All Chapters of The Cursed Alpha King And His Luna: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
111 Chapters
Chapter 31
Chapter 31The fancy restaurant buzzed with conversation and soft jazz music playing in the background. Myra sat gracefully at a table draped in white linen, her dark curls cascading elegantly over her shoulders. Across from her was James, a handsome man with a warm smile that made her heart flutter."So, James, tell me more about your recent trip to Europe. I'm curious to hear about all the amazing sights you saw." " It was incredible, Myra. I visited so many beautiful places—Paris, Rome, Barcelona. The architecture, the art, the food... everything was simply breathtaking. I wish you could have been there with me.As they engaged in lighthearted banter, their laughter filled the air, drawing the occasional glance from other patrons. Everything seemed perfect until she caught a familiar scent drifting through the air, tangling with the fragrant aroma of the delectable cuisine. It was the scent she knew all too well—Aeron.Her eyes widened as she turned her head and spotted Aeron st
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Chapter 32
Chapter 32Aeron walked aimlessly past the vibrant amusement park, his gaze fixed on the joyful scenes of families playing and laughing together. He paused for a moment and allowed his gaze to linger on a particular family—a mother and father cheerfully pushing their giggling children on the swings. The carefree atmosphere tugged at something deep within him, a sensation foreign to his own upbringing.He couldn't help but feel a pang of longing deep within his heart. It seemed like a world he didn't understand, a world that had always been out of his reach.As he watched mothers pushing swings, fathers tossing their children into the air, and the sound of children's laughter echoing in the air, he couldn't help but be reminded of his own upbringing. The realization struck Aeron with a pang of sadness—he had never experienced the simple, genuine happiness he witnessed before him. His father, consumed by his thirst for power and dominance, had shown Aeron only the harsh, unyielding sid
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Chapter 33
Chapter 33"I am not going to apologize," Aeron defiantly stated, crossing his arms over his chest.Myra looked at him with a stern expression. "Yes, you are."Aeron scowled, his frustration evident in his voice. "What am I apologizing for? He had it coming.""He's hurt, Aeron," Myra responded firmly. "You hurt him."Aeron's eyes narrowed, resentment brewing within him. "He deserved it." The bitterness in his voice was palpable.Myra's voice rose with a mix of anger and exasperation. "Aeron!""I will not apologize—" Aeron began, but his sentence was abruptly interrupted by the sound of the doorbell.The unexpected ring of the doorbell caused a temporary pause in the heated conversation. Aeron looked at myra questioningly. "No! You did not!" "Yes, I did and you better apologise."As Myra opened the door, Augustine stood before them, his face contorted in pain. Plaster adorned his cheek, and a wrap secured his injured arm. Upon seeing Augustine's condition, Aeron rolled his eyes and l
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Chapter 34
Chapter 34In the dimly lit laboratory, Augustine stood before a table cluttered with various scientific equipment, his eyes wide with a mix of excitement and madness. Beakers and vials containing strange liquids and powders adorned the workspace, their contents a culmination of Augustine's relentless research and experimentation. With trembling hands, he meticulously added the final ingredients to the formula he had been developing for months."This is it!" Augustine muttered, his voice filled with fervent conviction. "This formula will work, it has to," Augustine whispered to the empty room, his voice filled with a mix of excitement and desperation.His mind raced with thoughts of extraordinary power and dominance, convinced that this formula would undoubtedly work. His gaze intensified, a maniacal glimmer reflecting off his eyes.He kept a 24/7 surveillance on Myra so he knew she had gone out to the spa and did not waste the opportunity to strike. Since she was out of the way, the
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Chapter 35
Chapter 35The tension in the room was palpable as Myra's brows furrowed in confusion. She turned her gaze to Aeron, her voice laced with skepticism, and asked, "What do you mean by 'wrong vibes'? Can you please explain?"Aeron stumbled over his words, struggling to find the right way to articulate his concerns. Finally, he managed to say, "Lately, I've been getting these strange feelings about Augustine. It's hard to explain, but his body language and actions have been appearing suspicious to me."Myra's glare intensified, her confusion giving way to frustration. She crossed her arms and retorted, "Aeron, I think you're just projecting your own alpha instincts onto Augustine. You naturally find it difficult to trust people easily."Aeron shook his head, desperate to make Myra understand. "No, it's not just that," he insisted. "Augustine has been constantly asking me about my powers whenever he gets the chance. It's been bothering me."Attempting to defend Augustine, Myra countered, "
