All Chapters of In love with my Billionaire Student : Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
176 Chapters
I. detective Jacobs, we have questions for you miss Sandra
Anthony had already been badly beaten by the police, before he was given the chance to look up and speak."Why am I being beaten up? Was all he asked, before the detective walked in and demanded that the police stop hitting him that he was only a suspect, and have not been confirmed to be the perpetrator of the act.The detective pulls the stool close to him, and then sat on it, before looking into his eyes, and speaking calmly to him, as he has been denying not knowing what they were saying to him."I will ask you for the last time, what did you do to miss Juliet Davis?"I didn't do anything to her. At first I liked her, I wanted her to be my girlfriend, because we worked in the same department at the Apple, but she never even say two words to me, she only has eyes for the boss, who never saw her". He says."And you decided to kill her, and hide her body, because she didn't reciprocate your love? Detective Jones asked."I would never hurt her like that, she is the smartest woman I k
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"I need update on Juliet, else, I might just loose my mind
The fact that she had never envisioned the police coming to her house, just sighting them through her window, made her heart sinks, as they approach her door."What could they want? she heard herself asking, as she approach the door to get it, before they even start knocking.Panic surges through her veins, the weight of her hidden secrets suddenly unbearable.She grapples with a mix of dread and apprehension, desperately trying to evade certain inquiries, while her mind races, contemplating the consequences of her actions.She stood by the door, waiting for them to knick, while hoping that they are nit there for her, but her neighbor, who are fund of playing loud music.When They knocked on the door, all her hope of having them go somewhere else vanished and she didn't hesitate, before opening the door.Her breath catches, in her throat, because of the presence of the police, and their penetrating eye on her."Please come in". She says after they had introduced themselves, showing o
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"Look miss... "Juliet, my name is Juliet".
Dylan was begining to think that Juliet is not just resting, but must have died or something, he kept looking at her for signs that could tell him that there is still hope that she will wake, though his sister have been saying that she is not dead, and that she was healing even faster than she had thought, but he was finding it really hard to believe.He had his hands on his cheek, staring at the woman he feels he had saved, but have not been able to say a word since he brought her home. "I have told you not to worry, she will wake up". His sister Vicky says, grabbing her things to go out."It's been weeks sis, she should be awake by now". He almost lamented."Things doesn't always work that way. This is not magic, it is called healing process, if she doesn't go through the healing process, it will be half done". She says, but looking at her brother, he looks like he had given up on her, so she didn't bother explaining further to him, she grabbed her coat and walked out of the house.
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"I have never seen that face before".
Hearing that someone was going around the village with her picture in hand, shows that they already know that she didn't die as expected, and they want to come and finish what they had started.She forgot all about hunger, the piece of bread Dylan had given her, is enough to help her through the night, she needed to leave the house. She managed to drop her legs on the floor, she stood upright, and then looked Vicky and Dylan in the eye, before speaking."Thank you all so much, but I really need to leave". She says, looking for something to cover her body with."I am sorry, but you cannot leave yet, because if you do, you will breakdown on the road, there is a potion I forced into your mouth, while you were still asleep, if you don't allow it stay for 24 hours at a place, it will break you down". She explains, she too was as scared, she didn't want any of what she is seeing, she had told her brother many times to mind his business, but he is never going to obey, he will always go out
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Juliet hiding in the open roof. A smart move.
After he was gone, Dylan was still tied up, while his sister wasn't, she was the one that later untie him."Did you see her leave? Vicky asked her brother, who didn't seem to care about him being tied up, he was still looking round the house, hoping to find her somewhere."I didn't see her, and that is why I am still searching". He tells her, getting off what is left of the rope, he got the matchstick, and put on the lantern, to illuminate the house a bit more, he searched around the house, and saw nothing, he even went to where she had hidden before with his sister, when the guy had come earlier that day, but she was not there, he felt dejected, as sat back on the floor, close to where he had been tied to the legs of the bed."You are her nurse, you were supposed to be watching her". He yelled at his sister. Vicky could not believe his brother would raise his voice at her, because of a girl, he seem to be fond of her, she had seen the way he was looking at her earlier that day, and
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Feeling safe at last.
