All Chapters of Katarina's Vendetta: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
102 Chapters
Stranded, Frustrated, Guilty and Scared
ARIA.I was filled with a sense of precaution as I carefully packed the clothes into my bag. My essentials were already sorted out but I still needed a lot of gear if I was going to survive the wild for a couple of days.As I got the weapons and other survival gear ready, I remembered how I had walked in on Theo staring into the facade, yet again. From the look on his face it was clear that something was very wrong. It had even further propelled my urge to escape the Pack to prevent the war which could go very wrong.But I had no idea how I was going to freely escape when he had already blocked every single entrance that led outside the Pack. He had done that because of the threat he had gotten, and the soldiers were already going through intensive training. Well, there had to be a way out, and I was going to find that way.I had already written a letter which would be left in my room as soon as I left. The thought about how bad he would feel when he came in and found out I had escape
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Wave Of Murmur
My guards opened the door of the limo, and I stepped off the luxurious car immediately since I was running late. I was very surprised to find out that I hadn't seen any guard from the boundary.It was very concerning as I wondered if the Pack had been somehow attacked, but the doubt soon cleared the moment I saw Alpha Axel. He was standing outside, waiting for me."Welcome to the Red Blood Pack, Alpha Damian, nice to have you." He said, before i took his outstretched hand, looking looking around again. The Pack was a very vast one, and I couldn't help but wonder how much I would gain when I finally took over this place.Axel's presence seemed even more significant today, considering the kind of ghostly atmosphere that had shrouded the Pack. There were barely anyone outside. The only person I could spot in sight apart from was a guard standing in front of the Packhouse. I wondered what exactly was going on, and immediately asked."What's going on, why does everywhere look so lonely?" I
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And It All Went Black
ARIA.My nerves were taking the brunt of being locked in the room. I could feel the claustrophobia gradually creeping on me as the room already started to feel like a prison.It was my second inside the room and I was done waiting for Theo to reply to me. I had done everything to talk to him through the mindlink but he had been quiet the whole time, and didn't say a word to me.It wasn't advisable to get on his bad side but this was a necessary evil which I couldn't avoid. His stubbornness, however, was pushing me to my limits and I had no idea if I was going to be able to stand it any longer.I was going to escape without his notice and I wasn't going to make him notice. At this point I was not feeling any guilt about leaving him. Tonight was going to be the end of me being in this room. I was going to leave and I wasn't going to return until I was done with my mission.I had been observing the rotation of the guards, and I already knew when the shift changed. It happened every four
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Loud Bang
ARIA.There was only a bit of light filtering into the room when I woke up. My eyes fluttered open and I stared at the face for a while, all I could see was the white ceiling and a very sharp, sterile scent that hit my senses causing me to retch violently.I quickly sat up on my bed and looking around me, my initial disorientation began to fade gradually. And what was when I made she's of what was going on around me. I was not in any bed when I had slumped and fainted in the woods. I was on the forest floor.A wave of fear filled me immediately as I wondered if Theo had followed me and had taken me back to the Pack. I looked around again, trying to know if I would see anything that had any kind of connection to the Crescent Pack, flag, logos.Thankfully, I saw nothing, but I was still still worried. That was the moment the door burst open and to my shock, the three Alphas ran in immediately. They came close to me until they were too close for comfort. I backed out, putting my hand bet
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Surge of Anger
DAMON.I sat at my desk, noting that I was already getting tired from the day's work. I felt so tired and wanted to have some rest but I knew that wasn't going to happen until I had done everything I needed to do. A lot of letters needed to be replied to, so my secretary and I were having a very busy day.Some of them were congratulatory letters from other Packs because of my kindness, others were just normal letters, and the rest were the ones I got from friends and well-wishers. The sun was already in the centre of the sky and the burning sensation was already seeping through the blinds.I also couldn't stand up from my seat because the moment I did, I would be forced to leave everything that I had been working on, and I didn't want that I continued sifting through the never-ending pile of paperwork while calling my secretary every now and then to get replies to official letters ready.That was the moment my phone vibrated. I ignored it, and continued going through the letters. I wa
