All Chapters of Billionaire Baby Daddy: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
43 Chapters
Chapter 11
AlexaI laid beside Emma, resting my head on her chest, she held saying nothing. We just laid there together in silence reminiscing on the events of the past days and its consequences. If Hazel had been here things would have been different we might still be in Las Vegas because she might have convinced us to stay. It sad how a single event could change your life. Emma and I slept after while I had another dream about Hazel in Las Vegas which woke me up. I turned and rose quietly from bed to avoid waking Emma up. She needed the rest, it was clear she was more bothered from the disappearance than she was letting on. I took the cold food downstairs to warm up for her when she wakes up. James was at the kitchen island when I got downstairs. He pulled out a chair for me beside him. I took it and gave him a nod. Sitting beside him feels awkward after I hugged in last night when he came riding in his truck like some kind of red necked savior. I wasn't close with James at all even if Emma a
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Chapter 12
AlexaJames was not back when we left Emma’s house so we locked the door and left the key under a flower pot for him. We bagged a pecan pie into a paper bag and took along with us to give Ava’s parents when we got there and a couple of apples and a slice of sandwich for the long road. Em noticed the weird looks sooner than I did on my way here. She asked me if I noticed it.“Yes,” I said. I had forgotten to tell her about them. The looks were more intense and openly sinister now. “What do you think they think we did?”She asked.“That we came home without a friend and refused to look for her.”Emma sighed, “That's true but these looks are too intense for that.” Em was right people had gone missing and the anonymity towards their friends were this open or unveiled something else that we don't know must be happening. We walked on in silence, the food in our arms as people went out of our way on the sidewalks like we carried a plague. They removed their babies and strollers from us like
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Chapter 13
AlexaAva washed her face and put on a new cloths. We were going to visit Hazel’s parents. We haven't heard from them in a while. She walked out of her I pretended to fix my shoelace and pulled Em back. I asked Em is he thought Ava could handle the stress of seeing people out in town. Emma assured me it was alright and that Ava was stronger than we gave her credit for. I nodded and went back outside apprehensive on what was to happen. Ava took a deep breath when we got outside like she was enjoying the fresh air for a while. We locked the door behind us and made the long journey back to the downtown area of our tiny town. We started seeing more people as we got on the asphalt road. The looks had gotten more hateful and intense. More so than when we were on our way to Ava’s. It felt like the rumor had suddenly developed another thick layer in its lies. Ava wasn't as quick to notice it but she eventually did when only her waved to the shopkeeper at the corner and he turned his back on
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Chapter 14
AlexaThree weeks later and the town was still buzzing with the news of Hazel’s disappearance. The hate from people had gotten worse if only the manifestation was on their faces. Two weeks later we held a wake for her at the only church in town. Sophie and her family came back from their hideout to attend. Emma and I were not invited and we denied entry when we tried to sneak in to pay our last respects to her. Despite our best efforts to witness it. Ava tried livestreaming the service but the her phone was taken from her before the first bible reading. We had to content ourselves with watching it from the otherside of the road, far from the crowded church. Crying over memories of Hazel as we sat in Em’s tractor bed and munched on sloppy joes. The town held a mourning period of two days for her where every storefront and non essential buildings were closed. Mrs Harris wore going from house to house, thanking everyone for their attendance and wonderful memories of Hazel. When they aske
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Chapter 15
AlexaHazel’s disappearance has disappeared, urspued but a meatier topic of controversy. The news of pregnancy has spread across town like a forest fire. By morning my parents were bombarded by calls from lairs posing as friends calling to warn about such scathing rumors Mrs Harris was spreading around town. I wasn't spreaded from the barrage of calls either. At a point in the morning, over breakfast, we decided to switch off our phones for the sake of our sanity. Mum and I still weren't speaking and we avoided making eye contact all through the awkward breakfast. By mid afternoon we had over thirty people over to pay a welfare visit to us. After Alex lets them in they drop the microwaved food on the counter and strained their necks looking for me or any bits of gossip they could find to relay to the other nosy fellows. The ones that were lucky enough to see me looked directly at my stomach trying to see how far along I was with the invisible bump. We drew the curtains and locked the
