Semua Bab A nanny for the CEO widower: Bab 91 - Bab 100
110 Bab
Something completely unexpected
Bruno left Johanne's flower shop triumphant, convinced that his plans were going perfectly, all that was left was for Angie to do her thing, but to motivate her more, he would tell her where his little daughter was, but he didn't count on something supremely painful for Angie it was about to happen.He received a call from the institution where Danielle was, and he immediately answered it.“Yes, tell me Dr. Méndez, to what do I owe your call?“Mr. Stuart, I would like the reason for my communication to be completely different than why I am calling you now, but… “For a moment there was a slight silence on the call.“Yes, tell me doctor, why did you remain silent? continue in the line?“Because what I have to tell you right now is very hard, it concerns the girl, Danielle.“What happened to the girl perhaps? is there any problem?“The girl's medical condition has deteriorated in recent days. I tried to contact you, but you didn't answer my calls. Last night, when the nurse wanted to mak
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Edward doesn't know how to resist one more blow.
A week had passed since Angie's painful death, only silence and darkness reigned in the Collen mansion. Edward had entered a deep depression due to everything that was happening, however, his three children gave him enough strength. To move forward, although Jhin was already a little older and had improved his behavior more, Danny had become Edward's main concern, since his health was declining with the days.“Sir, the boy Danny has a fever again, I don't know what we are going to do to control it, I advise you to take him to the doctor again.Edward raised his head from the desk, he was completely disheveled, and with dark circles under his eyes that covered almost half of his face.“It can't be that the child is sick again, tell me Greis, until when will my life stop being a complete hell?“Sir, I know that this is something very difficult to accept, I know that you are going through the worst of situations, but that child, despite not carrying your blood, is your son and you promis
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A hasty marriage
“Johanne, I don't think you're acting that way with Edward, his sister died, and her son was taken away from her, you've been completely indifferent to him, you've completely avoided seeing him when he comes to see Bella” Sara disagreed with him. Johanne's attitude in recent days.“Sara, it's not my fault anything that's happening to Edward, I simply can't help alleviating his pain, plus the relationship with Stuart is too intense, that has stressed me out a little.“If you feel that relationship like that, then you should stay away from him, it's the best thing you can do.“It's not about that, Sara, what happens is that Stuart wants us to get married, and I don't feel ready to take such a step.“Yes, I know Johanne, but never in my life has anyone been so interested in you. What do you think of everything?“Sara, right now I feel very confused, but he hasn't made any official request, he simply told me that he would like to take me to the altar one day.“Well, it's your decision, bu
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I must talk to you Edward.
Johanne still did not assimilate the decision she had just made, a marriage in less than a month was not something that was in her life plans, but she did not understand why her subconscious refused to say no to Estuart, it was as if somehow In a strange way she felt some emotional attachment to him, at night it was difficult for her to fall asleep, and when she did she had too many nightmares, especially when Bruno kept her.“Johanne, you haven't slept well, have you? “Sara asked her, seeing how Johanne was haggard and looking tired.“To tell the truth, I haven't slept a wink, and every time I do I dream about Bruno, when he held me back, when he abused me, so many horrible things that that man put me through.“I understand you perfectly Johanne, however, you must be tired, my friend, you must be attentive to the children and work, now you are a true businesswoman, a woman who has been able to be reborn from the ashes, you must always be firm to continue growing, now With the new bra
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The true face of Stuart
After being embraced for a moment, Estuart separated and kissed her, Johanne did not feel comfortable with his kisses, she did not feel prepared to be with him in privacy, so she tried to get away.“Johanne, my love, you have no idea how much I want you.“Estuart, I still don't feel ready for us to be together; I haven't been with a man for a long-time and... “Johanne lowered her head, her hands began to shake, she didn't know how to react to Stuart at that moment. such a special moment.“Linda, give me the opportunity to make you believe in love and intimacy again, I swear that I have done nothing but desire you since the first day I met you, you are so beautiful, and you deserve to be loved with all my might. From my heart, I don't think I'll last until the day of marriage, I swear.“But the most convenient thing is that we wait until that day Stuart, it's like a tradition.“No Johanne, I don't want to wait that long.Stuart pounced on her again, he began to kiss her in such a way t