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Chapter 36
Chapter 36As Myra lay peacefully asleep, the soft glow of morning light began to filter through the curtains, casting a gentle warmth upon the room. The serenity of her slumber was abruptly interrupted as the shrill sound of the doorbell echoed through the house, shattering the quietude. Groggily, Myra stirred, her eyes fluttering open as she reluctantly rose from her comfortable cocoon of blankets.Rubbing her eyes, Myra checked the time on her bedside clock, her brows furrowing in confusion. It was only 4:30 in the morning; whoever could be at the door at this hour? Curiosity piqued, she silently made her way towards the door, careful not to wake the slumbering toddler in the adjacent room.Pressing her eye to the small spy hole, Myra's gaze fell upon Aeron, standing on the other side of the threshold. Her groan escaped her lips before she could stifle it. Opening the door, she greeted him with a mixture of annoyance and surprise. "Aeron, what on earth are you doing here this early
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Chapter 37
Chapter 37Myra glanced at her reflection in the rearview mirror, hastily adjusting her sleek, dark hair, a radiant smile gracing her lips. Clad in a smart blazer and a pencil skirt, she exuded confidence and grace as she maneuvered the car through the bustling morning traffic. Aeron sat by her side, looking dapper in a tailored suit, his vibrant blue eyes filled with warmth as they exchanged lighthearted banter.In the backseat, baby Allistar was secured in her car seat, her soft coos filling the air. Her chubby cheeks dimpled as she babbled, as if in perfect harmony with the laughter of his parents. Aeron couldn't help but be captivated by Allistar's infectious joy, feeling an overwhelming sense of love and protection for his little family."Oh please myra." He said rolling his eyes. "You couldn't beat me even if you train for a whole year!" Myra's laughter bubbled forth, filling the car with its melodic tone. "well that'll make you a bad trainer, wouldn't it?.""Nope! It'll just m
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Chapter 38
Chapter 38Augustine sat alone in a dimly lit room, the faint glow of a dull bulb casting long shadows across the walls. As he stared intently at the monitor in front of him, unblinking-his expression remained inscrutable. The anticipation in the air was almost palpable, as if the room itself held its breath.Suddenly, a torrent of anger and rage surged through Augustine. In a fit of frustration, he erupted into a deafening scream, his voice reverberating off the walls. His emotions overwhelmed him, and he lashed out, kicking the nearby chair and slamming his fist against the cold, unforgiving wall."BLOODY BASTARD! Ohhhhh you're lucky to not be here with me. I'd take you apart and fix you then take you apart all over again." He had assigned someone to watch Myra, cunningly using the nanny he had gotten for her as the middleman, ensuring his involvement remained hidden. He had given the man a small pill, disguising it as a harmless supplement. Unknown to the man, the pill contained b
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Chapter 39
Chapter 39Aeron gazed at Myra with a mischievous glimmer in his eyes as he held up a silky black blindfold. "Are you ready for today's training session?" he asked, a playful smirk playing on his lips.Myra raised an eyebrow, a mix of curiosity and anticipation filling her expression. "What kind of training are we talking about?" she inquired, a hint of amusement in her voice.Aeron chuckled, his fingers gently brushing against the fabric of the blindfold. "Trust and awareness," he responded cryptically. "I want to test your ability to listen and attack based solely on your instincts."Intrigued, Myra nodded, her mind open to the challenge. "Alright, I'm game. Tell me what I need to do."Aeron motioned for her to stand in the center of the room. "Close your eyes, and I'll blindfold you," he instructed. Myra complied, feeling a sense of heightened awareness as the darkness engulfed her vision."Now," Aeron's voice resonated in her ears, filled with gentle authority, "I want you to loca
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Chapter 40
Chapter 40Aeron walked briskly down the street, a grin etched upon his face. He felt a surge of exhilaration, a childlike glee that bubbled up within him like a freshly uncorked bottle of fizzy drink. He couldn't quite pinpoint the exact reason for his elation, but he didn't care. Maybe it was because Myra had been showing him more affection lately, making him feel wanted and loved. Maybe it was the way baby Allistar would giggle and reach out for him whenever he approached. Or perhaps it was the sense of accomplishment he had been inching closer to in his goal, the feeling of progress. Whatever the cause, it didn't matter to Aeron. The emotions coursing through him were intoxicating, and he reveled in them.As he turned a corner, his eyes widened at the sight of two men standing in the middle of the path. They were dressed entirely in black, their faces concealed by shadow. Aeron's elation quickly dissipated, replaced by a cautious wariness. He knew better than to underestimate stra
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