All Chapters of In love with my Billionaire Student : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
176 Chapters
the travel to imaginary world ( Masturbation)
Travelling to an imaginary world, Juliet didn't allow her hands stop at a place, she sent it down to her thighs, and started rubbing it gently, while looking into space, and speaking to an unknown and unseen figure, only existing in her head, whom she named Craig, who was also responding to her."I have always wanted you Craig, and now that I have you so close to me, I am never going to allow anyone come between us". She says as she undressed, slowly, spreading her legs wider, as she gently touched her needy pot, stroking her clitoris to get her wetness, imagining that it was being done by her imaginary Craig.Yes, Craig, you are doing it so well, please stroke it harder, don't be gentle with me! She begged, soon she was moving really fast on herself, she even had to turn to the bed, and started going up and down on the bed, as if he was playing the role of a cow girl, on top of the cow, moaning and screaming, till she finally reach orgasm, then she calmed down, but her breath wa
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" I thought this is a place of work? She asked sarcastically
Sandra was surprised to find Craig at Winlowtech the next day, she was begining to think that he is trying to get away from Samantha, and so she thought she could use it to her advantage."You know I can handle this place, you don't have to be here all the time". She says, hoping to get a sweet response of some kind from him, but to her surprise, he shook his head, before answering."I really don't want to be here, but there are things I need to sort out, and yes I know you can handle this place, you are one of my best staffs". It was the first time, he was saying one of his best, he used to call her his best staff. She swallowed her anger, before going back to her seat. He had a lot to tell her to do, and he demanded for some names, that she had to provide and dig into their history with the company, even though she doesn't really know what it is for.During lunch, she went to get him something to eat, which he accepted heartily, making Sandra happy. She took a seat beside him, and t
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"I guess we will finish this at home". She whispered
At the close of day, Samantha had a few things to tidy up, so she didn't leave immediately, and so did Juliet. Though not like Juliet had something to do, she just wanted to stay behind, to see if she could get a chance like the last time with Craig alone again.Samantha was thinking that everyone had gone home, so she tidied up and went into his office, she couldn't be getting angry with him, she loves him too much."I thought you would leave me again". He says, going to hold her by the waist, but she stops him with her hand raised."I don't think my cab man is coming tonight, he isn't taking his calls, and I am scared of gojng home alone". She confessed."Yes, I told him to take the day off, that I will take you home". Craig tells her, and she opened her eyes wide in shock. She was busy thinking that something must have happened to her cap driver, but unknown to her, Craig is the one behind his absence.You don't have to look too shocked, there is no one here, you can come and give
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The dream of before
Sandra couldn't sleep, she got up from her bed and started pacing around the house, and that was when she remembered Edward again."Why is he suddenly no longer interested in getting her back? She asked herself , then she decided to call him. He picked on the first ring, as though he was waiting for her to call."Hey Sandra, how are you doing? He sounded happy to hear from her."You haven't called me, is there a reason you refused calling me? because I thought we are in this together? Your wife is gradually taking over my man, and you are doing nothing about it? She asked, furious, from her voice, one could tell just how furious she is."I know you are angry, and you want Craig, but he was never yours, even if I have to say so myself, and my wife, you say? She is no longer my wife, I think I need to love her enough to let her go". Sandra haven't heard him speak so nicely, that she started to think that she must have something on him."What is she threatening you with? She suddenly ask
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New discoveries
As if it wasn't enough that since Edward found out that someone else knows about him and Joan, he had been having nightmares, especially whenever someone brings up a topic close to it. His life had been normal, since thinking that no one knows his secret, but now that he knows that someone else knows about them, he has become too worried that whenever he closes his eyes, all he does is dream.He had only just woken up to a brand new day, when his phone started ringing. There used to be a time when Joe's call meant a lot to him, but for some time now, he is always reluctant to take his call and he feels bad that he is even calling him."Hey man". He managed to sound as if he isn't worried about hearing from him so early in the morning after waking up from a terrible nightmare of what happened in the past."I was thinking I should tell you that I am traveling to Italy, for a business though, but I was thinking I could take the chance to look for Joan". At the mention of he name, Edward
