All Chapters of My Sweet Revenge : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
159 Chapters
A plan comes together
Jake's POVAfter what happened the other night, we know we are not welcome in Bradley's restaurant. We will wait outside. We also do not want them to think we are up to something. Chase always goes through the back entrance as he does not like people following him. We will wait there for him. Grab him and put him in the car. He will be so drunk he will not realize what is happening, and I will take him to the hotel room. After I drop him there and take the photos, I will return and show them to Belinda, who will fall in my arms and cry after seeing what her husband did. I will make sure that there are enough cameras to catch Belinda in my arms. I know Chase is a very jealous man. He is very jealous of Belinda. My father and Chase are almost as tall as each other. I will have to ensure that I take the right man and take my father when he walks out, but I know my father will not use the back entrance as he always wants to be seen when he goes to fancy places. Everything is planned, but
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The wrong man
Jake's POV I never look at the photos I took as I am drunk, and I just posted them on social media for everybody to see. I need to get to Belinda before she sees the photos of her husband in bed with Sarah. I rush back to the restaurant to see if Belinda is still there. We have paid the servants to tell Chase Belinda paid them to spike his drinks. However, when the servants and I return to the restaurant, I wait outside for Belinda to return home. To my surprise, she comes walking out of the restaurant with Chase. What the hell happened? Who was the man that I threw into bed with Sarah? I looked at my phone and knew I had already posted all the photos to social media. What the hell is the man in the pictures with Sarah? However, before I could even look at the photos, my mother called me in tears. She explains that my father is all over the Internet with Sarah Harper. She wants us to go away and clean him out. She wants me to help her with the divorce case. I am flabbergasted. I did
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Sarah's POV I am pissed off that I ended up with the older man in bed. This was not how it was supposed to happen. I was supposed to be in the arms of Chase Stone. He is supposed to be my man. Now, I am all over the Internet in the arms of a married older man. I look at him lying next to me. What am I supposed to do now? Well, I am going to take him as my man. I know he is wealthy, and that is all I need. I'm sure his wife already knows about everything as it is all over the Internet, and I'm sure her friends have already called her and told her that her husband slept with a younger woman. Jake's father starts walking up, and he does not know where he is. He looks at me in disgust. "Where did I pick you up last night? How much do I have to pay you to go away?" He asks. It is still dark, so I am unsurprised that he does not realize who I am. He must think that I am a prostitute. "Mr Green, it's me. Sarah Harper. Our photos are all over the Internet. You were not supposed to end up
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Going to far
Chase's POVI am angry. They went too far this time. They tried to set me up. Sarah and Jake wanted to get me into Sarah's bed. They have messed with the wrong man this time. I'm not going to stand for this. Jake Green is done. I know his father had nothing to do with it, and his father is an innocent victim, but I also know his father has a lot of relationships. This time, I will help his mother destroy his father and him. It is about time that the woman realizes that her son is not made out of gold. I do not know if she wants my help or if she will believe her husband again. However, I do not think any woman wants to endure that humiliation. Not any woman that I have a little bit of self-respect will wish for a man back who has slept with a younger woman, and the whole world knows about it. It is all over the Internet. The photos of him and Sarah in bed. It should have been me. I'm glad I am not as stupid as they thought I was. I cannot imagine what would have happened if I were in
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Amanda's dicision
Amanda's POVBelinda called me and told me my ex-mother-in-law wanted to fight my ex-father-in-law in court. My mother-in-law was always very excited about her son and never wanted to hear anything wrong about Jake. They even tried to pay me to get rid of the child. I cannot do that, and I do not know if I will talk to her. I have nothing to say to her. All of a sudden, she wants to see me, and she wants me to take her case against Jake and his father. She always thought that I was not good enough for her son. So why should I help her now? I do not know what to think about that woman, and I do not know what to tell Belinda as I stare at her as if I don't know what to do."I will understand if you do not want to take the case. You are our leading divorced lawyer here, and I will not take her case because I do not have the time to do that. My family comes first. It is all up to you if you want to take her case. I am not going to force you. You are my sister, and if it is uncomfortable f
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Making friends?
