All Chapters of The Rejected Lone Wolf: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
76 Chapters
BLOOM’S POVThe moment Steph, Kelvin, and Caleb saw me, they each shook their heads at Ray who stopped talking immediately, and clenched his hands in a fist, and turned around to face me.So as not to not make things awkward, I didn’t give any indication that I had heard them, but smiled in greeting and said hi. I gave a hug to Steph and got a belly rub in return, then a side hug for the rest of the men because I wasn’t comfortable fully hugging them. “Thanks for waiting for me. I took a little time because I couldn’t decide what to wear,” I said to Ray, and his eyes scanned my clothes.“I think you did well with that.” I blushed at the appreciation in his voice. “You look really good,” Steph said. “Tell me, what did you do with that horrible turtleneck?” An awkward silence followed after Steph’s question. “I mean,” she laughed nervously, “where did you find those leggings? They’re to die for.” “‘They’re to die for.’” I laughed when Caleb started to mimic her. “In my wardrobe,”
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BLOOM’S POV“I don’t remember you,” I said, and he roared with laughter, sounding like this was entertaining to him. “Well, I remember you. You’re the one Stephan rejected,” Leo said. A flash of that moment replayed in my head, and I felt a wave of fear rush through me, but I immediately subdued it. I wasn’t going to be that scared girl anymore. Then with a smirk, I said, “Oh well, it’s his loss. My mate is better than he is in so many ways.” “How would you know? Did you do Stephan and then Grey?” He asked, a leer on his face. I rolled my eyes. I walked towards my mate, swinging my hugs slightly but obviously. Standing beside Grey, I wrapped my hand around his right arm. “That’s very disgusting and uncouth of you, but again, I’m not surprised. What else would one expect from the ruler of the rogue wolves?” It was obvious by the sneer on his face that my words bothered him. “Looks like you’ve met the love of your life, Gray. She has a sharp tongue like you do. Or maybe it’s al
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BLOOM’S POV“I was defending you, but let’s put that aside. Are we throwing blame now? Then let’s talk about what you were doing there in the first place. Ray and Rich said you were expressly told not to come near that area, and to stay in your fucking room, so tell me. Defend yourself. Let’s hear your excuse.” Grey had a fierce look on his face and I took a step backward. He didn’t notice this as he was too blind with anger to realize that he was scaring me. “I don’t have to explain myself to you, Grey. Remember, you said I shouldn’t cross your path?” He scoffed. “So you avoided me and walked right into danger. I had to kill someone now.” I shrugged. “That’s on you. He attacked you because you pummeled him into the ground.” “Look, I don’t want to argue,” he began, and I chuckled. “Of course, you don’t because you’re not winning the argument. Look, I just want to lie down. Seeing all that blood made me queasy.” Then I started to leave, but he grabbed my wrist hard. “Where are y
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BLOOM’S POVI avoided my mate for the rest of the day. Why? Simple. It was because even though I promised Tina—Mum—that I was going to try to work things out with Grey, I wasn’t prepared to see him, and he also didn’t come to find me. Instead, Ray did. Tina told me to take a walk in the garden at the back of the house. I hadn’t even known it was there, but she said it would be good for me and the baby, as well as some other things that I forgot about as soon as I heard them. The only thing I registered was that it would be a good way to digest the food I had three servings of. When I got to the garden, it was a nice change of scenery, so I walked around like Tina suggested, sniffing the flowers, and picking some. I made a mental note to ask Tina for a vase. As I got tired of walking, I sat down on the bench in the middle of the garden, fiddling with flowers I picked as I thought of what my future would be like with Grey. He was violent and impulsive, but he said he wouldn’t hit me,
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BLOOM’S POVI faced him and growled, feeling my wolf coming to the surface. “And you, if you accuse me of anything dirty or immoral again, I will slap you so hard, my wrist will break. Not only that, but, you’ll have to wear a cast on your neck from how hard it will turn. Do you understand?”Maybe it was my words, or the fact that I wasn’t my usual meek self, but seeing the shock on his face was so satisfying. “You accuse me every day of immoral things, calling Ray my lover, telling me to go and spread my legs for him, telling me to never show myself in front of you and all that nonsense. I find it disgusting that you’d think of me like that without even getting to know the type of woman I am.”He opened his mouth to speak, but I raised my hand and shut him up.“You don’t get to say a word until I’m done talking. You came here to run your mouth, so I’m sure you know everything about me. I know your pride and ego will not let you rest until you’ve investigated me and found out even th
