All Chapters of A nanny for the CEO widower: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
110 Chapters
A sea of ​​feelings
The days in the mansion passed in apparent calm, as they had planned, during those days Bruno and Angie had only concentrated on looking for the opportunity to make effective the plan they had against Edward, while he, apparently, was fine, But deep in his heart there were things that kept him from being calm, especially hiding Lía's pregnancy from Johanne, but that wouldn't continue for long.“I love waking up next to you Johanne, seeing you when you've just woken up is a complete pleasure for me” Edward has Johanne on his chest, the last nights had been dedicated to spending it together, their romance was going through the best of moments, he didn't He only loved her, he also protected her and took care of her.“I think the same, but I feel a little bad for Ángel who is now sleeping alone in his room.”“In fact, Johanne, the experts say that children should sleep alone from a young age, with that they begin to have their own independence, however, if you don't want to continue sleep
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A deep indifference
Edward goes straight to the hospital, he preferred to leave his house, hoping that Johanne would think things through better and give him the chance to talk to her again, for her part, Lía, was admitted to one of the rooms of a luxurious hospital, when Edward sees her, completely losing hope that what she had once told him about the pregnancy was a lie, since her bulging belly was already showing her pregnancy.“You finally deigned to come! What did you expect?”“Hello Lía, the truth is I've been busy, and if you want me to be more honest with you, I thought the pregnancy thing was a lie.”“Edward How can you say something like that? Aren't you seeing my belly?”“Yes, of course I'm seeing it, you don't need so much sarcasm, tell me, what have the doctors told you?”“I have a threatened abortion; I can lose our child.”“What can we do in this case?” Edward simply stares at her from the bedroom window, he refused to be by her side.“Nothing, just wait for the medical report to improve,
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Edward was definitely having a very bad time.
Edward feels like his head and his heart are collapsing in the face of so many things that are happening in his life at that moment, although he had a short moment of happiness with Johanne and had completely consummated his love with her, he could not trust Lía, and as much as he wanted to. being indifferent to the idea of ​​being a father, he could not forgive himself, if something happened to his future son, when he arrived at the company he realized that an urgent board meeting had been called by some shareholders, and he had not even been notified, because in the last few days he was rejecting absolutely all calls on his phone, and he did not check his email. Seeing him, his secretary's face is completely invaded with terror, things in the company were getting out of control.“What’s wrong Marianne? Why do you have that face?”“Edward, my boy, things are getting completely out of control here, I don't know what to do, all the shareholders are waiting for you, and I don't think th
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Edward goes straight to the hospital where Lía was, the worst thoughts were running through his head, he wanted to escape from everything that tormented him, the last few days had been catastrophic and losing the presidency of his company was the worst news he could have received.“Good morning, Mr. Collen. How are you? “A doctor receives him before he could see Lía.“Well doctor, were you the one who called me?“Yes, it was me, I am Lía's personal doctor, I called him because a fairly complex situation arose with her.“What do you mean, doctor? I am not understanding anything.“She tried to take her life, unfortunately but due to carelessness she took some pills, a good amount, and if it weren't for a nurse finding her, at this moment the story would be completely different.“But what the hell is going on in this woman's head? Not only attentive against her own life, but also against that of the baby who is on the way.“Look, Mr. Edward, at this moment the last thing Miss Lía needs i
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When there are simply no good feelings left
"Well Edward, I'm here, please tell me what's happening." Johanne crosses her arms in front of Edward, and not because she had a bad attitude towards him, she was simply worried, distressed to see that nothing in her life was going as well as she did. wanted to."Sit next to me, please," Edward told him with a broken voice due to the sadness that overcame him.He took a deep breath and sighed, trying to get past the lump that had formed in his throat.She tried to control the tears, but they fell, bathing her face."Edward... you're worrying me." Edward stares at her, takes a lock of hair that fell on Johanne's face, covering one of her scars, and puts it behind her ear, caresses her face and a tear falls down her cheek.As he spoke, a cold sweat ran through him, fear stirred inside him like a fierce enemy, his breathing accelerated, he had to control himself, but it was not in him. He extended his hand towards Johanne; his movements were slow...“I just want you to know that everythi
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an arranged marriage
During the following days, despite living in the same house, communication between Johanne and Edward was completely limited, she had dedicated herself solely and exclusively to taking care of Jhin, and nothing else, for his part he spent more time in the house. company trying to find out what had happened to the money that had strangely gone behind their backs.“Marianne What have you found out about the accountant? Is there any sign?“No sir, I have been working to see if it is possible for the police to find him, but the guy looks like he has been swallowed by the earth.“That's too suspicious.“With all the money that was stolen, it doesn't seem strange to me that he changed his identity or something similar, there is not a single record of him.Edward simply remains thoughtful, the worst thoughts were running through his head, he distrusted everyone, especially his brothers, he was losing absolutely everything he had worked for many years, and he regretted his carelessness.“Sir,
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Close contacts are unhealthy.
