All Chapters of In love with my Billionaire Student : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
176 Chapters
So she really survived!
THIRD PERSON'S POV:The next day, when Samantha woke up, she was all alone in her bed, she looked around, wondering why she was alone, she was the last person to sleep, and it wasn't like she actually wanted to sleep, she just had to, since she didn't want to wake him up, she looked up at the clock in her room and it still shows that it is still in the early hours of the morning.She wonders why she is alone by such an early hour in the morning, but she started hearing splashes of water, she smiles, knowing that he was there, so she decided to surprise him, by going to meet him. She initially planned not to put on her rope, she wants to just walk in there naked, and seeing his own nakedness, might bring him back to bed, he is the boss, he shouldn't be working as though he has no worker, but by the time she opened the bathroom door, Craig was not having his bath, as a matter of fact, he was fully dressed, as though he had had his bath earlier, but he was on call, but the shower was o
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"If eliminating Samantha did not work, then I should try to eliminate the failures, before coming back to her.
As soon as Linda was done, she stepped aside, and allowed Sandra, who had been standing by the door walk in."So it is true? She asked, walking towards the bed.I am so sorry. When I heard what happened, I started to wonder, what anyone would want to do with a pregnant woman? She added."It is really sad ". Samantha contributed, even though she was not comfortable with her at all.So have they found the people yet? I was told that Craig is really looking for them". "I don't know about it. He is working on something else". She looked around, then got up and saw that Craig's underpants were around the room and her jealousy grew.Is Craig F**king this bloated fool? She thought, while smiling at her."You are lucky to have someone like Craig, he really cares for you". She says, and that was when Samantha even started feeling worse. She knows that Sandra have always wanted Craig, and now she is sounding like she doesn't really care."I am really grateful, he is my prince, he had come to r
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What the hell, is happening to me?
Craig had a hard time figuring out, whom it is, behind the blurred image. Even with the clear image machine he was using, he was still finding it difficult. He kept making use of different apps, some are the ones he had tried himself to find the face of the person, but all to no avail. He soon got tires of trying, as he left the image processing, hoping that after a while, he would get a clearer image of the person, he decided to face something else. Something he was supposed to have faced, since he came to work. They have a party in a few days, and there are so many things that needs to be put in place, else it would seem as though, because his grandparents have left him to look after the company, he isn't able to do anything on his own.There are so many things that would happen on that day, which is just in few days time. New apps will be introduced, and so many coanies will show case the apps, given to them by apple, and explain briefly how it works to achieve any aim, related t
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"You bitch! He cursed, and made to get her, but she was quick to hit him with her shoe.
Sandra wanted to call an old friend, but decided against it, she should do this alone, no one should be close to her, and though she doesn't know how she will go about it, but she is going to do it alone. She has spent all her day, looking for a particular doctor, to give her something she could use to make people sleep and not forget things that happened at least one hour before they slept, and now that she have finally gotten the potion, she didn't want to waste time.It is Craig's underground house, she knows some guards that looks after the place, so she is going to try and work with them.She remembers a particular guard, he had driven her home many times after work, and the way he stares at her, she could tell that he likes her. There was this one time she was coming from a party with Craig, she got so drunk and so horny, that at the back of the car, she started to masturbate, while the guard was watching her from the front mirror. She knows the effect she has on him, and she
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I didn't mean to do that, I thought it was someone else
Sandra got to a restaurant, and decided to relax there a little. If she is not calm, she may not be able to face the last one, whom she doesn't even know in person.She cannot believe how well and fast the potion worked, she didn't even know it will work that way, she was just hoping that it would and it did.Uncle Bobby, I owe you my world". She almost screams out loud.Uncle Bobby is a friend of her Father, when he was still alive, and he has been taking care of her since then, but no one really knows how close they are, he isn't just an uncle that is her father's friend, he is also that uncle that have been sleeping with her, even before her father died.She owes her doctor friend a lot, and though he had said she should not come back to him, she has plans to visit him again. All she needs to do, to to give him that same thing he has been taking from her, since she was a teenager.If it can work that way, then she would need another one, she is already planning on how to ruine the
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"Why are you acting like a saint?