Sandra had been calling her hit man since the police left her house, and for days, he didn't take her call, nor returned her calls, she was so worried, she could feel her veins popping out, as though she had been starving for so long. She sat down in her living room, feeling dejected and worn out, she isn't sure if she had taken her bath that day. The way the police men had questioned her, all she was feeling was that Juliet had survived, and they are only playing a trick on her, before the entire truth comes out in the open, she would be exposed and the world would kill her, before the law will kill her. She will die five times before her real death, she will die like a coward, which is one thing she is scared of, being discovered.While sitting on her sofa, with a lost hope, of never hearing from her hit man again, her phone suddenly started ringing. It was a strange line, not the regular one she knows, she feared that maybe someone else have stumbled on the evidence Juliet had aga
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A familiar rare face
With the drama unfolding, Craig just wants to be sure that his family was safe. If bringing down his company from its high horse to the lowest disgrace is the aim of Sandra, and whoever it is she is working it, then she should be ready to be shocked, because they had started gathering facts that would nail her pretty soon.It was supposed to be his time to just be at home, they have had a busy week with his grand father going round to fix the mess in their business, and to keep the family, still in the best position, he pulls Samantha, who was sitting beside him close, running his hands through her hair, so she doesn't sense his uneasiness, but he was the one that sense that she was uneasy, she seem to have something up her sleeve to share with him, putting him in a confused state, for he doesn't know if she is worried about the things that were happening in their lives at the time, or if she was actually looking past them as they have agreed to."You know it is okay to be worried a
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"I need every possible information on Doctor Bobby!
Craig couldn't explain why she was running after a strange face, even he doesn't know the person, but he had to follow her, he didn't show his face immediately, when she stopped to speak with the person, he stood behind to watch."Sorry Mr, I don't know, but I have seen your face somewhere before, I was trying to place the face, it was so difficult for me, that I just couldn't, I decided that coming to you would be best". She explains.She was still with her shades on, and he also doesn't know her, thinking she must be one of his old patients, he smiles."I cannot help you to remember, if you have a shade on". He says with a smile, and she removes her shade. Suddenly the face of the man that had been smiling expectantly suddenly changed to that of fear. It made her think he must have suddenly remember her, so she asked with a smile."Do you remember seeing this face? She asked, still trying to place his face."Please I need to go". He says, he was uneasy, and almost immediately, Lind
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"Let's do it!
Just as Samantha was hiding her plans from Craig, so was Craig hiding his plans from her. He was still waiting for the information he demanded for, and though he was planning to be with his wife, and show her that he still sees her as the most attractive woman, he needed to excuse himself from her, so he could get to work. With the newest news on doctor Bobby, he couldn't miss out the smallest chance to out an end to the narratives spreading about him."Hey, what's the news? He asked, as he took a call.Alright, I will work on it in my study". He says, that was a way for him to excuse himself, he didn't want her to know that he won't be in his study, he was going to leave the house, even after he had promised that he was going to enjoy the day with her. If he leaves, she might just feel that he is avoiding her again, just the same way she had been feeling, which had led her to want to take a slimming pill."I thought you said you weren't working today? She asked him, as she noticed t
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The game is on
Linda was happy prepared to start her investigation on doctor Bobby. She had always liked the man, looking up to him like a real idol, she was hoping to grow up to be like him in the field, but after she heard from her best friend in the field all those years ago about him, which led her to leaving the Great hands hospital, to look for work, In a different state, just to save her head from the little she knows, Linda started to hate on the doctor. She knows that one day everything will come rushing down against him, and he would find the world against him."So what do we do first? Samantha asked."Just grab some cash, and let's get going before Craig would come back from his meeting at the office". Linda says, reminding Samantha that she had only tricked Craig to leave, because she wants to undercover a secret. "You are right, he will be back soon, I know he will, and since the day is still young, let's quickly get down to the hospital to see him.Upon reaching there, they paid for
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