Amanda's POVI am waiting for my ex-mother-in-law to walk into the office. I know it is going to be very difficult to see her. She thought her son was better than me. It still hurts. But what can I do? This is a simple business transaction. And I have to see it that way. She will be my client, and I will help her in any way to get what she needs. I have to fight for her to get what is rightfully hers. Besides, I want to get back at Jake for what he did to me and tried to do to my sister and Chase."Amanda, I'm so glad you're willing to help me. I heard that you have been doing fantastic lately. I heard you have become one of the best lawyers in town. First, I want to apologize for the way I have treated you. I thought you were not good enough for my son all these years. I did not realize that you were too good for my son. My son didn't deserve a wife like you. I was a bitch and not a good mother-in-law. I will admit it. I am ashamed of myself. I know you always loved my son and though
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A very public divorce
Amanda's POVWe want to get this divorce case over and done with as far as possible. We have enough evidence, and I know it will be a very public divorce case. Everybody knows the Greens. I have just divorced their son, and now I am representing the mother against the father. I know the paparazzi are going to drive me crazy. However, I do not care. I have to get this done and over with. I have become used to the paparazzi following me and always screaming questions. What can I do? I'm starting to show heavily now, and I know that I will have to take maternity leave soon. Today is the first day we are going to court. As I have a prenup, my ex-father-in-law does not have a case, but he will try anything to keep my ex-mother-in-law's money. This should be an open and closed case.The judge sides with us and the cases before we know it. Jake and his father were in the court, but his father had another lawyer as he did not trust his son. I cannot blame him. What can I say? He is not one of
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Standing up for Amanda
Nick's POV The more I see Amanda, I realize I have fallen in love with her. Even though she is showing heavily now, she has become even more beautiful to me. I never thought that I could fall in love with a pregnant woman. I do not want to admit it to my father yet because I know how my father is. He will push me until I lose Amanda. I do not want to lose her. I want her to believe that I love her. I do not care that she is carrying another man's child. I will make that child mine. My father does not care because he will not judge another person by their past. He will at last suffer grant child to brag about. It will not matter to him whether the child is mine or not. It does not even matter to me. All I want is to be with Amanda for the rest of my life. I cannot think about my life without her. Since I've met her, I have not seen another woman. I know that my father has noticed it and given me more responsibilities in the restaurant. I think my father knows that I have grown up. And
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I love you
Nick's POVI take my picnic basket and walk to Amanda's office. I know she most probably saw everything that happened. I hope she is not angry with me. I couldn't help it. But that man gets under my skin. When will he realize that he cannot just do whatever he wants to and bother whoever he wants to? He is not a man of honor. He did not want his child, and he did not want anything to do with his wife, who was carrying his child, all because of money. Now, he's on the verge of losing all the money he thought he would inherit someday. He has become ugly, and I wouldn't say I like it. I do not like the way he is treating Amanda. It is time that somebody put him in his place. I know he will have a hard time with the paparazzi now, as everybody knows he is losing the case he proclaims he will win. Also, everybody knows now that he has been lying about the baby and that the baby is his. Well, I am not going to allow him near the child, not even if he wants to be close to the child, because
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I love you too?
Amanda's POVI am flabbergasted I do not know what they say. How many nights of highlighting my beat? Thinking about Nick Bradley. How many nights have I cried myself to sleep because I know that I have fallen in love with him? And there is nothing that I can do about it. He will never fall in love with a pregnant woman. Or so I thought. Now he's telling me that he is in love with me. What do I believe? How do I believe it? Is it true, or is he just thinking he is in love with me? I do not know if I can believe this. The only person I ever told how I feel about Nick is Belinda because she is the one to whom I reveal all my secrets. "Amanda, tell him how you feel. I am sure Nick is sincere. I have never seen Nick like this before, and I can tell you one thing: he has not had another affair since he became your so-called boyfriend. It took a lot of courage for Nick to come here and tell you he loves you. He even stood up for you now. I just came to check on you to see if you are both o
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