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I will kill that Bastard
The next day, Joe had to cancel his flight, he won't be going back so soon, since he has a lead on his runaway wife, he is going to have to wait for some time, to find out if he could know more about her whereabout.True to her word, Elena showed him the house, but refused to go in with him."Why don't you want to go in too, I thought you said she was your childhood friend?He asked and she nodded her head."Her parents have always accused me of leading their daughter astray, they even warned me never to step foot at their house, so I am just trying to mind my business. Bye". She says without waiting for him to argue further with her.I will be waiting somewhere on the other side for you". She added.Joe moved to the door and only pressed the door bell once, before a stout, but hairy looking man answered the door, he has Joan's eye, and he didn't need anyone to tell him that the man standing Infront of him, has a connection of some sort, with Joan."Yes how can I help you? The man ask
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They call him Eddy
Still lost in his thought, Joe couldn't tell if he is supposed to just believe all that was going on in his mind, and even though all he could feel at the time was to just end the life of his friend, he still wants to believe that there is a mix up somehow.As he lay in his hotel room, he raised his head to the ceiling, and he remembers the first time he actually introduced Joan to him as someone he would love to actually keep, especially since he has the feeling that he should protect her from whoever it is that was chasing her."She is beautiful, she is my spec, I love Blondies". He remembers Edward saying that to him that day, though he didn't say it Infront of her, but he feels that somehow, he must have made her know that he was into her, and they have decided to get along somehow behind him and how could he have been so blinded by trust, that he didn't try to double check, again and again. Joe kept questioning himself that he only got furious with the images in his head. If it
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When did you start fucking her?
As soon as he mentioned the name Eddy, his phone went off, he did that on purpose, so as to see more of his reactions. The video was sent to his business line and he didn't need another confirmation, because the reactions were enough to tell him that Edward, really did have something to do with his woman. The last part of the video was seen, where he was trying to call him back, but he couldn't be reached. He should already know that things are not going be the same by the time he gets back, and he is just hours away from seeing him and dealing seriously with him.After watching the video over and over again with a tear locking around his eyes, his guard called him."He is leaving the hospital now, what should I do? "Follow him, have fun watching him, and when it is time, Capture him, take him to the dungeon, and wait for me! Was the command given.Edward left in a hurry and didn't notice anyone following him."I am doomed, I am doomed, I am doomed". He continued saying as he drove t
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Why does your manhood says differently?
Edward didn't know how to answer such a question, he was too ashamed of himself, all he could say, was sorry, which only infuriated Joe, who was hitting him at will.When he saw that saying sorry wasn't helping, he decided to start giving him the answers he seeks."I am going to ask you, just one more time, if you don't answer me the way I want, I will cut off one of your fingers, and another one after that, and that is how I will keep cutting off your fingers one after the other, until you are finally left with no fingers at all". He wouldn't want such brutal punishment, so he begs."I will talk, I will tell you everything you want to know". He begs and he started laughing, even though, deep in his heart, he was very bittered."When did you start fucking her? He asked again."The night of your wedding". He answered and even Joe looked shocked, for he would never have believed that for that long, something like that was going on, and no one found out."The night of my wedding to her?
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I know Edward was f**king Joan!
Joe actually wanted to go and take care of business, but he couldn't, he stood outside listening to the cries and wails of Edward, as his guard is heard taking out his order. Joe closed his eyes and rest his back behind the wall, he raised his head up to send back his own tears. He may be the one punishing Edward, but what he did to him, is a worse punishment and he couldn't hold himself from crying, he still couldn't believe that he is capable of doing all he just heard him confess to.He managed to walk into his closet, to hide his tears from his men. While alone, he broke down as he flashed back to when they were growing up, how he always protected Edward, he was always too scared of his peers and too scared to hurt anyone, which was one of the reasons he took it on himself to take care of him, because, since he was already born into a wealthy family, he was giving him financial support. He remembered a time, when he found Edward alone, after being bullied by some other rich kid to
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