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Chapter 16
Four Years Later.AlexaI handed my son to Em. She was saying something I really didn't have the attention to listen to. I folded my clothes into the box on the bed. I graduated with first class honors last week and I was still yet to vacate the dorm room. I was only allowed to stay here this long cos I guilt trip the dorm porters to let me stay back on week. Moving out of somewhere I called home for almost half a decade is quite hard. Here at college I got to be a different person. I stopped being the bad girl who got pregnant outside wedlock. I got to be a girl, a woman and a high flying computer science major. Going back home came with a lot of anxiety and trepidation. I was going back to the place I ran away from. I was once going to be the girl who let her close friend go missing in a strange town. Then it turns out the best friend wasn't actually missing, rather she was vacationing on a tropical island. Em excused herself with Henry, saying something about getting a snickers b
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Chapter 17
AlexaMy teeth chattered together and I felt my brain hit the back of my skull as the bus jangled along the road. I checked Henry in his carseat to see if he was ok. If he noticed the bus’s janky movement but he didn't let on. He continued watching cocomelon on his tab. He was safe. I wondered if he knew I just took him away from the life he has always known. He was not going to have the childhood I had. I doubted he was going to remember his early years he spent in a quiet sleepy town as a toddler. If he did it would be only in flashes and fleeting feelings. I tucked him more securely into the seat, as the bus went into yet another bump.I looked out the window at the landscape I hadn't seen in four years. It was like the place wasn't touched by time in any way. The landmarks were still the same. The landscape is still taken by cornfields and dusty browns. The first time I went this direction to Vegas. I was excited and full of hope of what the city held for me. I was a young woman t
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Chapter 18
AlexaHenry and Olivia were at the table when I came down for breakfast. I had slept in and the sun was bright outside and the air warm. I looked at the wall clock. Past 12. The day was half over.“You look refreshed, much better than last night.” Olivia said.I took Henry from his seat and set him on my lap. I smiled at her and thanked her again for hosting us. She smiled and served my breakfast on a ceramic plate. Bacon, eggs and bread. I ate as I went over my to do list for the day. Henry needs a bath first, then to set him up in his room, unpack our bag and then come back to help Olivia with the house. Then worry about my finances and how to get a tech job in this office. “Have you contacted any employers yet?” Olivia interrupted my thoughts. “Uh?” I was confused about her question. All the employers I reached out to had rejected me. Olivia looks to be under the impression I had a lot of offers from multiple companies to employ me.I told her as much. “I would talk to my collea
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Chapter 19
DerrickIt's the last stage of the interviews and the team was losing hope of finding a replacement for Thomas, our resigning data scientist. This was the first time I sat down with them since the interview process began. If these were the shortlisted candidates so far there was little hope we would find a suitable person in time for Thomas to groom the new recruit before he retires. I checked the list of the candidates, there were still over twenty people we haven't gotten to yet and I was losing faith fast. I would most likely have to outsource the labor to another organization or country. I was going for lunch after the next candidate. There was no point in interviewing the other candidates if we were going to outsource our labor. Just one more I told myself. This was getting painfully boring.The redhead walked in and greeted the table around before she took the seat in front of us. There was something familiar about her. In the bounce of her hair and the curve of her nose. I felt
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Chapter 20
AlexaI couldn't believe my eyes when I got the email that notified me that I got the job. It was like all my deepest wishes had come true. I had given up hope I would ever get it since I had that horrible interview a few days ago. I spent the past days rotting on my bed. I got up to only feed Hen and spend time with him. I was utterly mortified and unconsolable. I would have spent a month on the same spot if I didn't have a child to take care of. I checked the email again and read it through. Scrolling past the bolden ‘Congratulations! You are hired” subject. My heart sank further down when I read the email. I was not hired to be a data scientist just like I suspected I wouldn't. Instead I was hired to be a secretary. Of all things. I was no more qualified to be a data scientist than I was to be a secretary. I sighed and sank back down on the chair. I knew nothing about being a secretary. I downloaded the 2nd pdf about pay and benefits ignoring the first one which was tagged for th
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