All Chapters of The Cursed Alpha King And His Luna: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
111 Chapters
Chapter 81
Chapter 81The shabby cabin stood alone in the deserted outskirts of the kingdom, its worn-out wooden planks unable to hide the secrets that lingered within. The night was cast in shadow, a cloak of darkness that seemed to wrap itself around the figure standing just outside. Their presence was enigmatic, a silent observer of the world around them. The sound of footsteps echoed as Aeron departed, leaving behind an air of tension in their wake. It was then that the figure, slowly and deliberately, stepped forward towards the cabin, and with a swift motion, removed their cloak.Pelenore, consumed by his task, barely glanced up, his voice laced with contempt as he spoke. "Baron? What brings you here?" His eyes remained focused on the task at hand, his hands skillfully arranging the potions on the crude wooden table."Father!" Baron's voice rang out, brimming with anger. Pelenore finally looked up, his gaze meeting the piercing eyes of his estranged son. There was a flicker of disappointme
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Chapter 82
Chapter 82As Baron paced around in Oswald's chamber, his mind was racing with worry. He had just returned from seeing his father, and the conversation had left him feeling uneasy. Oswald, who was sitting at his desk, looked up at Baron and finally spoke up. "Baron, will you stop pacing and tell me what the problem is? You're making me anxious with all this back and forth."Baron stopped and turned to face Oswald. "Your Majesty, I'm just returning from seeing my father," he began. "And something he said has me worried."Oswald's expression softened as he leaned back in his chair. "What did he say that has you so concerned, Baron?"Baron sighed heavily and ran a hand through his hair. "I saw Aeron coming out from my father's cabin," he confessed.Oswald's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Aeron? What was he doing with your father?""I confronted my father about it," Baron continued. "And he told me that Aeron came to ask for his help."Oswald let out a shaky laugh. "Surely your father ref
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Chapter 83
Chapter 83Simon handed Myra a cup of steaming hot coffee, which she accepted gratefully. Her tired eyes showed the weight of sleepless nights that had taken their toll on her. He settled down next to her, concern etched across his face."Why didn't you scream, Myra?" Simon asked softly, his voice filled with worry. "The neighbors might have heard and come to your rescue."Myra sighed, her gaze fixed on the steam rising from the cup in her hands. "I didn't have the chance, Simon. The burglar knocked me out before I could react."Simon's regret was evident as he replied, "If I had known, I wouldn't have gone for that meeting. I would have been here to protect you."Myra placed a hand on his knee, reassuringly. "Don't beat yourself up about it, Simon. I'm fine. It's just a traumatic experience."Simon's concern deepened as he inquired, "Did the burglar take anything?"Myra hesitated, her thoughts briefly drifting to the harrowing details of the attack. She decided against divulging thos
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Chapter 84
Chapter 84As the sun slowly set over the horizon, casting a warm glow over the room, Simon and Myra stood in her bedroom surrounded by boxes and suitcases. There was a heaviness in the air, a mix of sadness and uncertainty, as they worked methodically together, carefully folding each piece of clothing and placing it in its respective container.Simon looked at Myra, his eyes filled with genuine sadness and concern. "Do you really have to go? Myra, you don't have to go," he murmured softly, his voice barely a whisper. "I can protect you. I'll do anything to keep you safe. Just stay."Myra paused, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. She reached out, touching Simon's arm gently. "I know, Simon. I know how much you care, how much you want to protect me. But for how long? What happens when you're not here? I need to feel safe, and it's only back home that I can truly find that peace."Simon sighed and nodded, understanding Myra's sentiment. With a heavy heart, they continue
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Chapter 85
Chapter 85The dimly lit cave felt endless as Pelenore and Aeron navigated through the winding tunnels and treacherous passages. The walls were made of jagged rocks that glowed with an eerie blue light, casting strange shadows along their path. The air was thick with dampness, and the sound of dripping water echoed through the labyrinth.Aeron's breathing grew heavy, his footsteps becoming slower and more labored with each passing minute. He looked up at Pelenore, his mentor and guide, with exhaustion etched onto his face. "Father, when do we get there?" he called out, hoping for a ray of hope to lighten his burden.But instead of the comforting response he had anticipated, Pelenore's voice dripped with a coldness that pierced his heart. "You have lost the right to address me as father," he snapped. "You must earn it back. So for now, it's Great Wizard or Pelenore to you."Aeron's hurt cut through him like a sharp blade, but he remained silent. Deep down, he believed that maybe he did