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Johanne came home quite angry, not only was she angry because of what Stuart had done to her, but because of her lack of ability to handle things.“Johanne, what happened to you? Wait” Sara ran after her when she saw her walking quickly towards where Bella was.“Sara, Stuart is just like all the men in this world, they simply want to abuse me, my nobility.“In that way? I don't understand you, Johanne.“That man tried to abuse me, he took advantage of the fact that I was accompanying him in a moment of weakness” Johanne began to cry because of the anger she felt “he told me that his parents had died in an accident, that I should not leave him, I Like an idiot I hugged him, and he started kissing me...”“Johanne, Johanne, please stop, you don't have to relive the moment if it causes you pain, don't worry, beautiful, everything is going to be fine, you don't have to stay committed to that man anymore, okay?Sara hugged her friend tightly, who did not stop crying inconsolably in her arms
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An unexpected betrayal
A couple of days passed, Edward arrived to visit Johanne's house, his love for Bella grew more every day, he was completely in love with his daughter, she was his adoration and although his distance with Johanne had also increased, since she broke up with Stuart, it was decided that he would possibly talk to Edward.She had dressed beautifully that morning, she applied blush to her cheeks, and a little pink lipstick on her lips, she put on a tight” fitting dress and her hair down.“Johanne, you are beautiful! What is it about friend? “Sara asked her intrigued, looking her up and down.“Well, I remembered the words you said to me the other day and well, Sara, I can't deny that I still feel a lot of things for Edward, I might want to forgive him and well, if he still feels things for me, come back to him. try it.Sara suddenly changed her face and became angry with Johanne.“So, you're dressed that way because of Edward and not Stuart?"Why would I do it for Stuart?"“Well, because he i
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We don't really know the people.
For Sara, the minutes that afternoon were eternal, she only looked at the hours on the clock, Johanne did not come home to her children, she had never felt a bad feeling for her friend, but at that moment the worst thoughts crossed her head. , I didn't understand how a woman like her was lucky to have everything she had.She was arranging a bouquet of roses, when suddenly a lump got stuck in her throat and a couple of tears fell, she squeezed a flower and threw it on the floor, at that precise moment Johanne arrived with her family, and she realized what was happening with her friend.“Sara, are you okay? Did something happen at your house? “Johanne handed her daughter to Edward and took Sara in her arms. She was trembling, although she couldn't explain why she wanted to look at Johanne with hatred, she just didn't do it. “Sara, please answer me, you are worrying me.“you? worrying about me? Those things never cross your mind Johanne, you have never worried about me, the only importan
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Until when the evil
Sara was eager for the lunch to which she had been invited by Estuart. That morning she took advantage of the time she had free from the flower shop. It had been a long time since she had done her hair. She was a little older than Sara, but almost the same age. from Stuart, so on that side it didn't feel so bad.“You are looking beautiful! “The woman who was grooming Sara applied a dye to her hair that made her younger by a couple of years and put makeup on her in a way that made her face completely change. She also had clothes that she had never worn, she still had them. a good figure, so she had transformed into a completely different woman.“Thank you, you have done an excellent job” Sara responded to the woman, surprised to see her image in the mirror, she felt lucky to see herself in the mirror.Sure, of herself, and willing to think about her complete happiness, and with mixed feelings against Johanne, she went to meet Estuart, while he went with another intention, the intention
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An evil relationship
Sara, consumed by the passion and desire she felt for Estuart, delightedly returned his kisses, their tongues intertwined, and their caresses went beyond what they allowed themselves to show in public.Stuart was aware that she was not the type of woman he liked, but he was not going to waste the opportunity to be with a woman easily either.“Precious, I think this is not the most suitable place for these things, I think we should go somewhere more private. “Sara opened her eyes, wiped her mouth, and smiled shyly.“You're right, this is not the right place for this type of demonstration of affection, of course I want to go with you somewhere else, will you take me to your apartment? “she asked excitedly.“I don't think it's convenient, we'll go to a motel nearby “Estuart paid the bill, and took her by the hand, they got into a taxi and about fifteen minutes later, they were crossing the threshold of a not very elegant motel. Although for her, that was paradise, she didn't care where s
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