“Thank you, Marianne, please I hope this doesn't come out of here” Edward lets go.“Edward, I know that I have not been the prudent housewife of all, but I am loyal to your father and to you, you should take a few days off, anyway for now there is not much to do, the police are already investigating what is necessary, you should rest , you should do it for your mental health too.“I know that, I am in the worst days of my life, all because of the bad decisions I have made, and if my presence here in the company is not even necessary, everyone looks at me as if I had been the cause of everything what's happening right now” Marianne looked at him and made a face, as if wanting to contradict his words, Edward had indirectly caused everything that was happening at that moment."Well Edward, it's not time for regrets, it's time to act." Edward simply gave him a smile from the corner of his lips and left.Edward listened to Marianne's words, decided not to return to the company and let Brun
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The day before the engagement
As Lía had organized, the next day the organizers of the engagement arrived with large decorations, the entire garden was full of bouquets of white flowers, also a good number of tables with white tablecloths, a large arch in the middle of the garden and a table Below this, that would be where the engaged would sit, Johanne could only see through her window, for her, what she was witnessing was always her dream, she always wanted to have an engagement and get married, to have a beautiful party, in a beautiful garden like the one in the mansion, and above all having married the man she loved, but she was seeing how her dream was turning into a terrible nightmare.“Mr. Collen's engagement decoration is looking very beautiful” Greis took Johanne out of her thoughts.“Yes Greis, everything is very nice” Johanne sighed dejectedly, closed the curtain, and continued with her chores, she felt so disappointed, she never imagined that the man she loved would make her feel that way.“Johanne, I
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a horrible day
Johanne opens her eyes, gave a start when she realized that it was already a little later than normal and that Angel had possibly already woken up, she removes Edward from her side, he was completely clinging to her, and runs away, indeed her little boy, he had already woken up."My child, forgive me for having left you alone, I will immediately organize and feed you" while Johanne attended to her baby, Edward on his side was getting up, the hangover from the previous night's drunkenness was taking effect on his head, when He remembered what day that was, he simply wanted a hole to open in the earth and swallow him.He took a cold shower, trying to assimilate what awaited him that day, after getting ready he went out to pick up his little one, the days he was at the house he helped Johanne with the care of her son, it was the least he could do.“Daddy, what is this party about? Whose birthday, is It? “Jhin asked him innocently.“Son, it's not a birthday, it's a commitment, there are t
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Consequences of a failed plan
“Edward, my love, how are you? “Lía was the first-person Edward saw when he woke up from his surgery at the hospital.“Lía, I think I feel better, but I need to go home, I need to know how Jhin is, after all this, what happened?“Nothing, the police simply arrived, it was not possible to know what objective the men who came to your house had, and of course they could not catch them, it's good that you have already woken up.“Was anyone else hurt?“Fortunately, not, I think they will discharge you in a couple of days, don't worry my love.“Lía I already told you that I am not your love, how many times do I have to repeat it? “The simple fact that Lía was there by his side, annoyed Edward, now, his problems became more serious, he had no idea who wanted to harm him, because due to the reaction of the men when they shot him, they believed that it was an attack on his life.“Stop being so conceited Edward, all I'm doing is accompanying you in this very difficult situation.“For my sake, g
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