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Chapter 86
Chapter 86In the grand throne room of the castle, the morning sun cast dancing shadows on the walls, illuminating the opulence that surrounded them. Baron and Oswald stood at the back of the room, their voices barely above a whisper as they engaged in hushed conversation. It was a somber exchange, their faces fraught with concern.As they spoke, the heavy wooden doors creaked open, and a figure slowly emerged, her hand clasping the tiny hand of a one-year-old baby named Allistar. Myra, dressed in a flowing gown that cascaded to the floor, walked into the room, a gentle smile planted upon her lips. Allistar's wide, curious eyes scanned the room, taking in the intricate tapestries and towering statues.Occasionally, Allistar would tap Myra's arm, pointing to a particularly grand statue, and Myra would respond with a wry comment or a playful remark, causing laughter to bubble from the child's mouth. Their presence added an air of innocence and joy to the otherwise tense atmosphere.As M
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Chapter 87
Chapter 87Aeron paced back and forth in front of Pelenore, his emotions a volatile mix of anger, desperation, and disbelief. He couldn't believe that he had come to Pelenore for help, only to be met with indifference. The room was tense, the air thick with pent-up frustration.Finally, Aeron stopped in his tracks and turned to face Pelenore directly. The words came out in a rush, his voice trembling with intense emotion. "Are you trying to help me or punish me?" he yelled. Pelenore, who had been nonchalantly focused on his potion-making, finally looked up, his expression unreadable. "I don't understand what you mean, Aeron," he replied calmly.Aeron's frustration grew, and he ran a hand through his hair in exasperation. "I came to you for help," he said, his voice tinged with desperation.Pelenore continued to focus on the potion he was making, seemingly unfazed by Aeron's outburst. He finally looked up, a faint crease lining his forehead. "I still don't understand what you mean," h
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Chapter 88
Chapter 88Myra and Oswald sat together at the grand dining hall of the palace, enjoying a rare moment of tranquility amidst the flurry of their busy lives. The soft glow of the candles cast a warm light over the hall, casting dancing shadows against the walls. The aroma of a sumptuous feast filled the air as servants bustled around, attending to their every need.As they ate, Myra and Oswald engaged in a lighthearted conversation, the strains of their laughter mingling with the tinkling of silverware. The topics meandered from polite inquiries about Myra's experiences in the human world to curious questions about the intricacies of human life. Oswald listened intently, his eyes crinkling with unspoken emotions as he watched Myra recount her tales with animated gestures.Unknown to them, a dark figure moved with stealth and precision outside the palace walls. Aeron, consumed by a singular purpose, had launched a one-man coup and was already executing his plan. He moved with silent pu
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Chapter 89
Chapter 89Aeron's heart felt heavy as he walked into Pelenore's cabin, his steps slow and hesitant. He looked worn, his face pale and stained with tears. Pelenore, sitting at his desk, glanced up at Aeron but said nothing. He didn't even acknowledge Aeron's obvious distress.Aeron couldn't take the silence any longer. "You knew, didn't you?" he asked softly, his voice carrying the weight of betrayal. "You knew they had Myra, that's why you asked me to let her go, isn't it?"Pelenore remained unresponsive, his gaze fixed on the documents spread out before him.Unable to bear the tension any longer, Aeron sank to the floor, his back against the wall. Emotion overwhelmed him, and he vented his frustrations. "Why did they have to bring Myra into this? She has nothing to do with it! She's innocent!"Pelenore finally broke his silence, his voice calm and unmatched by the turmoil in Aeron's heart. "It is because they know she's your weakness," he said matter-of-factly.Looking up at Pelenor
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Chapter 90
Chapter 90Myra, her face flushed with anger, stormed back to the palace. The once beautiful nature and joyful laughter around her now seemed to hold no pleasure. She muttered to herself in disbelief about Aeron's accusation. How could he say something like that? Oswald being wicked, Augustine being a scientist, and Augustine wanting to kill Alistar? It was all too much for Myra to comprehend.In frustration, she kicked a stone, only to hurt her toe. Exclaiming, "Fuck!" she inadvertently made Alistar cry. Myra, now torn between irritation and guilt, petted Alistar as she took deep breaths to calm her nerves. If she had known this was the nonsense Aeron wanted to tell her, she would never have agreed to meet him.She finally arrived at the palace and as she entered, she noticed three figures engaged in a secretive conversation. Baron and Oswald were there, but Myra couldn't get a clear view of the third person as they were cloaked. Curiosity got the better of her, and she quietly tipto
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