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BLOOM’S POVIt had been a month since that encounter with Grey. The day when I screamed out my lungs at him, then helped him with his nightmare. He woke me up the next day after I fell asleep, and as usual, kicked me out of his room. I wasn’t offended because I was starting to figure out that he was wired like that, and all I had to do was rewire him. The first step to doing that was helping him sleep better at night. The nights I didn’t hear screams were the nights that he worked all night long.It had become a ritual to sneak into his room at night, comfort him during the nightmares, and then leave before the sun was up. It affected my sleep cycle but anything for the father of my child, but really, I was doing it because I promised Tina I would. After getting up in the morning, I’d go for my training, wear myself out, then repeat it again the next day. I was getting stronger so I didn’t mind it. At first, things were awkward between Ray and I, but I didn’t want to change instruc
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GREY’S POVSomething was wrong. Something was wrong, but I couldn’t put a finger on what. I wasn’t sure what it was until a guard made a mistake, and instead of chewing him out like I usually would do, I let him go. Then I realized it was because I slept better. Normally I didn’t sleep well, and that made me antsy and irritated throughout the whole day. I’d scream at people and make them wish the ground would open up and swallow them, but now I just let it go and continued with my day. I went to meet Tina. “Have you been adding a new medication to my meals to help me sleep better?” There was a smile on her face, but she said she hadn’t. So what was it? I pushed it to the back of my mind, but secretly, I was happy that I could sleep better now, and although the nightmares came, they didn’t stay for long. After a minute or two, they were gone, unlike before when they kept me away until the sun came up. Then we got attacked and my mate proved to me that she could’ve killed me if sh
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BLOOM’S POVSurprisingly, I was happy. I hadn’t expected Grey to come see me at the gym. I thought it was a lie to get me into his bed. Not sexually, but to help him to sleep better. “Is that Grey? No, right?” Ray asked with a tone of disbelief. “Of course, it’s him, silly,” I replied and heard Grey laugh at that which was interesting. I didn’t think I had heard him laugh that loud before. “I think we have to reduce your training,” Ray said suddenly, and I looked at him, surprised. “Why? I don’t think I’ve learned all I need to.” He nodded in agreement with my statement, and explained, “You’re right. You still have a long way to go, but I didn’t say we would stop, just reduce it. You’re getting bigger and it’ll be dangerous to continue at the pace we’ve been going.” I let out a breath. Ray was right. “Thank you for all you’ve done, Ray,” I said sincerely, and stretched my arms wide, “Hug?” He laughed but came closer to hug me.When I got back to my room, I entered the bathroom
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GREY’S POVI stood at my office window and watched as Kate alighted the car with Grey. Normally, I would have done nothing and let my brother fight his battles himself as I had always done, but Bloom wanted to do something, and I was now realizing that there was no way I could say no to her. Not when she looked like it was her duty to save others, which she did with me. She saved me and I knew now that she was too good for me. I walked to my desk and opened the drawer to reveal a pretty necklace box. The more I watched her, the more I wanted to shower her with gifts and adorn her with the finest things. She deserved it. For bringing me out of the pit, she really did, so if solving the problem between my brother and his mate made her happy, I would do it. I liked it when she looked at me with eyes that called her hero. I came out of my office with the intention of finding either my brother or his mate and having a talk with them, when I saw my brother going downstairs. “Richmond,” I
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BLOOM’S POVI wasn’t familiar with the voice but I felt my mate’s body language. He was wound tight like he was about to spring up and pounce on a prey. He moved in front of me and blocked my view of the visitor. Looking out from behind Grey, I saw two people, not one like I expected to see, and they turned out to be familiar faces. One was my former mate, the one who had contributed to my trauma in not a not so little way. And the other was the bane of my existence. Cecily.“What the fuck are you doing here?” My mate growled, and I clenched my fist so hard my nail pierced into my skin. “Bloom, so nice to see you,” Cecily greeted in a fake sweet voice and an even faker smile. I blanked my face, and looked at Cecily long enough to make her uncomfortable before speaking, “I can’t say the same about you,” watching with satisfaction as the smile fell off her face. If I wasn’t trying to maintain a cool appearance, I would have laughed. She must have thought I was still the same girl sh
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