscience when Gavin led her up the stairs to her apartment, and she definitely did not pay heed to her morals when he picked her up and dropped her on her bed. His scent was intoxicating and it was hard to focus on anything else when his hands and his lips were doing wonders to her. She was making noises she never thought she could.Being with Gavin was different from being with Marcus, Marcus was calm and cautious, checking on her every step of the way and he was always pacing himself around her, it was the opposite of how he portrayed himself: cold and vicious. But with Gavin, it was the complete opposite, while Gavin was the calm and cute puppy normally he was different and domineering once he got her permission. Their kiss was rough, everything was hot and heavy and it all went by in a blur, that was why it was hard to realize what was going on unt
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Chapter 25
"I have to take this," Elena said, picking her phone up from the counter."Your boyfriend, I'm guessing?" Gavin asked annoyance and jealousy in his tone."I have to take this," she repeated and left the small space, brushing against Gavin as she did so. "Hello?""Elena, I'm sorry this week has been hectic.""Yeah, I gathered that.""You don't work on weekends right?""Yeah…why?""The getaway I was talking about. It's a five-hour drive so we have to leave early. I'll pick you up in twenty minutes, whatever you can't pack we'll buy on the way—""Wait a minute, hold on, Marcus. What do you mean you'll pick me up in twenty minutes?""I just said it's a five-hour drive and we need to beat traffic." He said it like it was the most obvious thing ever and he did not just drop a bomb on her."Can you hear yourself?" "Is there a problem?" He asked. Confusion laced his tone."What do you mean 'is there a problem?'? You haven't responded to my texts in days, you haven't picked up my calls and yo
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Chapter 26
An impromptu road trip with a man you partly just confessed your infatuation for was not how Elena expected her day to start but there she was, in the front seat of Marcus's sleek black car, her luggage neatly placed in the back seat, and Marcus humming along to the song playing lowly on the radio. The atmosphere wasn't nearly as tense as their previous encounters but it was still a bit awkward seeing as they had nothing to say to each other. And Elena could not stop pondering on the fact that if Gavin hadn't left, Marcus could have met him there, how exactly would she have explained that situation?Another thing running through her mind was what had Marcus been up to while he had been ghosting her and were they still in a relationship? And if they were, did she need to tell him about her night with Gavin?"You seem to be lost in your thoughts,""What else am I supposed to do?" "This is supposed to be a couples bonding kind of thing.""Right after you ghosted me for a week straight,
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Chapter 27
"Marcus," Elena called, a look of awe on her face."Yeah?" Marcus asked, shutting the door to the car and pulling their bags towards the front door. "You said we were going to a cabin.""Uh, yes…and?" "This is a freaking mansion, Marcus!" Elena was not exaggerating but the look on Marcus's face made it seem like she was. The 'cabin' was definitely in the middle of nowhere, it was just miles and miles of trees around it but it looked like it belonged on the cover of a catalogue about beautiful houses. It was made mostly of wood and bricks, and it was a storey building with two beautiful balconies and sliding glass doors. She couldn't help but wonder what the view would look like when it started snowing. Marcus had already told her there was a probability it would snow during their stay, and that was why half of her suitcase was her winter clothes."Really?" Marcus asked confused, a tint of amusement on his face."I'm scared to find out what your idea of a mansion looks like." "Hopefu
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Chapter 28
Elena was not expecting an answer from Marcus when she asked the question but she was acting hopeful. However, the scowl on Marcus's face indicated the conversation was over and the question would remain unanswered. He got up and packed the plates, "It's getting late. You should head to bed, you've had quite a day.""Marcus—""Thanks for the meal," he said cutting her off and putting the dirty dishes in the sink."Marcus, come on, don't do this.""I shouldn't do the dishes? I didn't take you as someone who contributed to the patriarchy—""You know what I'm talking about. Don't be that Marcus, don't shut me out." She walked closer to him and put a gentle hand on his tense shoulder. Marcus let out a shaky breath, "shutting people out is kind of my thing, sweetheart.""Okay, fine. You don't have to talk about it, just don't be moody Marcus, at least not this weekend." Marcus gave her a small smile then squeezed her hand, "I'll try,""So what's the agenda for tomorrow?""Well it's going
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Chapter 29
Elena woke up to the sound of a door slamming downstairs. She reached towards the other side of the bed but it was empty. She sat up and frowned, feeling stupid for thinking this morning would be like the last, especially after the night she had with Marcus. She got up and took a quick shower before going downstairs to see what the ruckus was about. Marcus was in the living area, shirtless and only wearing briefs, his phone was pressed against his ear as he yelled profanities at whoever was on the other line.“What do you mean by down by fifty per cent? Do you know how much I've put on the line for this deal to work? You don't get to tell me— No, I will not calm down! Now you listen to me, you tell them about the contract we signed, at least a month's notice, that's what it says, and I can have me lawyer fly down there to refresh their memories— yeah you do that. No, none of that. I'll be back tomorrow. Yes, I know what I'm doing! A month is more than enough time for my backup. I'll
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Chapter 30
The trip back home was exactly as one would expect — awkward.Marcus had not made a move to talk to Elena and neither had she. She was done with all of it, the mixed signals, shutting her out, everything. She was done with Marcus and she hoped the look on her face was a dead giveaway for that.Marcus could not exactly live with himself after last night. He had slept on the couch after they had gotten home and woke up in the middle of the night to check on Elena only to hear her crying in their room, and it was all his fault.He couldn't apologise, because if he did he would have to tell her about his feelings— all of it— and Eliza might not believe him. That would hurt way more than her slamming the door in his face.When the car came to a slow stop in front of her apartment, Marcus wanted to say something, anything at all that might make Elena hate him less but before he could open his mouth to speak, Elena had gotten out of the car, grabbed her things and then speed walked to her ap
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