Doctor Bobby kept watching Sandra as she lay on the bed. Her thigh still as white as he remembers. Though she had tricked him into sleeping with her as a teenager, he had never regretted any moment they had, and he would have told his best friend about his feelings for his daughter, if only he had stayed, till she clocked her adult age.Wishing to help her more. She had been able to get a good job at Apple and a good position too, but wanting her boss, has and will continue to be her only problem.She could achieve so much on her own, if she will realize that such love, may not be for her. He watched her sternly, before removing a strand of hair from her face, then he says, almost whispering."You really cannot keep getting yourself into trouble all the time for someone who is never going to love you like I do". His eyes were fixated on her, filled with love and emotions, he was still staring at her, when she opened her eyes, and he gasped, as though he had been caught doing somethin
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This potion, will make Craig forget what he plans to announce, and even forget Samantha
The next time she opened her eyes, tiredly. She probably would not have woken by that time, it was due to the loud snore of doctor Bobby.She wanted to laugh, he had thought that he could keep watch over her. Did he think he is still young? He should be sleeping, he had been up all through the night, probably watching her and making sure she doesn't ransack his apartment, in search of that wicked substance he had given her.Science is really cool. After God in this life, the next thing to be respected is not money, but science. It is due to science that there are so many things happening in the world today. Like having women want tibturn to men, and viseversa.Sandra shook her head at her own thought on how the world keeps changing. It was funny that she is even thinking like that, when she dwells all the time in a company that showcases so many strange thing.The last app she witnessed Craig work on was that which can open the door to someone's house, when the person isn't home.He
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I could postponed the party you know
Craig was thinking of how the next day will look like, it is the main day, and he really do need Samantha around him, but funny enough, she has been having pains all over her stomach, it is as though the baby was going to come any minute."You really need to get well, tomorrow is the day". He tells her, and so did Whitney and Mary."Don't worry Dad, she will be fine". Whitney tells him and he just nodded his head, but deep within him, he didn't feel too good about the way she was doing."Linda, what do you advise? He asked her nurse."Honestly, I would advise that she doesn't go, I mean, she isn't looking too well". She was being honest with her response and just when Samantha was trying to speak that she will be fine, she felt a sharp pain below her abdomen and Linda came to check on her, She gave her some thing to help her feel the pain less, but she could still feel the pain."Am I going to have my baby soonest? She was asking Linda, who shook her head that she isn't sure, but tha
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"If you love your life, please don't use what you have stolen from me, it is dangerous!
Doctor Bobby searched frantically for one of his potion. They are all blue, but he knows what he has done and why he had kept them at his secret apartment, and not the hospital.It shouldn't be in a wrong hand, as a matter of fact, it should not be with Sandra.He hasn't even shared the secret with anyone, not even his colleagues, who are experts in the business, let alone, leaving something like that in the hands of Sandra.He has been working in a lot of things in his Lab, and the potion to make one loose memory and regain memory is one of his many works.Sandra doesn't know why he still look out for her, and he could never share such a secret, but the truth is that, her father did not just die, as they all think, but her father had somehow discovered what he was doing with her, and had been so angry, and he had to test his experiment on him first, He gave him the potion and since he didn't know at first how many does he needed to give him and what he needed to do, he gave him too m
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"Why are you following me about, and how dare you break into my house?
Sandra had been watching him, just to be sure he didn't stay longer than expected at the company premises, she even had to make sure he left earlier, by sending the guard to ask him to leave. She looked into her purse, just to be sure, she was still holding the potion. She haven't yet opened the message he sent her, she just wanted him to leave, so when she noticed that he had left, she brought out her phone and sigh hard as to many times he called her. She even didn't answer other calls, just because she feared that it might be him, using someone's phone to call her."This must be really important to you huh? She says, looking at the potion again, before going to the message, she read it more than three times, trying really hard to convince herself that nothing was happening and that Bobby was just being too serious and over dramatic.If she didn't know anything about what she was holding, she knows that it helps people forget things, and she doesn't mind, having Craig forget Samant
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