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AXEL.We didn't summon the Council until three days had passed, and that was when colour was starting to return to the faces of the Pack members. We just had to make sure that the events that had preceded Aria's return wasn't just a mere coincidence and it proved itself soon enough.I couldn't help but wonder what it was she had in her that had easily driven away the mysterious beings that had been attacking us. Some Pack members were already coming out at this point, but there were still those that had been scarred by the plague that were still in their houses.We had already organised to gather everyone and speak to them later on but at this point, the council had to be told about it. I had never been so happy in a long time than I was at this moment, everything had worked out fine!That evening, I hurried off to the meeting agora as soon as I was informed that everyone was present. Walking into the agora while being flanked by my guards, I could tell from the looks on everyone's fa
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CHASE.It had been two weeks since the Seer was brought to the Pack and everything had been going fairly well, but the Pack wasn't yet back to the bustling and throbbing Pack it used to be before the death plague but everyone was happy that everything was going well at least. The imposing structure of the Packhouse never failed to impress me but on this day it seemed to heighten the anxiety that had my gut churning.The Seer had sent a message across, telling us that he would like to have a meeting with the three of us, and from the tone of his voice, it sounded like something that would be very important. None of us could miss out on it and decided to be there before the allocated time.We had cancelled every work we had for the day just to know what he wanted to tell us. We were sitting in the Packhouse, therefore, waiting for him to come in and let us know his findings. I couldn't wait to hear what he wanted to say.Few minutes later, the Seer entered the Packhouse with a very seri
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Game For Her Heart
CHASE.Axle was beside himself with anger and frustration as he sat there on the chaise-de-lounge, seething. We had convened once more, two days after the declaration of the prophecy, to discuss what we were going to do about this.I believed there had to be a way out, and I knew the both of them must have been thinking of something the whole while. I didn't want this to get dangerous by allowing everyone do what they wanted to do. It could lead to treachery and that was exactly what we didn't want.We shared a very kind of unusual bond as Alphas, and it would be a very shameful thing for that bond to be broken by one of us on the accounts of staking a claim to Aria's heart. We had to decide on one clear path of action, and we had to act fast about it. Damon was unusually silent as he sat there, staring at the table in front of us. It was Axel who spoke first."This is madness!" He yelled, his knuckles turning white with anger. His bloodshot glared at me as he said the words, they wer
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ARIA.I got up from my bed long before it was dawn and immediately made my way towards the bathroom where I had a very quick bath before coming back to the room to pick out workout clothes from my closet. As soon as I was done with that, I immediately left the park house and went in the direction of the woods.Before I got there, the morning sun was already beginning to rise and its gentle rays were beginning to light up the Pack. I felt so energetic on this particular morning and I could not wait to have a very long run because it had been long since I indulged myself in any sort of exercise.The long run from the Crescent Pack was merely an escape, so I did not consider it as any form of exercise because something about that night was off. Even till this moment, I had not been able to explain how I had managed to run such a long distance without feeling tired.The after-effects told me that something else had possessed me that night. As soon as I got to the edge of the forest, I imm
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ARIA.I was already starting to get nosebleeds with the consistent retching which had somehow filtered into my brain. I felt so horrible with what was going on and wished there was a way I could deal with that annoying bastard. Thankfully the effects of the poison were wearing off but it was still damn painful.Damon ran out of the room immediately looking so worried. He bumped into Axle who cursed.Chase looked back at Axle and glared at him, he must have been disgusted by what he had done. After a while, Damon ran into the room with some tissues."Here," he said, handing them over. I grabbed them and immediately began to clean the blood that was dropping from my nose. After a while, he took out a herb which he mixed with water in a cup. He handed it over to me."Take this, it will stop the poison." He said, his brows drawn in worry but I didn't trust him. What if he wanted to kill me completely. I glared at him for a while, suspicious about his move. And when he seemed to know what
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